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EdTPA Updates for Mentors and Supervisors

EdTPA Updates for Mentors and Supervisors. March 4, 2015 Lisle Campus. When will this impact our candidates?. A s a reminder, all candidates for initial licensure will need to pass the e dTPA beginning F all, 2015 ECE, ELE, MLE, SEC, SPE

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EdTPA Updates for Mentors and Supervisors

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  1. EdTPA Updates for Mentors and Supervisors March 4, 2015 Lisle Campus

  2. When will this impact our candidates? • As a reminder, all candidates for initial licensure will need to pass the edTPA beginning Fall, 2015 • ECE, ELE, MLE, SEC, SPE • edTPA will be completed during the Student Teaching term and seminar

  3. Scoring • Beginning fall, 2015 all edTPA portfolios will be sent to Pearson for Official Scoring • The cost of submitting and scoring the EdTPA to Pearson is $300 • Will be included as a fee for our candidates • There are additional fees if a candidate does not pass part or all of the edTPA

  4. “Passing” Edtpa • The initial cut off score is 35 • This score is fairly low and gives us a chance to use the scores to better align our programs and to develop more scaffolded assignments

  5. REMINDER: Components of the Edtpa: the Core of effective Teaching

  6. Candidate Submission • ALL programs will be implementing pilots this spring: • AUSL – all MAT ELE/MLE candidates • ECE – All BA and MAT ELE - • ELE – All BA and MAT ELE • SEC – North Shore cohort • SPE – 9 candidates in Wheeling

  7. Mentors and supervisors should… • Begin to talk to your candidates about what they are doing with edTPA in their seminar • Be an “ear”. If you hear something that you feel should be passed on – reach out to the seminar leader • Attend the seminar session when the edTPA is being introduced if possible • Review edTPA Guidelines for Supporting Faculty

  8. Mentors and Supervisors should not: • Read, edit, or suggest revisions to edTPA commentaries • Advise candidates what they should teach in their edTPA • Observe the edTPA lessons • Talk in a negative manner about edTPA to the candidate, Cooperating Teacher, or administrators

  9. Discussion questions to consider • These questions are adapted from the EdTPA Task 2: Instruction and reflect the language of the edTPA • Consider using these questions as you see fit in your conversations and/or journal reflections. • These should not be used with edTPA lessons – use them way before they do their video for edTPA • Note they are not required!

  10. Exploring the questions • With your colleagues, discuss what the questions are asking • Note ways that you’ve seen your candidates demonstrate these indicators • Consider suggestions might you offer to them based on the prompts

  11. Resources and Credits • As a reminder - NLU faculty support is also available at www.nl.edu/edtpa • Handbooks for each program are uploaded to this site as well • Note: please do not share handbooks on a non-secure site. You may copy them for your own use. Note: Portions of the presentation have been adapted from AACTE materials (http://aacte.org/) and from the Illinois State Board of Education

  12. Questions? • Contact Janet Lorch (janet.lorch@nl.edu) with specific questions

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