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ICAP Quarterly Master Slide Set July-September 2007

ICAP Quarterly Master Slide Set July-September 2007. What: Ongoing, real-time inventory of all planned, current, and closed ICAP sites. Supported activities, funding source(s) and their targets are also captured

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ICAP Quarterly Master Slide Set July-September 2007

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  1. ICAP Quarterly Master Slide SetJuly-September 2007

  2. What: Ongoing, real-time inventory of all planned, current, and closed ICAP sites. Supported activities, funding source(s) and their targets are also captured Purpose: To have one up to date master list of sites, activities, funding sources, and targets that all ICAP staff can refer to for planning and evaluation Site Census

  3. Number of ICAP-supported sites by activity, September 2007 (n=409) Number of sites Source: ICAP Site Census, November 2007

  4. Number ofICAP-supported sites by country, September 2007 (n=409) Number of sites Source: ICAP Site Census, November 2007

  5. Programmatic components funded at ICAP-supported care and treatment sites (n=243), September 2007 % care and treatment sites with activity Source: ICAP Site Census, November 2007

  6. What: Collects program and facility information on ICAP-supported care and treatment programs semi-annually Purpose: To describe the scope, diversity, and comprehensiveness of ICAP-supported care and treatment programs, and evaluate multi-level factors that influence program performance and patient-level outcomes Program and Facility Characteristics Tracking System (PFaCTS)

  7. Location and type of ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) 120 57 % sites Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  8. On-site HIV service infrastructure at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites by type of service (n=177) % sites with service Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  9. Number of on-site HIV service infrastructure* provided at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) *Services include: VCT, TB treatment, PMTCT,Labor and delivery, and ART pharmacy. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  10. On-site HIV service infrastructure* at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites by country (n=177) ICAP Average=80% % sites with service * Sites that have >=4 of the following on-site services are represented in the graph: VCT, TB treatment, PMTCT, Labor and delivery and ART pharmacy. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  11. Type of patient support services available at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) % sites with service * Only counts those sites that provide adherence support by trained personnel. Other categories of adherence support activities are not represented here. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  12. Number of patient support services provided at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) * Services include: ART adherence support, outreach program, peer educator program,food support for adults, food support for infants. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  13. Comprehensiveness* of on-site patient support services at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) % of sites with service ICAP Average=20% * Comprehensiveness is defined as availability of >=4 of the following on-site patient-support services: ART adherence support, outreach program, peer educator program, food support for infants, and food support for adults. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  14. Laboratory test availability at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) % sites with laboratory tests Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  15. Number of laboratory test services* available through ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) * Services include: CD4, CD4 percent, HIV-RNA, early infant diagnosis, LFT, and blood chemistry. ** No sites had access to all 6 laboratory test services. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  16. Availability of core HIV-related laboratory tests through ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) ICAP Average=86% % sites with laboratory tests * Comprehensiveness is defined as availability of >=4 of the following laboratory test services: Services include: CD4, CD4 percent, HIV-RNA, LFT, and blood chemistry. PCR laboratory tests are excluded. Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  17. Availability of PCR laboratory tests through ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) ICAP Average=58% % sites with PCR tests Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  18. Mean number of health care providers per 1000 patients on ART at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=177) Number of health care providers per/1000 patients on ART Source: PFaCTS, January 2007

  19. Mean number of outreach workers per 1000 patients on ART at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment sites (n=79)* ICAP Average=15.1 *For sites with outreach programs Source: P-FaCTS, January 2007

  20. HIV care and treatment services

  21. Cumulative enrollment at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs (ever-supported), July 2004 - September 2007* 326,859 Nigeria, Swaziland, Zambia Ethiopia Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, S. Africa, Tanzania 150,562 Mozambique *Includes all transitioned sites with data carried over. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  22. Cumulative pediatric enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs (ever-supported), July 2004 - September 2007* 34,216 Nigeria, Swaziland, Zambia Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, S. Africa, Tanzania Ethiopia Mozambique 13,438 *Includes all transitioned sites with data carried over. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  23. Cumulative enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs (currently supported), July 2004 - September 2007* 300,743 Nigeria, Swaziland, Zambia Ethiopia Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, S. Africa, Tanzania 136,252 Mozambique *Excludes all transitioned sites. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  24. Cumulative pediatric enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs (currently supported), July 2004 - September 2007 30,670 Nigeria Kenya, Rwanda, S. Africa, Tanzania Ethiopia Mozambique 12,253 *Excludes all transitioned sites. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  25. Current, projected, and target cumulative enrollment in ICAP-supported care and treatment programs by ART status* Number of patients * Targets were available for MCAP countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  26. Current, projected and target cumulative HIV care enrollment in ICAP-supported care and treatment programs by country Number of patients Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  27. Current, projected and target cumulative ART enrollment in ICAP-supported care and treatment programs by country Number of patients Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  28. Cumulative and current enrollment in ART care at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs, July 2004 - September 2007 Lost to follow up Dead* Cumulative initiating ART Number of patients ART patients retained in care * Includes known deaths only. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  29. Cumulative enrollment in HIV care in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by country, July 2004 - September 2007 (n=300,743) Number of patients

