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All Hands On Deck Preparing For The 2010 Decennial Census Steve Barker Program Manager State Data Center

All Hands On Deck Preparing For The 2010 Decennial Census Steve Barker Program Manager State Data Center. The Big Job Ahead Perspective Geographic Programs Census Outreach Um, About Those Handhelds… Timeline. 2010 Census Update. Between now and April 1, 2010 Census Bureau has to

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All Hands On Deck Preparing For The 2010 Decennial Census Steve Barker Program Manager State Data Center

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  1. All Hands On Deck Preparing For The 2010 Decennial Census Steve Barker Program Manager State Data Center

  2. The Big Job Ahead Perspective Geographic Programs Census Outreach Um, About Those Handhelds… Timeline 2010 Census Update

  3. Between now and April 1, 2010 Census Bureau has to Promote Decennial Census and American Community Survey Ramp up ACS to replace Census long form in 2010 Verify 130 million addresses Launch language assistance programs Prepare for 40 million non-respondents Update geographic boundaries Acquire space for local Census offices Process 3 million applicants for 750,000 temporary Census positions Build local partnerships Restore confidence and trust Ensure every person is counted once The Big Job Ahead

  4. Perspective - National How well did the Census Bureau do in the past? • 2000 Census called “the most accurate census” in US history* • Mail response rates reversed a downward trend • Decennial budget had a surplus of $305 million at end of FY2000** * US Department of Commerce Secretary Donald Evans http://www.commerce.gov/opa/press/Secretary_Evans/2001_Releases/March_06_Census.htm ** US Census Bureau Press Release CB00-CN.58 http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2000/cb00cn58.html

  5. Perspective - Oklahoma How did Oklahoma do? • Statewide • 64% response rate in 2000 • 63% response rate in 1990 • Counties • 10 met or exceeded national response rate • 26 met or exceeded 1990 response rate • 37 had response rates fall from 1990 • 14 OK counties enumerated by hand delivery/in person interview, thus no 1990 response rate available Sources: Census 2000 Final Response Rates as accessed at http://www.census.gov/dmd/www/response/2000response.html on July 14, 2008 and Census 1990 Final Response Rates as accessed at http://www.census.gov/dmd/www/response/disp-mro.40 on July 14, 2008

  6. Perspective - Oklahoma How did Oklahoma do? • Cities and towns • 119 met or exceeded national response rate • 282 met or exceeded 1990 response rates • 308 had response rates fall from 1990 • Overall? • Oklahoma improved between 1990 and 2000, but remained slightly behind the national average Sources: Census 2000 Final Response Rates as accessed at http://www.census.gov/dmd/www/response/2000response.html on July 14, 2008 and Census 1990 Final Response Rates as accessed at http://www.census.gov/dmd/www/response/disp-mro.40 on July 14, 2008

  7. Perspective – Financial What do we get from an accurate Census? • A wealth of information used by businesses, governments, nonprofits, and individuals for a variety of purposes • An allocation guide for several governmental programs Some Of The Programs Receiving Federal Formula Funds • Medical Assistance Programs • Highway Planning and Construction • Indian Housing Block Grants • National School Lunch Program • Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children • Community Development Block Grants Source: US Census Bureau, Federal Assistance Award Data System http://www.census.gov/govs/www/faads.html

  8. Perspective – Financial Federal Formula Funds In Oklahoma Formula Dollars Received in Oklahoma Percent of US Total Going to Oklahoma Source: US Census Bureau, Federal Assistance Award Data System http://www.census.gov/govs/www/faads.html

  9. Perspective – Financial What does that mean in personal terms? In Oklahoma 2007 Federal Formula Funds (in thousands)* $5,034,889 2007 Population Estimate (July 1, 2007)** 3,617,316 Resulting Oklahoma FFF Per Capita$1,392 * US Census Bureau, Federal Assistance Award Data System http://www.census.gov/govs/www/faads.html ** US Census Bureau, Population Estimates Division http://www.census.gov/popest/estimates.php

  10. What difference does $1,392 make? $1,392 per year buys a personal computer and software to help a non-profit $116 per month allows one person access to personal health care insurance $7.95 per school day (assuming 175 days) helps 4 children have free school lunches $5.35 per week day lets 2 people have round trip travel to and from work based on Metro Tulsa Transit Authority fares $3.81 per calendar day lets one person enjoy a regular, daily visit from Meals on Wheels Perspective - Financial

