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Wordlist 7 The Autism Puzzle

مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی. Wordlist 7 The Autism Puzzle. 1. Accurately (adv.) Definition : correct, exact and without any mistakes Synonym: correctly, p recisely, faultlessly, Example: he answered all the questions accurately. Word Family : ac·cu·rate·ly ,  adverb

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Wordlist 7 The Autism Puzzle

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  1. مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی Wordlist 7The Autism Puzzle

  2. 1. Accurately (adv.) Definition: correct, exact and without any mistakes Synonym:correctly, precisely, faultlessly, Example: he answered all the questions accurately. Word Family: ac·cu·rate·ly, adverb ac·cu·rate·ness, noun hy·per·ac·cu·rate, adjective hy·per·ac·cu·rate·ly, adverb hy·per·ac·cu·rate·ness, noun

  3. 2. Appropriate (adj.) Definition: suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion Synonym:suitable, proper, fitting, Example: Is this film appropriatefor small children? Word Family: ap·pro·pri·ate·ly, adverb ap·pro·pri·ate·ness, noun ap·pro·pri·a·tive·ness, noun ap·pro·pri·a·tor, noun

  4. 3.Assess (v.) Definition: to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something Synonym: evaluate, judge, estimate Example: The insurers will need to assess the flood damage. Word Family: as·sess·a·ble, adjective o·ver·as·sess, verb (used with object) re·as·sess, verb (used with object) un·as·sess·a·ble, adjective un·as·sessed, adjective

  5. 4. Capable (adj.) Definition: able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results Synonym: able, efficient, effective, proficient Example: We need to get an assistant who's capable and efficient. Word Family: ca·pa·ble·ness, noun ca·pa·bly, adverb o·ver·ca·pa·ble, adjective qua·si-ca·pa·ble, adjective qua·si-ca·pa·b·ly, adverb

  6. 5. Clatter (v.) Definition: to make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other, or to cause objects to do this Synonym: clank, clink, bang Example: Don't clatter the dishes - you'll wake the baby up. Word Family: clat·ter·er, noun clat·ter·ing·ly, adverb clat·ter·y, adjective

  7. 6. Constrain (v.) Definition: to control and limit something Synonym: restrict, limit Example: The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward. Word Family: con·strain·a·ble, adjective con·strain·er, noun con·strain·ing·ly, adverb non·con·strain·ing, adjective un·con·strain·a·ble, adjective

  8. 7. Disorder (v.) Definition: a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions; malady or dysfunction Synonym: disease, illness, sickness Example: a mild stomach disorder. Word Family: pre·dis·or·der, noun

  9. 8. Excel (v.) Definition: to be extremely good at something Synonym: surpass, outdo Example: Rebecca always excelled in languages at school Word Family: un·ex·celled, adjective un·ex·cel·ling, adjective

  10. 9. Extreme (adj.) Definition: very large in amount or degree Synonym:drastic, serious, sharp Example: extreme pain/stupidity/wealth Word Family: ex·treme·ness, noun o·ver·ex·treme, adjective qua·si-ex·treme, adjective su·per·ex·treme, adjective su·per·ex·treme·ly, adverb

  11. 10. Flap (v.) Definition: to wave something, especially wings when or as if flying Synonym: agitate, swing, wave Example: A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew upwards. Word Family: flap·less, adjective un·flap·ping, adjective

  12. 11. Grasp (v.) Definition: to quickly take something in your hand(s) and hold it firmly Synonym: grip, catch, seize, grab Example: Rosie suddenly grasped my hand. Word Family: grasp·a·ble, adjective grasp·er, noun grasp·less, adjective re·grasp, verb (used with object) un·grasp·a·ble, adjective

  13. 12. Harsh (adj.) Definition: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe Synonym: grating, rough Example: The children had had a harsh upbringing Word Family: harsh·ly, adverb harsh·ness, noun o·ver·harsh, adjective o·ver·harsh·ly, adverb o·ver·harsh·ness, noun

  14. 13. Interact (v.) Definition: to communicate with or react to Synonym: communicate Example: Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children. Word Family:

  15. 14. Marked (adj.) Definition: describes a change or difference in behaviour or a situation that is very obvious or noticeable Synonym: noticeable, striking, remarkable Example: There was a marked improvement in my health when I gave up smoking. Word Family: mark·ed·ly, adverb mark·ed·ness, noun half-marked, adjective well-marked, adjective

  16. 15. Mature (adj.) Definition: Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they are well developed emotionally Synonym:adult, grown-up, Example: He's very mature for his age. Word Family: ma·ture·ly, adverb ma·ture·ment, noun ma·ture·ness, noun ma·tur·er, noun half-ma·tured, adjective

  17. 16. Odd (adj.) Definition: strange or unexpected Synonym: strange, peculiar, weird Example: Her father was an odd man. Word Family: odd·ly, adverb odd·ness, noun

  18. 17. Participate (v.) Definition: to take part in or become involved in an activity Synonym: take part, engage in, join Example: She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? Word Family: par·tic·i·pat·ing·ly, adverb par·tic·i·pa·tive, adjective par·tic·i·pa·tive·ly, adverb par·tic·i·pa·tor, noun

  19. 18. Predominantly (adv.) Definition: mostly or mainly Synonym:mainly, mostly, chiefly Example: a predominantly Muslim community Word Family:

  20. 19. Pretend (v.) Definition: to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive people or as a game Synonym:make as if, fabricate Example: He pretended (that) he didn't mind, but I knew that he did. Word Family:

  21. 20. Relax (v.) Definition: to (cause someone to) become less active and more calm and happy, or to (cause a part of the body to) become less stiff Synonym: rest, sit back, Example: After work she relaxed with a cup of tea and the newspaper. Word Family: re·lax·er, noun o·ver·re·lax, verb un·re·lax·ing, adjective

  22. 21. Spin (v.) Definition: to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast Synonym:revolve, rotate, turn around Example: The Earth spins on its axis Word Family: spin·na·bil·i·ty, noun spin·na·ble, adjective out·spin, verb (used with object), out·spun, out·spin·ning. un·spin·na·ble, adjective

  23. 22. Sturdy (adj.) Definition: physically strong and solid or thick, and therefore unlikely to break or be hurt Synonym:strong, muscular, athletic Example: sturdy walking boots Word Family: stur·di·ly, adverb stur·di·ness, noun un·stur·di·ly, adverb un·stur·di·ness, noun

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