  30. Cumulative enrollment on ART at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by country, July 2004 - September 2007 (n=136,252) Number of patients Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  31. Cumulative enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by ART status, age, and sex, July 2004 – September 2007 Total ART enrollment (n=136,252) Total care enrollment (n=300,743) Children <15 Men 15+ Children <15 Men 15+ Women 15+ Women 15+ Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  32. Proportion of patients ever enrolled in HIV care who initiated ART in ICAP-supported care and treatment programs by country as of September 2007* % patients initiating ART n= 96,816 n=22,010 n=21,743 n=4,635 n=13,098 n=40,903 n=29,169 n=19,869 n=40, 575 n=288,818 *Data not available for Swaziland. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  33. Cumulative enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by age and sex as of September 2007 N=300,743 n=164,491 n=136,252 % patients Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  34. Cumulative HIV care enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by age, sex, and country as of September 2007 n=4,635 n=40,903 n=96,816 n=11,925 n=40,575 n=19,869 n=21,743 n=29,169 n=300,743 n=22, 010 n=13,098 % patients in HIV care Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  35. Cumulative ART enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by age, sex, and country as of September 2007 n=30,490 n=22,873 n=11,925 n=7,700 n=5,795 n=23,060 n=8,721 n=14,161 n=1,938 n=136,252 n=9,589 % patients on ART Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  36. Cumulative pediatric HIV care enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by age and country as of September 2007* n=29,824 n=4,564 n=1,255 n=9,757 n=2,841 n=3,460 n=782 n=2,432 n=1,513 n=3,220 % pediatric patients in HIV care *Data not available for Swaziland. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  37. Cumulative pediatric ART enrollment in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by age and country as of September 2007* n=11,411 n=348 n=2,720 n=375 n=1,850 n=1,296 n=846 n=667 n=1,442 n=1,867 % pediatric patients on ART *Data not available for Swaziland. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  38. ART eligibility and initiation among patients receiving HIV care in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs during July-September 2007* % patients *Data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  39. ART regimens distributed to adults in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs during July-September 2007* *Data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  40. ART regimens distributed to children in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs during July-September 2007* * Data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. ** In South Africa, d4T-3TC-LPV/r is also prescribed as a first-line regimen for pediatric patients. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  41. Completeness of CD4 count data at baseline and 6 months after ART initiation among multiple cohorts, July-September 2007* % patients with CD4 count *CD4 data available for a subset of ART patients, and data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  42. Completeness of CD4 count data at baseline and 12 months after ART initiation among multiple cohorts, July-September 2007* % patients with CD4 count *CD4 data available for a subset of ART patients, and data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  43. Weighted Average median CD4 count at baseline and 6 and 12 months after ART initiation among multiple cohorts, July-September 2007* **CD4 data available for a subset of ART patients, and data not available for Swaziland and Zambia. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  44. Average median CD4 count (cells/µL) increase after 6 and12 months of ART in ICAP-supported care and treatment programs by country, July-September 2007* *CD4 data available for a subset of ART patients. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  45. Net proportion of patients discontinuing ART at ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs as of September 2007* 119 per 1,000 person-years Lost to follow-up 57% 79 per 1,000 person-years Dead** 38% 10.5 per 1,000 person-years Stopped ART 5% *Excludes patients who transferred out and unknowns. ** Includes known deaths only. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  46. Reasons for ART discontinuation in ICAP-supported HIV care and treatment programs by country as of September 2007* % patients • Excludes patients who transferred out. • ** Includes known deaths only. Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  47. Cumulative person-years on ART, rates of stopped ART, death, and lost to follow up at ICAP-supported care and treatment programs, October 2004 – September 2007

  48. PMTCT services

  49. Pregnant women counseled and tested inICAP-supported PMTCT programs, by quarter, April-September 2007 Number of women Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

  50. Pregnant women counseled and tested inICAP-supported PMTCT programs, April-September 2007 Number of women Source: ICAP URS, November 2007

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