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Dilatory. (Adj.) intended to delay; tending to postpone or delay. Dilatoriness - noun. Dilator – “delayer”. Languid. (Adj.) lacking energy, spirit, or force; slow. Languish – verb Languor - noun. Lethargy. (N.) a severe lack of energy and enthusiasm; apathy and inactivity.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dilatory (Adj.) intended to delay; tending to postpone or delay Dilatoriness - noun Dilator – “delayer”

  2. Languid (Adj.) lacking energy, spirit, or force; slow Languish – verb Languor - noun

  3. Lethargy (N.) a severe lack of energy and enthusiasm; apathy and inactivity Lethargic - adjective Argos – “idle”

  4. Melancholy (N.) deep sadness or depression; gloom (Adj.) sad and gloomy; pensive

  5. Quiescent (Adj.) being still, quiet, or inactive Quiescence - noun

  6. Repose (N.) rest; relaxation; peacefulness (V.) to lie down; to rest

  7. Sloth (N.) laziness; avoiding work or effort Slothful - adjective

  8. Somnambulate (V.) to sleepwalk Somnambular – adjective Somnambulism - noun Somnus – “sleep”

  9. Soporific (Adj.) causing or tending to cause sleep (N.) a medicine that causes sleep

  10. Stupor (N.) a confused condition of reduced consciousness, often brought on by shock or illness; a daze Stupefy - verb

  11. Abhor (V.) to hate intensely; to detest; to regard with horror or loathing Abhorrent – adjective Abhorrence - noun

  12. Affinity (N.) a natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship

  13. Animosity (N.) bitter hostility; open hatred

  14. Ardent (Adj.) passionate; showing strong enthusiasm or devotion Ardor - noun Ardere – “to burn”

  15. Disdain (V.) to regard or treat with contempt or scorn; to despise (N.) scorn; contempt and aloofness Disdainful - adjective

  16. Enamor (V.) to inspire with love; to captivate Amour – “love”

  17. Estrange (V.) to destroy affection or friendliness; to alienate; to make hostile Estrangement - noun

  18. Kudos (N.) praise for exceptional achievement

  19. Pejorative (Adj.) disrespectful; insulting; belittling

  20. Repugnance (N.) extreme dislike; disgust Repugnant - adjective

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