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Words for Production

Words for Production. 1. sequence [`sikw1ns] n. [C][U] a set of related events, actions, or numbers that follow each other in a particular order; the order that related events or actions (should) happen in 一連串的事物,一系列的事物;順序,次序. Words for Production. 1. sequence

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Words for Production

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  1. Words for Production 1.sequence[`sikw1ns]n. [C][U] a set of related events, actions, or numbers that follow each other in a particular order; the order that related events or actions (should) happen in一連串的事物,一系列的事物;順序,次序

  2. Words for Production 1.sequence With a sequence of Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling has become one of the most popular writers in the world. The police asked the witness to describe all the events of that murder in sequence. * in sequence 依順序

  3. Words for Production 2.occasion[1`keZ1n] n. [C]a particular time when something happens or has happened時刻,場合 The last occasion I saw Tom was at his house a month ago.

  4. occasional[1`keZ1nL]adj.偶爾的,有時的 It will be cloudy with occasional showers tomorrow.

  5. occasionally[1`keZ1nLI]adv. 偶爾,有時 Occasionally, my grandmother will have a cup of coffee, but it's quite rare.

  6. Words for Production 3.surroundings[s1`ra5ndI9z]n. pl.all the things that are around a person or a thing環境,周遭狀況 Some insects blend in with their surroundings so that it is difficult to see them.

  7. Words for Production 4.context[`kAntEkst]n. [C][U]the situation in which something happens and that helps someone to understand it(事情發生的) 背景,情況 Crime has to be studied in its social contexts.

  8. Words for Production 5.repressed[rI`prEst] adj. (of emotions or thoughts) not expressed openly; (of people) having desires or emotions that are not allowed to be expressed openly受壓抑的 Anna found eating to be an outlet for her repressed feelings. 詞類變化

  9. repress[rI`prEs] vt.壓抑 (情感或衝動) People who repress their emotions tend to have bad dreams at night. * tend to + V 有…的傾向

  10. repression[rI`prES1n]n. [U]壓抑 Ron’s repression of his emotions has caused his neurosis (精神官能 症).

  11. Words for Production 6.outlet[`a5t&lEt]n. [C]a way in which strong feelings, emotions, or energy can be expressed or made good use of(感情、情緒等的) 宣洩管道,抒發方式 Victor played basketball as an outlet for the pressure of school. * make use of 利用

  12. Words for Production 7.impulse[`Imp^ls]n. [C]a sudden strong desire to do something without thinking about the results衝動 He missed his girlfriend so much that he couldn't resist the impulse to pick up the phone and call her. 詞類變化

  13. impulsive[Im`p^lsIv]adj.衝動的 Karen is an impulsive person; we never know what she will do next.

  14. Words for Production 8.liberated[`lIb1&retId] adj.free from the restrictions of traditional ideas about social behavior不受束縛的,自由的 The woman felt liberated to talk about her innermost feelings only in the therapist's office. 詞類變化

  15. liberate[`lIb1&ret]vt.使自由,解放Career opportunities have liberated women from traditional roles of housewives.

  16. Words for Recognition 1. J. B. Priestley[`dZe `bi `pristlI]n.(1894-1984) John Boynton Priestley, a British writersounds 英國作家名

  17. Idioms and Phrases 1.date back to to date from; to have existed since a particular time in the past追溯到 The church in the village dates back to the Norman period.

  18. Idioms and Phrases 2.on occasion occasionally; from time to time; sometimes but not often偶爾,有時 On occasion, students go on excursions to some scenic spots in the country. * on occasion = occasionally = from time to time = sometimes = now and then = now and again * go on an excursion / excursions 遠足 * scenic spot 景點

  19. Idioms and Phrases 3.(every) now and again (every) now and then; from time to time; occasionally; sometimes but not often偶爾,有時 We have heard from him now and again since he moved away.

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