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Citation. GSA Training Module. Citation Training Module Overview.

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  1. Citation GSA Training Module

  2. Citation Training Module Overview Description: This training module will take you step-by-step through the Citation module in the Regional Business Application (RBA) IT-Solutions Shop (ITSS) component and theIntegrated Task Order Management System (ITOMS) component. Navigation:If the tutorial opens up in your web browser, simply click your mouse or your space bar to advance to the next slide. Use the “Backspace” key to go back. If the tutorial opens in the PowerPoint application, click on “F5” to view the tutorial. Use the spacebar or click your mouse to advance to the next slide. To go back, click on the “Backspace” key.

  3. Citation Glossary

  4. ITSS Citation Privileges *GSA users only have access to regions in which they are authorized.

  5. Within the Pre-Award Workflow Context Users must edit a Citation in ITSS in order to add the Order ID of the task item they wish to fund during the Certification of Funds / Assign Funds process Citations can be viewed and edited in both ITSS and ITOMS

  6. ITSS / Funding Module / GSA user Citations can be found in the ITSS Funding module. To access ITSS Funding from the ITSS Welcome page click on the Funding tab or the View Funding Documents icon and a new browser window will open. To access ITSS Funding from the ITSS Fund Task Items page, click on the Funding tab or the View Funding Documents link and a new browser window will open. To access existing citations directly, click on the Funding Doc links and a new browser window will open loading the selected Funding Package.

  7. ITSS / Funding Package / GSA user Citations belong to a Funding Document package. Open a Funding Document package to view all the citations for that funding document. Click on the Citation link to open the Citation in ITSS.

  8. ITSS / Creation of Citation / Funding Doc / GSA user / Edit mode To create a new citation off an existing funding document, click on the Create Citation button at the top of the funding document. The browser will refresh with a new citation in edit mode.

  9. ITSS / Citation / Top 1/3 of form / GSA user / Edit mode The Funding Document to which the Citation belongs Instructions are displayed here

  10. ITSS / Citation / Middle 2/3 of form / GSA user / Edit mode Enter the citation code. This will be used to identify the citation in ITSS and ITOMS. Specify the years and dates that the citation will be good through Check here if the citation is subject to availability of funds

  11. ITSS / Citation / Middle 2/3 of form / GSA user / Edit mode Check here if the citation is an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) fund Edit the starting amount of the citation and view other amount information about the citation The Dedicated table shows task item dedications and the status of the dedication To make a task item dedication against this citation in ITSS, the Order ID must be entered in the citation’s Order ID List. The Program Type of the Order must match the citation Program Type (Budget Activity code) .

  12. ITSS / Citation / Bottom 3/3 of form / GSA user / Edit mode Pick a primary and secondary Billing Office Enter information about the citation within these fields if appropriate Click Submit to save the citation

  13. ITOMS Citation Privileges

  14. ITOMS / Steps to Access Citation GSA user / View modes To access a citation in ITOMS: 1. Click on the Fundings Tab 2. In the Funding Search window, enter Funding Document number and click Search 3. Once view refreshes, click on the Funding Document Number link and a new window will open with Funding Doc information 4. Scroll down the Funding Document Number window and expand the Citation Summary. Click on desired citation, browser will refresh with Citation Details.

  15. ITOMS / Citation / Top 1/2 of form / GSA user / Edit mode The Funding Document number (aka MIPR) to which the citation belongs Summary information about the Citation The Amendments datagrid displays all amendments to the citation along with amounts and reason, if applicable The Obligated / Dedicated Task Items datagrid displays task item information about the transactions made against the citation

  16. ITOMS / Citation / Bottom 2/2 of form / GSA user / Edit mode View and edit some of the citation details entered on the Citation during creation in ITSS View the citation’s Billing and Ordering Office address and comments Click Search BOACs to search for and apply a new BOAC1 or BOAC2 to the citation

  17. Choose BOACS/DODAACS / GSA user Search for a specific BOAC by BOAC #, Zip Code, City, and State A list of matching BOAC records will be displayed in the datagrid Click on the BOAC1 link or BOAC2 link to apply the BOAC to the citation in place of the current BOAC

  18. ITOMS / Citation / Bottom 2/2 of form / GSA user / Edit mode Click Submit to save changes to the Citation

  19. Questions & Support • For questions regarding AAS Policy please contact randy.matlack@gsa.gov, gale.greenwald@gsa.gov, or robert.niewood@gsa.gov • For questions regarding the Citation training module please contact RBA Technical Support: • Phone: (877) 243-2889 • Email: helpdesk@gsarba.com

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