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Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics

Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics. Barbara Betz and Miklos Gyulassy, Jorge Noronha, Dirk Rischke, Giorgio Torrieri. Nucl. Phys. A 830 , 777c (2009) , arXiv:1005.5461. 4 < p T trigger < 6 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c.

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Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formation in (3+1)-dimensional Ideal Hydrodynamics

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  1. Jet Propagation and Mach-Cone Formationin (3+1)-dimensional IdealHydrodynamics Barbara Betz and Miklos Gyulassy, Jorge Noronha, Dirk Rischke, Giorgio Torrieri Nucl. Phys. A 830, 777c (2009) , arXiv:1005.5461

  2. 4 < pTtrigger < 6 GeV/c pTassoc > 2 GeV/c STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 072304 Jet - Studies in HIC I Trigger particle • Jet moving through dense matter, depositing its energy should eventually disappear • Jet suppression: signal for creation of opaque matter (Quark-Gluon Plasma) Can energy lost by jets tell us something about medium properties?

  3. 4 < pTtrigger < 6 GeV/c 0.15 < pTassoc < 4 GeV/c Au+Au / p+p = 200 GeV STAR, Nucl. Phys. A 774, 129 (2006) PHENIX, Phys. Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008) Jet - Studies in HIC II • Generation of Mach cone patternRedistribution of energy to lower pT-particles • Re-appearance of the away-side for low and intermediate pTassoc • Mach cone angle sensitive to EoS: H. Stöcker, Nucl. Phys. A 750, 121 (2005), J. Casalderrey-Solana et al. Nucl. Phys. A 774, 577 (2006) Reflect interaction of jet with medium

  4. P. Romatschke and U. Romatschke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,172301 (2007) • Conversion into particles Freeze-out: STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 152301 (2005) Modelling of Jets in Hydro Medium created in a HIC can be described using hydrodynamics Jets can be modelled using hydrodynamics: residue of energy and momentum given by the jet

  5. Etot = 5 GeV Jet 150 L. Satarov et al, Phys. Lett. B 627, 64 (2005) Expanding Medium I Experimental results based on many events b=0 Consider different jet paths A. K. Chaudhuri, Phys. Rev. C 75, 057902 (2007), A. K. Chaudhuri, Phys. Rev. C 77, 027901 (2008) • Apply Glauber initial conditions and an ideal Gas EoS for massless gluons • Focus on radial flow contribution dE/dt = 1 GeV/fm • Two-particle correlation (Tfreeze-out < Tcrit = 130 MeV): represents near-side jet

  6. Expanding Medium II BB et al., arXiv: 1005.5461 Etot = 5 GeV pTtrig= 3.5 GeV broad away-side peak double peaked structure due to non-central jets vjet =0.999 PHENIX, Phys. Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008)

  7. Expanding Medium III Comparing different deposition scenarios, one sees that „cone“ angle approximately the same for different deposition scenarios pTtrig= 3.5 GeV pTassoc= 2.0 GeV pTassoc= 3.0 GeV vjet =0.999 BB et al., arXiv: 1005.5461 pTassoc= 2.0 GeV: No double-peakedstructurefor pure energy depositionscenario due to thermal smearking

  8. Expanding Medium IV Considering a bottom quark (M=4.5 GeV), propagating at vjet < cs (on-shell energy-momentum deposition scenario) pTassoc= 2.0 GeV BB et al., arXiv: 1005.5461 Conical emission angle also appears for subsonic jets Not a Mach cone Cu+Cu: Similaraway-sideshoulderwidth, double-peakstructurereapparsforpTassoc = 3 GeV

  9. Summary • „Conical“ signal can be created: • Observed „cone“ angle is quite insensitive of • Can be tested experimentally comparing hard-soft correlations induced by heavy-flavor tagged jets. by averaging over wakes created by jets in different events. There is a deflection of particles emitted due to collective transverse flow. • the energy-momentum deposition mechanism, • the jet velocity (for both supersonic and subsonic „jets“), • the system size.

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