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How Everglades Restoration Can Mitigate Some Effects of Sea Level Rise in South Florida

How Everglades Restoration Can Mitigate Some Effects of Sea Level Rise in South Florida. By the Arthur R Marshall 2013 Interns: Sarah Denisen, Casey Hickcox, Jessica James, Tomena Scholze, and Kelsie Timpe. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise . May 9, 2013: Mauna Loa above 400 ppm.

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How Everglades Restoration Can Mitigate Some Effects of Sea Level Rise in South Florida

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  1. How Everglades Restoration Can Mitigate Some Effects of Sea Level Rise in South Florida

    By the Arthur R Marshall 2013 Interns: Sarah Denisen, Casey Hickcox, Jessica James, Tomena Scholze, and Kelsie Timpe
  2. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise May 9, 2013: Mauna Loa above 400 ppm Pre 1870s: 180-280 ppm Fig 1: NOAA, Climate.gov
  3. Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Fig 2: IPCC 2007
  4. Fig 3: NOAA 2012
  5. The US National Climate Assessment predicts with high confidence that the sea will rise at least 0.2 m (8 inches) and no more than 2 m (6.6 ft) by 2100 (NOAA 2012). Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Table 1: NOAA 2012
  6. Sea Level Rise: The Future of Florida
  7. History of Everglades Restoration Historic Flow Current Flow CERP Future Plan Flow
  8. Threats to the urban environment Saltwater Intrusion Increased flooding Infrastructure damage Threats to the natural environment Storm Surge Saltwater Inundation Mangrove Destruction Habitat Conversion Trophic Disruption Outline of Sea Level Rise Threats
  9. Threats to the Natural Environment: Storm Surge Physical Erosion Sediment removal Mangrove destruction and removal Soil subsidence Chemical Erosion Saltwater inundation Wetland Destruction Almost 3100 acres in S.Fla due to Hurricane Wilma http://www.disaster.qld.gov.au/getready/images/storm-surge.png
  10. Healthy Ecosystems Provide Natural Protection Mangroves - 'Natural wall' Create peat dam Increases drag on water motion Absorbs wave energy Decreases fetch in wave action Inland plants Prevent creation of waves Increases drag on water motion Holds sediment in place
  11. Peat decomposition Oxidative destruction Nutrient Enrichment Phosphorus Salinity increase Threats to the Natural Environment: Saltwater Inundation Seawater Okeechobee Everglades Goal
  12. Mangrove Threats Soil Erosion Too fine sediment Hypersalinity Migration Capacity Limited SLR <9 cm/yr - Acceptable SLR 9-12 cm/yr - Stressed SLR >12 cm/yr - Threatened Threats to the Natural Environment: Mangrove Destruction
  13. Salinity increases and reduced freshwater -> vegetation community shifts aquatic vegetation regime shifts tidal marsh shifts and submergence buttonwood/coastal hammock loss Differing rates of migration -> elimination of some habitats Threats to the Natural Environment:Habitat Conversion
  14. Salinity-induced vegetation shifts reduce ecosystem values Total Ecosystem Valuation (TEV)
  15. Total Ecosystem Value (TEV) Decreases as Habitats Shift TEV decreases to $5 billion with 5 ft. of SLR Losses occur as ecosystems degrade to less valuable habitats through salinity changes C sequestration values decreased from $32 million to $490 k due to mangrove loss TEV is $74 billion with no SLR effects in study area
  16. Biological effects of physical changes caused by SLR and flow alterations disrupted trophic interactions productivity effects population/community structure changes Examples: coastal fish nurseries wading bird nesting/feeding periphyton composition Threats to the Natural Environment:Trophic Disruption
  17. The Urban Side 2010 population along the lower east coast was approx. 5.6 million 2010 gross water demand of 1,775,000,000 gallons per day 2030 population projected to increase by 18% to approx. 6.6 million 2030 gross water demand for all uses is projected to increase by 213 million gallons per day (12%)
  18. Climate Change Threatens Water Supply Warming will change in the rate of evapotranspiration Unpredictable weather patterns and rising temperatures may increase water demands Less frequent but more intense rainfall, with longer dry periods in between, may increase total annual rainfall but decrease total useable rainfall - more water may be lost to tide or runoff. This scenario increases the necessity for long term water storage for use during dry periods.
  19. Salt Water Intrusion Threatens Water Supply The majority of public water supply is pumped from shallow wells Salt water contaminates shallow well fields, making them unusable Many coastal well fields are already experiencing salt water intrusion and must be abandoned Utilities at risk - Lake Worth, Lantana, Hillsboro Beach, Dania Beach, Hallendale Beach, Miami-Dade south wellfields, Florida City, Homestead, and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority.
  20. The Aquifer Systems under South Florida Surficial Aquifer System (SAS) Floridan Aquifer System (FAS) SAS holds freshwater from surface level to about 200 ft in depth FAS holds brackish water in several layers Photo Credit: SFWMD
  21. How Saltwater Intrusion Works When water is withdrawn faster than it is recharged, seawater moves in With SLR, pressure from the a growing ocean will push more saltwater inland. Photo Credit: USGS
  22. Connection between Water Supply and the Greater Everglades Water from Lake Okeechobee, the Water Catchment Areas (WCAs) and the C&SF Canals recharge the SAS and Biscayne Aquifer Photo Credit: SFWMD Photo Credit: SFWMD
  23. How can we meet future water supply demand? Diversify our water sources Increase surface water storage Use reclaimed water and rain for non-potable uses Increase water conservation Restore the Everglades Photo Credit Ken Kaye
  24. Alternative Water Supply Options Temporary fix - move Biscayne and surficial aquifer system (SAS) wells inland. Desalinize brackish water from the FloridanAquifer System (FAS). Desalinize saltwater from the ocean.
  25. SAS and the Biscayne Aquifer Salt water intrusion necessitates abandoning wells or moving them further inland. Moving wells is costly - Earl King, assistant director of utilities for the City of Hallendale Beach, estimates moving a small wellfield inland will cost $8,500,000. Only a temporary fix. Relying exclusively on the SAS and the Biscayne is not a viable option to meet future water demand. Other water sources must be explored.
  26. Floridan Aquifer System - FAS FAS is brackish – requires treatment (RO) Construction is costly. RO highly energy intensive. Deep injection wells (DIWs) are necessary
  27. Seawater Desalinization Unlimited, drought-proof source of water RO is highly energy intensive and expensive Brine byproduct of RO can be damaging to marine ecosystems. Advances technology reducing cost Co-location of desalfacilities and coastal power plants
  28. SAS
  29. Supplemental Sources and Conservation Measures Rainwater harvesting, use of reclaimed water and water conservation practices will help reduce water supply demands Photo Credit: EPA
  30. Reclaimed Water Used for irrigation, agricultural and industrial uses Reduces pumping from groundwater Reduces quantity of wastewater disposed of via ocean outfalls and deep injection wells Reduces need for fertilizer Wastewater flows predicted to increase from 636 MGD in 2010 to 832 MDG by 2030 Is no more dirty than ocean water! Photo Credit: SunSentinel
  31. Rainwater Harvesting Inexpensive Reduces stress on water supplies Reduces stormwater runoff, pollution and flooding Photo Credit: EcoFriend Photo Credit: SunSentinal
  32. Help recharge the shallow Biscayne Aquifer Provide more surface water storage Prevent peat degradation Push back saltwater intrusion Reduce nutrient enrichment Maintain freshwater habitats for plants and wildlife. Maintain the coastal mangrove storm barriers The Solution: Everglades Restoration More water in the Everglades ecosystem will:
  33. THANK YOU!Questions?
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