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History of the Interdisciplinary Training Program at the MUN Counselling Centre

Teaching Pre-Doctoral Psychology Interns to Train/Supervise First Year Family Practice Residents on Behavioral Health Theory and Issues Through a Half-Day 12 Week Seminar Format.

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History of the Interdisciplinary Training Program at the MUN Counselling Centre

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  1. Teaching Pre-Doctoral Psychology Interns to Train/Supervise First Year Family Practice Residents on Behavioral Health Theory and Issues Through a Half-Day 12 Week Seminar Format George Hurley, PhD, R PsychInternship Training Director, University Counselling Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canadawww.mun.ca/counselling/internship

  2. History of the Interdisciplinary Training Program at the MUN Counselling Centre • 1981 - First Family Practice Resident at the Counselling Centre • 1981 - First interdisciplinary practicum at the Centre • 1983 - Start of Family Practice Residents’ Training Program at the Counselling Centre • 2004 - Doctoral psychology interns begin teaching/supervising the seminar • 2009 - About 500 family practice residents have participated in the seminar at the Centre

  3. Assumptions of the Program • The helping professions are more alike than different in a number of areas. • Trainees, regardless of discipline, struggle through much the same process of growth and development . (Hurley and Schoenberg, 1983) • Common training experiences promote an increased understanding of shared as well as differing perspectives. (Hurley, 1986)

  4. Program Structure • 1st year Requirement of FPU rotation • 12 week Wednesday morning seminar - baseline standardized patient - review two patient videotapes - participate in seminar discussion - pre-post learning goals review - pre-post interviewing skills self assesment

  5. Standardized Patient Evaluation • Standardized Patient Grading • Scale: 1 = Poor; 2 = Adequate; 3 = Good; 4 = Very Good; 5 = Excellent • Introduced Self and greeted you warmly using your name • Demonstrated courteous and professional behavior • Language: non-jargon; easily understood • Explored your expectations of care • Elicited and responded to the main points of your concerns • Demonstrated active listening by using the techniques of restatement, reflection and clarification • Perceived a sensitive and caring attitude to your needs and • feelings; acknowledged your emotions • Checked your level of understanding of your illness, treatment etc. • Instilled a sense of confidence in their ability and/or desire to help you and eased your concern • Rate your satisfaction with this Patient-Doctor encounter • Comments:

  6. Typical SP baseline rating

  7. Seminar Content Session Topics New Participants Introduction to IPR, Session Topics, Participant Record, IPR Inquiry Leads, Four Active Listening Skills, George Hurley’s IPR Heuristics Week 1 Transference/Counter transference Week 2 Stages of Change Motivational Interviewing I Week 3 Motivational Interviewing II Week 4 Solution-Focused Counselling I Week 5 Solution-Focused Counselling II

  8. Seminar Content: Continued Week 6 Depression & Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) I Week 7 Depression & Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) II Week 8 Grief & Bereavement Week 9 Gender & Diversity Issues Week 10 Couples Counselling Week 11 Personality Disorders/Difficult Patients Week 12 Stress Management & Self-Help Resources

  9. IPR SeminarParticipant Record Participant Name:_________________________________________________ Residency, Practicum, or Internship: ____ Family Medicine ____ MEd in Counselling Psychology ____ MN ____ MSW ____ PhD or PsyD in Psychology ____ Psychiatry Self-identified areas of interpersonal interviewing strength: 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ Self-identified growth areas in interpersonal interviewing: 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ Personal education plan for IPR seminars (learning goals for the 12 weeks): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

  10. Participant Record: cont. Participant Summary of 12-Week IPR Seminar • what I feel that I accomplished vis-à-vis my learning goals • what I will continue to address as learning growth edges • how the seminars might be enhanced for future participants Comments by IPR Facilitator • Final Appraisal: ____ Satisfactory ____ Unsatisfactory • Participant: _______________ • IPR Facilitator: _______________ • Date: _______________

  11. Typical Interdisciplinary Training Issues Unfamiliarity with other disciplines • Different languages • Lack of exposure to other trainees • Assumed power differentials • Assumed criticisms • Negative alliances training history • Us vs. them

  12. Typical Interdisciplinary Training Tasks Finding mutual ground & developing empathy for one another • Role struggles • Work hours • Salaries • Trainee status • Complementary perspectives synergies • Mutual problem solving

  13. Interdisciplinary Training Goals Forging Positive Alliances • Short term alliances • Socializing together • Informal consultations • Medium term alliances • Referrals to one another • Long term alliances • Setting up multidisciplinary practices

  14. Competencies required by psychology interns to train FP residents Supervision experience • Supervise practicum students UCC experience • Comfort with interdisciplinary environment • Working with other residents one-on-one

  15. Practical strategies for training interns to supervise residents Agency Factors: - Model a positive interdisciplinary environment with faculty/staff hirings. - Develop interdisciplinary case conferences - Cross refer and consult regularly with interdisciplinary colleagues

  16. Training Strategies • Get psychology interns facilitating medical students’ learning • Let interns see medical students as clients • Have interns supervise graduate students • Have interns initially co-facilitate residents’ seminars with faculty/senior staff • Have interns train/supervise residents towards the end of internship

  17. References Hurley, G., & Garland, J. (Eds.). (1988). Introduction to Medical Interviewing, St. John's, Newfoundland: University Counselling Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Hurley, G. (Ed.) (1986). Teaching family practice residents counseling skills in a university counseling centre. Inter­national Association of Counselling Services Monograph Series, No. 2. Alexandria, VA: IACS. Hurley, G. and Schoenberg, B. M. (1983). Interdisciplinary practicum training at a university counselling centre [Summary]. Proceedings of the 1983 Canadian Association of College and University Student Services National Conference, 20.

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