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Good morning School Leaders! Today’s quick question and Do Now:

Good morning School Leaders! Today’s quick question and Do Now:. What is your Karaoke jam? What song would someone catch you singing in your car?. Unit of Study. What it is : A record of a professional conversation A framework for a length of instruction

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Good morning School Leaders! Today’s quick question and Do Now:

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  1. Good morning School Leaders! Today’s quick question and Do Now: What is your Karaoke jam? What song would someone catch you singing in your car?

  2. Unit of Study • What it is: • A record of a professional conversation • A framework for a length of instruction • A one-stop shop for information about the standards in the unit • Document that supports planning for the CCSS • What it is NOT: • A static document • A day-to-day plan/guide • A list of lesson plans, instructional strategies, and/or assessments

  3. Transition: How Units are Built (IN DEPTH):Study of Standards and Shifts

  4. Study of the Math Common Core State Standards Document Layout of the Standards for Mathematical Content Critical Areas Standards Overview

  5. Study of the Math Common Core State Standards CCSS: Standards for Mathematical Content Standards Coding: 3.OA.1 Standard 1 Grade 3 Operations & Algebraic Thinking

  6. Transition: Let’s talk about Shifts.

  7. Study of the Instructional Shifts Key Instructional Shifts Shift 1: FOCUS Shift 2: COHERENCE Shift 3: RIGOR •Conceptual Understanding •Procedural Skill and Fluency •Application

  8. Study of the Instructional Shifts Key Instructional Shifts Shift 1: FOCUS Shift 2: COHERENCE Shift 4-6: RIGOR •Dual Intensity •Procedural Skill •Application

  9. Study of the Instructional Shifts K-HS Domains

  10. Study of the Instructional Shifts How we built our Domain specific understanding of the CCSS.

  11. Study of the Instructional Shifts Key Instructional Shifts Shift 1: FOCUS Shift 2: COHERENCE Shift 3: RIGOR •Dual Intensity •Procedural Skill •Application

  12. Shift 3: Rigor Dual Intensity (practice / Understanding Procedural skill and fluency The CCSSM require a balance of: Application of skills in problem solving situations Pursuit of all three requires equal intensity in TIME ACTIVITIES RESOURCES www.achievethecore.org

  13. Standards for Mathematical Practice “The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education.” - Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, page 6 • Study of the Instructional Shifts “We were purposeful in calling them standards because then they won’t be ignored.” -Professor William McCallum

  14. Quick Quiz-3 min • Study of the Math Common Core State Standards Standards for Mathematical Practice:Relationship to Thinking Skills • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  15. SBAC Assessment Claims

  16. Transition: How Units are Built:Clustering of Essential and Supporting Standards

  17. It’s All Connected… Lesson Objective: Rich Tasks – e.g. Math journal • Master or Learning Objectives • Overarching objective for a specific concept based on the EU/EQ Enduring Understandings / Essential Questions Essential and Supporting Standards GRADE LEVEL CRITICAL AREAS

  18. How are the units built?The Mathematics Overview • How does this section help ME?

  19. Creating overviews for each unit of study

  20. How does this section help ME? How are the units built?Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions

  21. What is in a unit of study? • Enduring Understandings: • A statement about the concept behind the content that we want students to transfer to different learning experiences, possibly in different subject areas. • Essential Questions: • Questions based on the Enduring Understanding that teachers can use during instruction and assessment. • Understanding and applying Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions to the Units of Study What are some ways teachers might use this information?

  22. Essential Questions: Definition Questions based on Enduring Understandings that are designed to drive or guide instruction and assessment.

  23. Ultimate Goal? Students will be able to answer the Essential Questions in their own words, showing evidence of the enduring understandings.

  24. Attributes of Essential Questions EQs have a close relationship to the Enduring Understanding (the student should be able to answer the EQ and show evidence of understanding the EU). EQs should generate exploration and discovery of knowledge when presented to students. EQs should not be answerable with a “yes” or “no” or a recitation of facts. EQsare content based (rather than based on a theme or specific text or time period).

  25. Transition: How Units are Built: Chapters / Segments

  26. Mid-Unit Check Mid-Unit Check Unit Assessment • Creating Chapters of Learning

  27. Creating Chapters of Learning

  28. Contains: Big Idea Emphasized MP = The Focus

  29. Breaks THAT into: -Learning Objective -Criteria for Success -Essential Questions -Assessment Recommendations

  30. Math Example: Learning Target/Objective/Aim Students will understand that the value of a digit is determined by its place. Criteria for Success Given a number between 100 and 999, students will explain, in writing, why the value of a digit is determined by its place. Standard: Represent the digits of a three digit number as hundreds, tens, and ones. Big Idea (Enduring Understanding): The base-ten number system is a “place value” system. Any numeral can represent different values, depending on where it appears in a written number. • WHAT and HOW

  31. Standard: Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. Big Idea (Enduring Understanding): Time measurement is a means to organize and structure our day. Any number, measure, numerical expression, algebraic expression, or equation can be represented in an infinite number of ways that have the same value. • WHAT and HOW Criteria for Success (NOT the objective) Given an analog clock, students will draw and label to the hour and half hour. Given an analog clock, students will read and tell time to the hour and write its equivalent in digital time. Given an analog clock, students will show half-hour increments and write its equivalent in digital time. Tell and write time to the hour and half-hour and explain the process. Learning Target/Objective/Aim Students will understand that a given time of day can be represented in more than one way.

  32. Each Chapter is further broken into LESSONS with suggested RESOURCES

  33. Suggested Instructional Resources: • Suggested texts, Websites, and other resources teachers may use during planning. • Units are “resource” neutral.

  34. Replay • Shifts in Mathematical Instruction • Content Standards and Mathematical Practices • Clustering of Standards • Enduring Understandings / Essential Questions • Chaptering • Resources

  35. ANCHOR THE LEARNING! • Understanding the Structure, Content, and Purpose of the Common Core Standards for Mathematics. • Beginning to understand the instructional shifts that must occur to meet the demands of the new standards and the next-generation assessments. • Take 5 minutes to craft an anchor for each of the objectives for today. • K.I.S.S. It! • 5 word phrase • Haiku • Icon / Picture • Interpretive Dance • Movie • Song Title • Tweet

  36. Transition: What should we see in the classroom:

  37. MATH / ELA: Every day we should be able to see students engaged in: • Interpretive activities (what they read, view, listen to, which should be of appropriate complexity)  • Productiveactivities (what they produce orally or in writing or drawing, hopefully related to the interpretive activities) • Collaborative activities (interacting with one another both orally and in writing, again hopefully in relation to the interpretive and productive activities).  • Psst: This is the language used in the new CA ELD standards

  38. It’s All Connected… Lesson Objective: Rich Tasks – e.g. Math journal • Master or Learning Objectives • Overarching objective for a specific concept based on the EU/EQ Enduring Understandings / Essential Questions Essential and Supporting Standards

  39. Put on a different lens: Here’s a sample for Math

  40. Thank You!!

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