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Unit IB Qu est Review

Unit IB Qu est Review. Q : Emperor Constantine would legalize and convert to Christianity is the reason A: Christianity would spread Q: Exchange of goods and ideas A: Cultural diffusion Q: Indian classical language A: Sanskrit

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Unit IB Qu est Review

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  1. Unit IB Quest Review

  2. Q: Emperor Constantine would legalize and convert to Christianity is the reason • A: Christianity would spread • Q: Exchange of goods and ideas • A: Cultural diffusion • Q: Indian classical language • A: Sanskrit • Q: Christians were seen as a threat because the refused to • A: Worship the emperor

  3. Q: Would help spread Hellenistic Greek culture • A: Alexander the Great • Q: Advantage of Rome’s location • A: Trade via the Mediterranean Sea • Q: Euclid came up with • A: The basic concepts of geometry • Q: What would prevent the growth of Greece (geographically) • A: Greece is made up of islands

  4. Q: Hindus believe that all life is • A: Sacred • Q: Pax Romana (dates) • A: 31 BCE – 180 AD • Q: No trade, no farming, no new ideas, no cultural diffusion during this time • A: Dark Age of Greece • Q: Aristarchus • A: Came up with the theory that the sun is in the center of the universe • Q: “Puppets on the strings of desire” • A: Marcus Aurelius

  5. Q: Persecuted and blamed for almost every problem in the Roman empire • A: Christians • Q: Chinese peace known as • A: Pax Sinica • Q: Pre-Greek civilization that absorbed the Minoan civilization • A: Mycenaean • Q: “Truth is different in an for each individual” is the characteristics of what Greek wise men • A: Sophists • Q: Loving others was a teaching of • A: Jesus of Nazareth

  6. Q: Greek civilization that was geared toward the state • A: Sparta • Q: Punic war was between • A: Rome and Carthage • Q: Law would be the Greeks most • A: Significant contribution to Western Civilization • Q: Eastern part of the empire after Rome split • A: Byzantine Empire • Q: Center of spiritual life in Athens • A: Parthenon

  7. Q: Characteristics of Pax Romana • A: Stability, peace, public works, trade • Q: Emperor who ended Christian persecution • A: Constantine • Q: Example of Roman technology and a symbol of its power • A: The coliseum • Q: Paterfamilias • A: Male is the head of the household • Q: Most popular religion in Greece and Rome • A: Cult if Isis

  8. Q: The basis political unit in Greece • A: Polis • Q: Not one single thing but a number of things over a long period of time • A: Fall of Rome • Q: Significance of Doric columns and Greek architecture • A: Earthquake proofing • Q: “The son of God” • A: Jesus Christ

  9. Q: Disciple who helped the spread of Christianity after Jesus’ crucifixion • A: Peter • Q: Main problem with knowing about Jesus’ life was that it was written • A: In the Bible decades after Jesus’ death • Q: Children honor their parents, rulers should set the example are characteristics of what Asian philosophy • A: Confucianism • Q: Having a voice in government was valued by what Greek civilization • A: Athens

  10. Q: If the Roman emperor was seen to be weak, they could be easily removed by • A: The army • Q: Gifted politician, carried reforms to ordinary people, seized power through a civil war and appointed himself dictator for life • A: Julius Caesar • Q: Christianity appealed and spread to what group of people • A: The lower classes • Q: Heavily armed Greek soldier • A: Hoplite

  11. Q: Most influential group in the development of Rome • A: The Greeks • Q: The result of the Neolithic Revolution • A: Civilizations developed • Q: Shi Huangdi (What dynasty) • A: Qin Dynasty

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