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The Research Paper

The Research Paper. English III (H). The Assignment. Write an 8-10 page research paper on a topic of your choice in fulfillment of the requirements for the Craven County Graduation Project. Use 8-10 sources in your paper. (Sources should be a combination of books, periodicals, or web sources).

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The Research Paper

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  1. The Research Paper English III (H)

  2. The Assignment Write an 8-10 page research paper on a topic of your choice in fulfillment of the requirements for the Craven County Graduation Project. Use 8-10 sources in your paper. (Sources should be a combination of books, periodicals, or web sources)

  3. Where do I Begin? Step 1 Choosing a Topic The key to choosing a topic is to start with a broad interest and then narrow down to something more specific that can be thoroughly covered in 8-10 pages.

  4. Choosing My Topic • Your topic should be interesting to you. • Your topic should be something you want to learn more about ( a goal is that you show learning over time) • Your topic should be something that can be turned into a viable product in your senior year. • The more passion you have for your topic, the better your experience and results will be.

  5. Broad Topics Narrow Topics Choosing a Topic Changes in Bilingual Education in the 21st Century Music’s Influence on the Fashion Industry Traumatic Brain Injuries in the Marine Corps Imbedded Journalism in Iraq Emergence of Catholicism in former Soviet Union Education The History of Rock and Roll The Marine Corps Journalism World Religions Fashion

  6. Creating a Thesis Statement A thesis statement is the guiding statement of your paper. This is what all of your research is supporting. Your statement should be something you seek to prove in your paper. It is also the first topic in your outline.

  7. Preliminary Outline • In your first outline, you will outline the major topics you plan to cover in your research paper. • Your first outline will be created when you begin your initial research. • Your initial research will help your formulate the major topics of your paper.

  8. Taking Notes You may take notes in one of two ways: Lotus Charts Note Cards

  9. Lotus Chart

  10. Note Cards If you choose to use note cards, there are two types of cards you will create: • Source Cards: One card for each of your 8-10 sources. 2. Note Cards: Note cards that contain information related.

  11. Source Card Each source card should be given a number. MLA Citation for the source from which you are taking notes. 1 “Acid Rain.” Grollier Multi-Media Encyclopedia. 2006. Scholastic: 15 March 2006. <http://go.grollier.com/gol

  12. Note Cards and Source Cards Source Number (corresponds to source card) Note Card Slug (outline heading) Causes 1 Pollution from coal burning factories contributes to a high incidence of acid rain. p. 17 Notes: One fact or quote per card Page # where information is located.

  13. Advantage of Lotus Charts • Everything in one place • Easy to keep together • Easy to copy and paste information • Can be cut up when note-taking is complete and organized before composing paper.

  14. Advantage of Note Cards • Work well for individuals who work better with pen and paper • Can be moved around to organize your paper.

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