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2012-2013 E conomics Society

2012-2013 E conomics Society. STTSS. Objectives.

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2012-2013 E conomics Society

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  1. 2012-2013Economics Society STTSS

  2. Objectives • Economics Society (ES) aims to enhance students‘ interest in economics and provide opportunities for students to acquire knowledge of economics. ES offers members an intellectually stimulating environment to learn economics and organizes events,such as STTSS School Business Program, to promote students’ economics learning. • 經濟學會設立的目的,主要是發展學生對經濟學的興趣,並提供機會讓學生從課外活動中獲得經濟知識。經濟學會將舉辦不同類型活動,例如沙崇營商體驗計劃,讓學生了解生活中與經濟有關的議題,提升學生的思考能力。

  3. Every Thursday 1:15 – 2:00pm • Venue: Room 3-14 • Teacher-in-charge: Ms. KM Pun

  4. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society “It was my honor to be the chairman of the Economics society this year, the experience broaden my horizon. We learned a variety of knowledge which cannot be found in textbooks… I need to prepare presentations for our members, it was a fascinating tasks and learned how to communicate with others and courageous is the key to success. It was really an unforgettable experience!” – Jason Li

  5. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society “Through this year of being a committee member of Economics Society, I learned how committee members prepare for the activities, such as planning and buying gifts. I also came to view that Economics is something which transcends money concerns and is actually an interesting subject in daily life. I think Economics society can reinforce its talks to a lager scale(e.g. whole school) since Ms Pun your "lectures" are indeed popular to many students.” – Fung Ping Hang

  6. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society “I've learnt to organize various activities and games which are suitable and related to economics for our members. It gives me opportunity to strengthen my knowledge. Also, cooperating with other committee members is really interesting and beneficial.” – Ellison Leung

  7. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society “能成為新成立的經濟學會的幹事實在令我得益不少,在策劃與參與的過程中不但學懂更多的經濟知識,更學會了團隊合作。而且,經濟學會的活動有趣,能融合經濟與生活,把課本的文字化成日常例子,大大提升了我對經濟的興趣及理解,實是獲益良多。” – Sindy Choi

  8. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society "It is a memorable experience to organize and take part in the activities of the Economics Society. I can have a deeper thought in the subject of economics and have a greater exposure in different aspect in economics.“ – Timothy Yu

  9. After-thoughts of committee members of Economics Society ‘透過營商體驗計劃,我們學習到如何與人合作,由於公司人數少,工作量多,分工合作變得更為重要,良好的溝通仍是加快處理問題的良方。 本活動建立了我們在時間管理、資金運用方面的概念,由於只有約2-3個月的時間籌備,時間相對較緊逼,組員只好硬著頭皮應付。’Lee Chit Ngai

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