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Tornado/Flood May 2010 Tabletop

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    2. Tornado/Flood May 2010 Tabletop & Drill Exercise May, 2010

    3. Purpose of the Exercise The purpose of this exercise is to provide participants an opportunity to evaluate current response concepts, plans, and capabilities for a response to a natural disaster in Kansas. The exercise will focus on hospital command and control coordination, critical decisions and notifications. The role of public information strategies will be critical to the overall response effort.

    4. Scope of the Exercise This exercise emphasizes the role of the hospital incident command system in response to a natural disaster.

    5. Objectives of the Exercise Validate KDHE’s ability to: Implement ICS & establish the command structure Develop an incident action plan prior to the second operational period Develop a crisis & emergency risk communications message to the media, public, partners & key stakeholders

    6. Objectives of the Exercise Validate KDHE’s ability to identify the necessary plans, policies &/or procedures to: Implement and support communications interoperability. Manage medical surge in response to a tornado/flood event. Manage facility evacuation and/or shelter-in-place in response to a tornado/flood event.

    7. Participants Players- respond to the situation presented based on expert knowledge of response procedures, current plans & procedures & insights derived from training. Observers- support the group in developing responses to the situation during the discussion; however, they are not participants in the moderated discussion period.

    8. Participants Facilitators- provide situation updates & moderate discussions. They also provide additional information or resolve questions as required. Key planning committee members may also assist with facilitation as subject matter experts (SME’s) during the tabletop exercise.

    9. Participants Evaluators- are assigned to observe & evaluate certain objectives during the exercise. Their primary role is to document players’ discussions, including how & if those discussions conform to written & established procedures.

    10. Exercise Structure Multimedia, facilitated tabletop exercise. Players will participate in the following 3 distinct modules: Module 1: Incident notification Module 2: Initial Response Module 3: Ongoing Operations

    11. Exercise Structure Each module begins with a multimedia update that summarizes the key events occurring within that time period. Following the updates, participants review the situation & engage in functional group discussions of appropriate response issues.

    12. Exercise Guidelines This is an open, low-stress, no-fault environment. Varying viewpoints, even disagreements are expected. Agree to disagree. Respond on your knowledge of current plans & capabilities (you may use only existing assets) & insights derived from training.

    13. Exercise Guidelines Decisions are not precedent setting & may not reflect your organizations final position n a given issue. Issue identification is not as valuable as suggestions & recommended actions that could improve response & preparedness efforts. Problem-solving efforts should be the focus.

    14. Assumptions & Artificialities The scenario is plausible & events occur as they are presented. There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions. All players receive information at the same time. In any exercise a number of assumptions & artificialities may be necessary. During this exercise, the following apply:In any exercise a number of assumptions & artificialities may be necessary. During this exercise, the following apply:

    15. Module I: Incident Notification

    16. It’s December in Kansas. It’s a cold, cloudy night. Nighttime temperatures are hovering around 15 degrees. It’s 9:46 on a Saturday evening. State basketball tournaments have been wrapping up through the end of this week.

    17. In the small town of Eudora, the excitement is electrifying as the girls’ basketball team makes the State Tournament in the first time since 1991. The entire community is in full support and fervor of the newly re-energized girls’ basketball team. Community pep buses, sponsored by the local 4-H club, follow the team to every event.

    18. It’s an average Saturday evening at the hospital. Christmas is in the air as people continue to wind down from their Thanksgiving festivities. The DON has her annual concern of vacation coverage during this hectic holiday season.

    19. Your hospital is running at about 90% ADC. Staffing is down, according to the following chart: See Situation Manual EMS is also running on reduced staffing. Your community only has 75% of its ambulances available.

    20. As the convoy of vehicles and community pep buses was heading home from a ghastly defeat at the semi-final game, they were stopped at a railroad crossing. Casey Jones, the train driver, failed to slow when approaching the crossing which causes the train to derail at the intersection striking the first two buses sitting at the gate arms.

    21. The 9-1-1 switchboard in your county is being overwhelmed with incoming calls from the bus convoy. Phone reports indicate that many persons are injured and that one bus is on fire. EMS, sheriff’s deputies, and fire are all immediately dispatched to the scene.

    22. Moderated Discussion (Facilitator & Players, refer to your Situation Manual for questions)

    23. Module I: Key Issues Your hospital is running at about 93% Average Daily Census EMS is also running on reduced staffing & 75% of its ambulances are available A train derails and strikes one of two busses waiting at the gate arms Many are injured and one bus is on fire

    24. Module II: Initial Response

    25. “K-41 to all listening units, we are on scene and have established command 100 yards south of the accident…. Approximately 2 dozen injuries in sight. One bus fully involved in fire, one overturned…. Unknown fatalities…. EMS and fire on scene. Requesting all units, please respond.”

    26. EMS has called the ED of your facility to inform you of the incident with a possibility of 30 patients. Aero medical services are not available due to a low ceiling.

    27. Three EMS units arrive at the ED carrying 5 pediatric patients and one adult. All are triaged “red”. Four individuals have obvious burn injuries to the face and arms. Refer to your Situation Manual

    28. “K-41 to all units, made contact with the train engineer and have Conlist. Train was not carrying hazardous materials.”

    29. Moderated Discussion Facilitator & Players, refer to your Situation Manual for questions & tasks to be completed

    30. Module II: Key Issues Notified of the possibility of 30 patients Aero medical services are not available due to a low ceiling EMS units have arrived at the ED carrying 5 pediatric patients and 1 adult all with burn injuries All patients are triaged “red” by EMS

    31. Module III

    32. After the radio message, another ambulance arrives with two patients from the overturned bus. Refer to your Situation Manual

    33. One year old patient succumbs to his wounds.

    34. Moderated Discussion Facilitator & Players, refer to your Situation Manual for questions & tasks to be completed

    35. Module III: Key Issues 2 additional patients arrive without burn injuries Patient 2, 1 year old, succumbs to his wounds

    36. Exercise Scenario Concluded

    37. Exercise Wrap-Up Hot-Wash Participant Feedback Summary

    38. Kelly Rhoades Exercise & Training Coordinator Kansas Department of Health & Environment Bureau of Public Health Preparedness (785) 296-1984 krhoades@kdheks.gov

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