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Ciliophora. Ciliophora. “ciliates” includes about 8000 protists Unicellular , heterotrophs From the Latin word for “eyelash” “ Cilia ” = short hair-like structures which contribute to their movement and eating habits. Ciliophora ( cont ).

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  1. Ciliophora

  2. Ciliophora • “ciliates” includes about 8000protists • Unicellular, heterotrophs • From the Latin word for “eyelash” • “Cilia” = short hair-like structures which contribute to their movement and eating habits

  3. Ciliophora (cont) • How they eat: cilia beat to propel the ciliate through the water and to draw in food particles • Ubiquitous in places with water: ocean, marine sediments, lakes, ponds, rivers, even soils • The amount of Ciliates present are an indicator of the degree of pollution in the area • Feed off bacteria/algae/each other

  4. Common Cilates • Didinium, Paramecium, Stentor, Suctoria, andVorticella Paramecium • Stentor

  5. Pathogenic Ciliate • Balantidiasis – (Bal-ant-to-die-asis) • onlydisease pathogenic to humans. • caused by ciliate : Balantidium coli • Mostly asymptomatic • Symptoms: diarrhea, constipation

  6. Method of Motility • Move by cilia • power stroke • Recovery stroke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXcEACQv5-8

  7. Structural Differences • Feeding • -definite mouth • -cilia tufts for feeding and attachment 1-contractile vacuole 2-digestive vacuole 3-macronucleus 4-micronucleus • Holozoic-method of nutrition that involves ingestion of liquid or solid organic material, digestion absorption, and assimilation of it to utilize it.

  8. Structural Differences • Two kinds of nuclei • -Heterokarytoic(micro and macro) • Macronucleus (typically larger) • Always one macronucleus • Can have more than one micronucleus(for sexual reproduction) • Pellicle- Common name for rigid outer covering

  9. Reproduction • BinaryFission-one cell divides into two equal halves • Conjugation-two individuals come together and exchange nuclear and, in rare cases, cytoplasmic material

  10. Defense Mechanism • Paramecium • -Trichocysts that can discharge for protection (projections for protection) • -Rotate for escape from predators

  11. Lifestyle • Considered the most evolved and complex of protozoans • Relatively large • 300-3000 µm • Suctorian suck out protoplasm of prey through the tentacles**** Morgan’s fave • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrfW2nLKnUg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U4zzwUP6wA

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