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Types of the past exam questions

Types of the past exam questions. Write/Complete Code Evaluate Expressions Analyze Complexity Meta-circular Evaluator. Write Code: Tools of the trade. Facts about Scheme Functions as data (e.g. pass as parameter) Special forms (e.g. lambda, define, if, and)

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Types of the past exam questions

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  1. Types of the past exam questions • Write/Complete Code • Evaluate Expressions • Analyze Complexity • Meta-circular Evaluator

  2. Write Code: Tools of the trade • Facts about Scheme • Functions as data (e.g. pass as parameter) • Special forms (e.g. lambda, define, if, and) • Data Types (e.g. symbol, pair, list, streams) • Reference and Comparison (e.g. eq?, equal?) • Helpful functions (map, filter etc.) • Methods for building functions • Iteration/Recursion (nested helper function) • Abstraction barriers (constructor/selector…) • Bottom-up/Top-down

  3. Evaluate Expression: Tools of the Trade • Substitution-model • Substitute expressions for names • Environment • Connection between names and expressions • Define rule • Set rule

  4. Application Rule (for P) • 1. Create a new frame A • 2. Make A into an environment E • 3. In A, bind parameters of P to the argument values • 4. Evaluate the body of P - E as the current environment

  5. Analyze Complexity: Tools of the trade • Choose input parameter(s) • What operations will count? • Write recurrence • T(a,b)=c*T(a/2n,b/2)+d*F(a/2,b/2) • Method A: Guess solution and prove by induction • Method B: Open few stages , find a rule, and calculate sum

  6. Meta- Circular Evaluator: Tools of the Trade • Apply-Eval loop • Eval: evaluate expression in a given environment • Apply : apply procedure to the arguments • Adding new constructs: • Add case in “eval” to recognize new construct • Translate to other or evaluate directly

  7. Streams • Process infinite stream of lists to produce infinite stream of pairs • Input: [ (0 1 2 3 0 5) (0 2) (1 0 2)..] • Output: [(0.1) (0.2) (0.3) (0.5) (1.1) (2.0) (2.2)…] • Each pair is a list number (starting from zero) and a position of non-zero element within the list • Assume each list has at least one non-zero element

  8. Streams: Solution Strategy • Top-bottom: decompose into smaller problems then solve them • (define (process-stream strm num-lst) (stream-append (process-list (stream-car strm) num-lst 0) (process-stream (stream-cdr strm) (+ num-lst 1)) )) 2 sub-problems: process-list and stream-append

  9. Streams: Process-list (define (process-list lst lst-pos elem-pos) (cond ((null? lst) null) ((= (car lst) 0) (process-list (cdr lst) lst-pos (+ elem-pos 1))) (else (stream-cons (cons lst-pos elem-pos) (process-list (cdr lst) lst-pos (+ elem-pos 1)))) ))

  10. Streams: Bottom-Up • Easy to preprocess into stream of triples • (List-num pos value) • Step II: Filter-out zeros (stream-filter)

  11. Streams: Bottom-Up (define (stream->triples strm list-num pos-num) (let ((first-lst (stream-car strm))) (if ((null? first-lst) (stream->triples (stream-cdr strm)(+ list-num 1) 0)) (stream-cons (list list-num pos-num (car first)) (stream->triples (stream-cons (cdr first) (stream-cdr stream) ) list-num (+ pos-num 1) ) ) )))

  12. Lists • A tree defined as (2 ((3 7) 8) ((4 5))) • A: Reverse the order of the (direct) sub-trees iteratively (((4 5)) ((3 7) 8) 2) • B: Reverse the order of the sub-trees in the levels matching a given predicate.

