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New ways to wards integration and participation European Guidance Forum

New ways to wards integration and participation European Guidance Forum. Guidance and counselling for migrants or persons with migration background Arbeit & Bildung e.V. Projects: KUMULUS and KUMULUS-PLUS. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for l abour market and integration.

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New ways to wards integration and participation European Guidance Forum

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  1. New ways towards integration and participationEuropean Guidance Forum Guidance and counselling for migrants or persons with migration background Arbeit & Bildung e.V. Projects: KUMULUS and KUMULUS-PLUS

  2. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Our Projects - an overview KUMULUS offers vocational guidance and counselling, promotes youth with migrant backgrounds in vocational training places and cooperates with all stakeholders in vocational education KUMULUS-PLUS is an EQUAL Development Partnership of several projects in Berlin and Rostock, with the objective to integrate adults with migrant background into the labour market Arbeit & Bildung e.V. is co-ordinating this network Jobconnect / PQB (Praktische Qualifizierungim Betrieb), these projects organise internships in small and medium-sized companies for young people under 25 Aktivierungshilfen (activating resources) offers job-orientation through counselling and placement into internships, in order to integrate young people in vocational education in companies. BVQB (Berufsausbildungvorbereitung mit Qualifizierungsbausteinen) is an additional programme within the framework of pre-vocational training,offering training modules concerning occupational orientation and support for work experience opportunities in chosen high schools bridge is an EQUAL project, focussing on the integration of refugees by developing their basic vocational skills

  3. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Population of Germans and foreigners in Germany and in Berlin (Source: Statistisches Bundesamt und Statistisches Landesamt Berlin 2005)

  4. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Unemployment rate in Germany and Berlin – Germans and foreigners in comparison (Source: Statistisches Bundesamt 2005 and “Integration und Migration in Berlin”, published by the Berlin Senate of Integration and Migration, 2005)

  5. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Foreigners in Berlin 2003 - differentiated by nationality / only main ethnic groups (Source: „Integration und Migration in Berlin“ published by the Senate of Berlin, Commissioner for Integration and Migration, 2005)

  6. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Diverse cultural backgrounds / needs of young migrants and persons with migrant background seeking for counselling Turkish migrants: the majority belongs to2nd and 3rd generation,low social status and educational level of parents, religion, gender Arab migrants: many born in Germany, illiteracy of parents, religion, gender, precarious residence permit status Ethnic Germans (Aussiedler): either high level of education (urban provenance) or low educational level (rural provenance), both with low level of German language competence Jewish quota immigrants (from countries of the former Soviet Union): urban,mostly highly educated parents, low German language competence, high expectations Immigrants coming by family reunion: need of individual support, low German language competence Refugees and people seeking asylum: mostly minors / without parents, high level of social needs, traumatic experiences, precarious residence permit status, short-term future perspective

  7. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Consequences Vocational qualification in fields demanding low level of educational qualification No vocational qualification at all Drop out of school or vocational training Difficulties with the transition from school to vocational system / vocational preparation courses and/or to work / employment Resignation and demotivation

  8. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Proportion of foreign population to students of public schools in Berlin, 2004 (Source: Statistisches Landesamt Berlin 2004, Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Sport 2004/2005)

  9. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Development of number of school-leavers (Source: Landesschulamt Schuljahr 2003/2004)

  10. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Proportion of students leaving school with / without certificates - foreign students and German students in comparison (Berlin) (Source: “Integration und Migration in Berlin”, published by the Commissioner for Integration and MigrationofBerlin Senate, 2005)

  11. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Trainees in total and trainees with new vocational training contract in Berlin 1995 to 2005 (Source:Statistisches Landesamt Berlin 2005) trainees in total with new vocational training contracts

  12. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Foreign trainees inBerlin 1995 -2005 by fields of vocational training(Source: Statistisches Landesamt Berlin 2005) Free proffessions Handicraft Total Industry and trade Agriculture and housekeeping Public service

  13. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Facts and figures: Trainees in Berlin 2002 to 2004 (Source: Statistisches Landesamt Berlin 2004)

  14. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration KUMULUS Vocational guidance and advancement through training for young people with migrant backgrounds 1993 initiated by the former Commissioner for Foreigners´ Affairs of the Senate of Berlin Barbara John multicultural team with experience in vocational training guidance, sociopedagogical counselling approach and cross-cultural competence cooperation with secondary schools, careers counsellors of the Employment Agencies, chambers and trade boards, employers, multiplicators KUMULUS is a project of Arbeit & Bildung e.V. financed by the Commissioner for Integration and Migration of the Senate of Berlin and the European Social Fund

