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Ir Peter van Nederpelt EMEA Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

The Creation and Application of a New Quality Management Model Integration of the Code of Practice and EFQM in the Model. Ir Peter van Nederpelt EMEA Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Agenda. Introduction Concepts of the model Applications of the model. Peer Review Eurostat 2006.

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Ir Peter van Nederpelt EMEA Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

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  1. The Creation and Application of a New Quality Management ModelIntegration of the Code of Practice and EFQM in the Model Ir Peter van Nederpelt EMEA Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Concepts of the model • Applications of the model

  3. Peer Review Eurostat 2006 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • “Statistics Netherlands could benefit from a framework for improved quality management in a broad sense.” • Trigger to search for a quality management model

  4. Assessment of Existing Models 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • EFQM Excellence Model • ISO 9001 • The Balanced Score Card • COSO Enterprise Risk Management • Disadvantages • Missing or less relevant areas (coverage) • Rough or no delineations of areas • No explanation why rules should be met • Poor structure: no risk analyses f.e. • Administrative burden, need for consultants, hard to maintain

  5. Creation of a New Model 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • Decision to create a new model • Requirements • None of the disadvantages of the existing models • Compatible with the Code of Practice (CoP) and the EFQM Excellence Model

  6. Concepts of the New Model 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • Objects inside and outside the organization • Each object has set of characteristics • Quality area is a combination of an object and a characteristic • Steps within each quality area ending with an action plan • Examples….

  7. Objects 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  8. Characteristics 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  9. Characteristics 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  10. Quality area = characteristic + object 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  11. Steps within each Quality Area“Competence of staff” 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications Human Resources Department Degree to which staff is able to fullfill tasks • Definition • Ownership • Requirements • Risk analysis • A) Causes of problems B) Effects of problems • Indicators • Measures Causes: Backlog in training Possible effects: Issues in output quality Staff are well trained Number of participants / year Implemented: Training program Action plan: Stimulation to participate

  12. Key Features of the New Model 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • Low costs of implementation and maintenance • Action plan based on analysis • Management can report in a transparent manner to what degree they are in control of the selected quality areas • Model description available on the Internet

  13. 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  14. Applications of the New Model 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications • SN Quality Assurance of all statistical processes (implemented) • SN ‘Checklist’ on Quality of Statistical Output (published) • SN Risk Management (implemented) • SN Quality Framework (in progress) • All principles and indicators of the CoP in the framework as requirements • Scope of the framework broader that the CoP • Quality areas mapped on the 9 EFQM Criteria

  15. 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 3 Applications

  16. Thank you for your attention! • Questions?

  17. The Creation and Application of a New Quality Management Model Statistics: Investement in the Future 2 14-15 September 2009 Prague Ir Peter van Nederpelt EMEA Statistics Netherlands (CBS) pndt@cbs.nl

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