  11. Perspective – Financial To read the Census Bureau’s detailed accounting of the accuracy of the data: http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/doc/sf1chap8.pdf

  12. What has happened since the last Census? Conflict permeates the political environment Life in a post-9/11 world Immigration and other divisive topics Economic uncertainty Traditional media outlets have become diluted Market decline of network television Expansion of niche cable channels Exploding popularity of internet Perspective - Environmental

  13. What else has happened since the last Census? Personal privacy concerns are up Phishing scams Identity theft Accidental leaks from government and business Use of two forms risks “census confusion” 2010 Census is short form only American Community Survey replaces the long form Some respondents will get the 2010 Census and ACS Perspective - Environmental

  14. So what’s at stake?

  15. Geographic Programs

  16. BAS – Boundary Annexation Survey http://www.census.gov/geo/www/bas/bashome.html Voluntary annual survey Relevant to nearly all Bureau programs Keeps up with governmental annexations and deannexations Invitations sent to Federally recognized American Indian areas Counties Incorporated municipalities Minor civil divisions All responses received by May 31st will be incorporated in next year’s survey materials Geographic Programs

  17. LUCA – Local Update of Census Addresses http://www.census.gov/geo/www/luca2010/luca.html Voluntary program Primarily related to Decennial Census and ACS Indirectly impacts many other Bureau activities Primary source of local input for Census Master Address File Invitations sent to all active, functioning governments Census still processing responses from across the country Report on response rates not available until later this year Geographic Programs

  18. PSAP – Participant Statistical Areas Program http://www.census.gov/geo/www/psap2010/psap2010_main.html Voluntary survey Primarily related to Decennial Census and ACS Indirectly impacts many other Bureau activities Gathers local input for boundaries of County based census tracts Block groups Census Designated Places Census County Divisions Invitations will be sent to local governments and organizations Tribes encouraged to participate in both TSAP and PSAP Qualifying criteria available at http://www.census.gov/geo/www/psap2010/psapcriteria.html Contact Kansas City Regional Office NOW to participate Geographic Programs

  19. RP – Redistricting Program http://www.census.gov/rdo/ Voluntary program Primarily related to Decennial Census and ACS Impacts many other Bureau activities Currently in Phase 2 of 5 phase cycle Involves collection of voting district boundaries, updates to legislative districts, and block boundary suggestions Invitations sent to state liaisons, state legislative leadership, and state governors By law, redistricting results must be delivered to participating states no later than April 1, 2011 Geographic Programs

  20. SDRP – School District Review Program http://www.census.gov/geo/www/schdist/sch_dist.html New, voluntary program initiated every two years Primarily related to Decennial Census and ACS Impacts many other Bureau activities Allows state officials to review and update school district boundaries Invitations sent to Title 1 coordinators through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Currently updating boundaries to reflect 2007-2008 school districts as they exist on July 1, 2008. Geographic Programs

  21. TSAP – Tribal Statistical Areas Program http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tsap2010/tsap2010.html Voluntary survey Primarily related to Decennial Census and ACS Indirectly impacts many other Bureau activities Allows federally recognized tribes to offer input on boundaries for Census Designated Places Census Tracts Census Block Groups Census Blocks OTSA boundaries remain unchanged for historic reasons Invitations will soon be sent to all federally recognized tribes Tribes encouraged to participate in both TSAP and PSAP Contact Kansas City Regional Office NOW to participate Geographic Programs

  22. Census Outreach

  23. Target Marketing Partnerships Language Assistance Recruitment Efforts Census Outreach

  24. Target Marketing Census Outreach

  25. Target Marketing The Census Bureau’s 2010 planning database • Is based on actual behavior • Examines Census 2000 mail return rates at the tract level • Includes analysis of 12 “hard-to-count” scores