  15. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration KUMULUS for youth und their parents KUMULUS for enterprises and multiplicators Chamber of Industry & Commerce and Chamber of Crafts PR Counselling support promotion vocational guidance qualification of vocational trainers mobile counselling choice of vocation networking information meetings for parents in native language training for multiplicators Qualified guidance on vocational training - a waytowards social integration

  16. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Official programmes for integration / legal framework 1. Integration of migrants national level: Immigration Law (integration courses), Social Law Act, Vocational Training Act, National Pact for Training and Young Skilled Staff in Germany regional level: „Intercultural Opening“ of Public Administration (Diversity Management) local level: School Reform, Integration Concept (Welcome to Berlin – Guidelines for Newcomers 2. Fostering vocational training and occupational integration 4 pillar system: a) schools b) employment agencies (Vocational Information Center – BIZ, Vocational guidance) / job-centers c) chambers (DIHK, IHK, HWK) and associations of employers d) NGO‘s

  17. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Cooperation with Employment Agencies ,Job-Centers and Schools Schools NGO‘s / f. ex. Arbeit & Bildung e.V. Employment Agencies / Job- Centers Vocational preparation courses vocational system in Berlin – 4 models Company model / training company + vocational school / training centre + company + vocational school / training centre+ vocational school / school model

  18. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration • Problematic areas • Socialisation (living in 2 cultures, language, family, social environment) • School environment (lack of parentalcooperation with school) • structural aspects (school system, counselling/ choice of suitable occupation) • labour market situation Conclusions Young people with migrant backgrounds grow up in a social environment characterized by extremely high unemployment levels and a lack of vocational qualification. There are few good examples of successful career paths to follow. German citizenship does not in itself guarantee equal opportunities for migrants. For qualified educational and vocational guidance, cross-cultural competence is as important as the knowledge of vocational training systems. Legal and social framework differ for particular immigrant communities. Systematic guidance and counselling for parents and children with migrant background at pre-school and the early school stages is a prerequisite for a successful start and the social integration of the young generation. Existing „good-practice“projects on national, regional and local level need a long term perspective.

  19. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration Examples of „good practice“ for counselling of young migrants Arbeit & Bildug e.V. – Project: KUMULUS BQN (Berufliches Qualifizierungsnetzwerk für Migrantinenn und Migranten in Berlin) – a part of federal programme „Promoting Skills – Vocational Qualification for Target Groups“ - KAUSA ( Koordinierungsstelle - Ausbildung in Ausländischen Unternehmen) – a project co-ordinating vocational training in foreign-owned enterprises - EQUAL – project: bridge – one of the very few projects for refugees,the majority of participantsareyoung people–

  20. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration KUMULUS – PLUS EQUAL Development Partnership Vocational guidance and promotion in training, job-placement or self-employment for adults with migrant background (age over 22 years) Start up in July 2005 (2nd round of EQUAL), financed by the EU (ESF), the German Employment Agency and the German Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Coordination of a network of individual projects in the region of Berlin and Rostock. The network provides direct individual counselling (in different languages), vocational profiling / potential assessment, (re-) qualification courses and coaching for self-employment Networking on a national and transnational level – exchange of professional competence

  21. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration KUMULUS-PLUS an example of „good practice“ – national and transnational networking National level IQ – Network (Integration via Qualification): a network of 6 German EQUAL - Development Partnerships (NOBI-Hamburg, MigraNet-Augsburg,, ProQualifizierung-Düsseldorf, KUMULUS-PLUS-Berlin, InBez-Mainz), coordinated by the National Vocational Oversight Center for Crafts and Trades (ZWH), external evaluation (anaconde) Work group subjects: diversity management, methods to coach self-employers, (re-)qualification projects, career guidance, job-orientated language training, analysis of competence and potential Transnational level New labour market possibilities: a network of 4 EQUAL – Development Partnerships from Spain, Germany and the Netherlands (Equal-EMPLEATE - ES, Competence and Diversity – GER, Triple-Win-Method – NL, KUMULUS-PLUS – GER), external evaluation (ITC) Work group subjects: empowerment, career guidance, diversity management, setting up business, integration pathways

  22. Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Competence for labour market and integration THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Contact: Arbeit & Bildung e.V. Potsdamerstr. 118 Lindenstr. 20-25 10785 Berlin 10969 Berlin,,,

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