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C haracters

C haracters. By: Caroline Schilller. Ivy Vega.

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C haracters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Characters By: Caroline Schilller

  2. Ivy Vega Olivia did not know about Ivy before she came to Franklin Grove. Olivia bumped into Ivy. Olivia and Ivy didn't notice anything about each other, until in their science class, they found out they had the same ring from their parents, and figured out they were twins. After they figured it out, Olivia and Ivy became very close, even though Ivy was a vampire and their personalities were complete opposites. The twins had fun switching places lots of the time. The girls often rely on each other and switching to get out of icky situations.

  3. Sophia Hewitt Sophia Hewitt is Ivy's best friend Olivia became close to Sophia after realizing Ivy was her twin. Sophia was also the only other person to know she and Ivy were twins before they told Brendan, Ivy's boyfriend. Sophia was also one of the members of Operation FANGED (Friends Against Needlessly Going to Europe in December), trying to help stop Charles Vega from moving to Europe.

  4. Brendan Daniels Olivia was good friends with Brendan, as he was dating her sister. Brendan did not know Ivy had a twin before they told him, after catching Ivy calling Olivia, Olivia when they had switched. Brendan was the only male member of Operation FANGED to try to stop Charles Vega taking Ivy to Europe with him.

  5. Olivia Abbot Olivia is an 8th grader at Franklin Grove Middle School. She is a cheerleader for the Franklin Grove Devils. Olivia is known to be very perky, bright, talented, and popular, thanks to all the publicity her and her sister Ivy get for being long-lost identical twins. She is a human, and is the complete opposite of her goth, vampire and black-clad but stylish sister Ivy. Olivia is also a vegetarian. While Ivy hates attention, Olivia doesn't mind it at all! when a kid from their school publishes a story about the sisters in the school newspaper and they become super popular in Franklin Grove.

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