  26. The 2010 planning database and the “eight key clusters” ClusterMail Return Rate% HUs All around average I 77.3% 35% All around average II 74.2% 16% Econ. disadvantaged I 66.5% 6% Econ. disadvantaged II 58.0% 3% Ethnic enclave I 69.8% 3% Ethnic enclave II 63.6% 2% Single/unattached/mobiles 67.1% 8% Advantaged homeowners 83.2% 26% Average mail return rate is 75%, higher than mail response rate of 67%. Return rate includes only occupied housing. Response rate includes vacant housing units, undeliverable addresses, and some addresses deleted during follow-up processing. Target Marketing

  27. Target Marketing

  28. Target Marketing

  29. Target Marketing

  30. Target Marketing

  31. Target Marketing

  32. Target Marketing

  33. Target Marketing

  34. Target Marketing

  35. Target Marketing Green circles highlight highest percentages for race and ethnicity (column) Red squares highlight highest percentages for cluster (row) Note All Around Average I and II categories are fairly equally distributed

  36. Target Marketing

  37. Target Marketing

  38. Target Marketing Oklahoma City Tulsa

  39. Partnerships Census Outreach

  40. National, regional and local components Goal to mobilize community leaders in all eight clusters Emphasize partnerships among Hard-to-Count (HTC) populations Single/Unattached/Mobiles Ethnic Enclave I & II Economically Disadvantaged I & II Want to increase early response rates by Generating public awareness Encouraging “ownership” of results Overcoming fears through Awareness, Education, Motivation and Promotional events Partnerships

  41. Partners encouraged to Form Complete Count Committees Hold local 2010 kick-off Motivate high-level community leaders to support census Design ways they can participate as Census Advocate Publicize at festivals, parades and special events Educate about importance of being counted Urge local constituents to apply for a census job Remind public that two programs exist – Census and ACS Identify appropriate local media outlets Develop local campaigns Partnerships

  42. Three examples State Data Center / Business and Industry Data Center and Affiliates Review Census Bureau’s 2010 Planning Database Help develop / distribute promotional material to be used “as is” or further customized Tribal Liaison Program Establish government-to-government relationships Authenticate Census Bureau presence on tribal lands during 2010 Census Census in Schools Follow-up highly successful Census 2000 program with K-12; adult education; literacy programs Provide curriculum lesson plans, web presence, inroads to HTC groups Partnerships

  43. Language Assistance Census Outreach

  44. Language Assistance When people have difficulty speaking or reading English • In-person, operator, internet, or form based language assistance • Telephone Questionnaire Assistance (TQA) • Be Counted Centers (BCC) • Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC) • Language Assistance Guides (LAG) • Language Identification Flashcards (LIF) • Primary language assistance will be provided for English Spanish Chinese (simplified and formal) Russian Korean Vietnamese • Further assistance will be provided in as many as 50 or more languages, depending on method of delivery

  45. Language Assistance Bilingual mailings • Targeted mailing of 10 million bilingual Spanish/English questionnaires in 42 states plus D.C. • Going to tracts with high concentration of "Spanish Assistance" households • Defined as those in which no person aged 15+ reports speaking English "very well" • Questionnaires display both English and Spanish Telephone Questionnaire Assistance (TQA) telephone numbers

  46. Recruitment Census Outreach

  47. Recruitment A big need • Two big recruitment drives • National Address Canvassing - October 2008 to April 2009 • Non Response Follow Up - October 2009 to April 2010 • Need approximately 3 million applicants for a good applicant pool • Hire 500,000 enumerators in 2010 • Toll-free Jobs Line • 1-888-340-7525 • Recruiting websites • http://www.census.gov/2010census/jobs/ • http://www.census.gov/rokan/www/emply.html • Multilingual applicants needed

  48. Early Local Census Offices (ELCO) Opening Fall 2008 Oklahoma City Tulsa Now hiring in Oklahoma Local Census Office Manager Assistant Manager for Administration Assistant Manager for Recruiting Assistant Manager for Field Operations Assistant Manager for Quality Assurance Assistant Manager for Technology Local Census Offices

  49. About Those Handhelds…

  50. Background $595 million contract with Harris Corp. awarded in 2006 For delivery of over 525,000 handhelds for use in Census 2010 To be used in Non Response Follow-Up (NRFU) Census expected the following benefits Faster field communication with HQ Instant GPS location verification Electronic data transmission Reduction of entry error Reduction of multiple visits to non-responding households Significant cost savings About Those Handhelds… Source: Netxgov http://www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20080403_9574.php

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