  13. Lists: A • Iterative – pass the result as an argument. (define (reverse-sub-trees tr) (define (reverse-iter tr new-tr) (if (null? tr) new-tr (reverse-iter (cdr tr) (cons (car tr) new-tr)))) (reverse-iter tr '()))

  14. Lists: B • Need to process first sub-tree (car tr) and the other sub-trees (cdr tr), and append the resulting sub-trees – order depends om (pred level). (define (reverse-some-levels tr pred) (define (reverse-iter tr pred level) (cond ((null? tr) '()) ((not (pair? tr)) tr) ((pred level) (append (reverse-iter (cdr tr) pred level) (list (reverse-iter (car tr) pred (+ 1 level))))) (else (cons (reverse-iter (car tr) pred (+ 1 level)) (reverse-iter (cdr tr) pred level))))) (reverse-iter tr pred 1))

  15. SOS-interleave - Graphically S11 S12 S13 . . . S21 S22 S23. . . S31 S32 S33 . . . . . . 2 1 3

  16. SOS-interleave - Code (define (interleave s1 s2) (if (stream-null? s1) s2 (cons-stream (stream-car s1) (interleave s2 (stream-cdr s1))))) (define (sos-interleave sos) (let ((first-of-first (stream-car (stream-car sos))) (rest-of-first (stream-cdr (stream-car sos)) (rest (stream-cdr sos))) (cons-stream first-of-first (interleave rest-of-first (sos-interleave rest)))))

  17. SOS-interleave - Test • Create an integers SOS: (define (int_strm int) (cons-stream int (int_strm int))) (define (ints n) (cons-stream (int_strm n) (ints (+ n 1)))) > (define sos_ints (ints 1)) sos_ints: [(1 1 1 1 1 …) (2 2 2 2 2 …) (3 3 3 3 3 …) … ] > (display-stream-head (sos-interleave sos_ints) 10) 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 2 1 3 1

  18. Environments Model (define (make-sqrt x) (define (improve guess) (average guess (/ x guess))) (let ((guess 1.0)) (lambda() (set! guess (improve guess)) guess))) • Assume that average is primitive

  19. Environments Model (define 3-root-1 (make-sqrt 3)) (define 3-root-2 (make-sqrt (+ 2 1))) > (3-root-1) ___ _______________ > (3-root-2) __________________ > (3-root-1) __________________ > guess reference to undefined identifier: guess

  20. Environments Model > (3-root-1) 2 > (3-root-2) 2 > (3-root-1) 1.75 > guess error

  21. Environments Model GE make-sqrt: 3-root-1: 3-root-2: P: x B: (define (improve … x: 3 Improve: E1 P: guess B: (average…

  22. MCE • New object: (object <object-name > (<field1> <exp1>) (<field2> <exp2>) … (<fieldn> <expn>))

  23. MCE • Example: (object point (v1 0) (v2 0) (v3 0) (set-point! (lambda(x y z) (set! v1 x)(set! v2 y)(set! v3 z) ‘ok)) (mirror! (lambda() (set! v1 (- v1)) (set! v2 (- v2)) (set! v3 (- v3)) ‘ok))

  24. MCE >(point v1) 0 >((point set-point!) 4 3 3) ok >(point v1) 4 >((point mirror)) ok >(point v1) -4

  25. MCE Predicate: object-def? Selectors: object-name, obkect-bindings’ binding-field, binding-exp • Eval-object-def – creates a new environment that includes all fields. • In the original env - object-name refers to: (define (make-object env) (list ‘object env)

  26. MCE • use for-each – receives a proc and a list and applies proc an each of the elements in the list (no returned value)

  27. (define (eval-object-def exp env) (let ((object-env (extend-environment null null ________________))) (for-each (lambda(binding) (define-variable! __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________)) (object-bindings exp)) (define-variable! _________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________) ‘ok))

  28. (define (eval-object-def exp env) (let ((object-env (extend-environment null null ____env_________))) (for-each (lambda(binding) (define-variable! (binding-field binding) (mc-eval (binding-exp binding) env) object-env)) (object-bindings exp)) (define-variable! (object-name exp) (make-object object-env)env) ‘ok))

  29. MCE – cont’ • Read a value of a field: (object-name field-name) (define (eval-object-access exp obj) (lookup-variable-value (cadr exp) (object-env object)))

  30. Good Luck!

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