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The Grasslands Conservation Council and Species at Risk Action Plans

The Grasslands Conservation Council and Species at Risk Action Plans. Alison Peatt, MSc, RPBio Species at Risk Coordinator. Summary of Presentation. Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do?

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The Grasslands Conservation Council and Species at Risk Action Plans

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  1. The Grasslands Conservation Council and Species at Risk Action Plans Alison Peatt,MSc, RPBio Species at Risk Coordinator

  2. Summary of Presentation • Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? • What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do? • How do we set local priorities for recovery of grasslands species and ecosystems at risk? • What is GCC’s proposed approach for recovery of Grasslands ecosystems and species at risk in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

  3. Summary of Presentation • Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? • What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do? • How do we set local priorities for recovery of grasslands species and ecosystems at risk? • What is GCC’s proposed approach for recovery of Grasslands ecosystems and species at risk in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

  4. Who is the GCC? • Our focus is conserving, protecting and promoting stewardship of BC grasslands and the species at risk that depend on them • Three program areas: • outreach/education, • grassland stewardship/sustainable ranching, • conservation of grasslands

  5. What does the GCC do? Outreach and Education-we build awareness of BC’s rare, unique and beautiful grasslands. Key initiatives include: • “BC Grasslands” magazine • Calf and Curlew TV spots • Websitewww.bcgrasslands.org

  6. What does the GCC do? Grassland Stewardship/Sustainable Ranching- stewardship, partnerships and sustainable practices to improve understanding and keep working ranches working. • Key initiatives: • Planning for Change • Green Bylaw Toolkit • Monitoring Manual • Offroad Vehicle Coalition

  7. What does GCC do? Conservation of Grasslands- protection/special management of representative/critical grassland ecosystems including habitat areas for species at risk. • Key Initiatives: • Mapping BC Grasslands • Mapping Priority Grasslands • Ecosystems/Species at Risk

  8. Summary of Presentation • Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? • What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do? • How do we set local priorities for recovery of grasslands species and ecosystems at risk? • What is GCC’s proposed approach for recovery of Grasslands ecosystems and species at risk in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

  9. What does the Grasslands SAR coordinator do? • Part of GCC Grasslands Conservation Program • GCC Priority Mapping and Planning for Change Projects help with delivery of actions

  10. What does the Grasslands SAR coordinator do? • 3-5 year project • 5 Grasslands regions • Facilitates Communication • Interprets “ecosystem-based” approach • Products: Workshops, Action Plans, Partnerships, Priority Actions

  11. Action Plan Priorities? Fraser River Basin

  12. What does the Grasslands SAR coordinator do? Produces Action plans: • 1st priority: South Okanagan Basin, Thompson Basin, Fraser River Basin (all three regional ecosections with grasslands?) • 2nd priority: North Okanagan Basin, Nicola Basin, Pavilion Ranges • Plan content • Written summary (template developed) • Spreadsheet • Ecosection map

  13. Conservation Partnerships established: South Okanagan: North-Central Okanagan: East Kootenay: Cariboo-Chilcotin? Conservation Partnerships needed: Thompson-Nicola: What does the Grasslands SAR coordinator do? Implementation through regional partnerships Initiate partnership Work with existing partnerships

  14. What does the Grasslands SAR coordinator do?

  15. Summary of Presentation • Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? • What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do? • How do we set local priorities for recovery of grasslands species and ecosystems at risk? • What is GCC’s proposed approach for recovery of Grasslands ecosystems and species at risk in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

  16. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR? The challenge Factors that influence priorities Current Status: Facts about Fraser River Basin Sample mapping exercise

  17. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR? The challenge …… Death by Data?

  18. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?factors that influence priorities

  19. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR? Factors that influence priorities • Location of Grasslands • Locations of land ownership (crown, private, Indian lands) • Locations of Species at Risk

  20. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR? Indicators Global: 6 species Representation: 19% of BC Grasslands Rarity: 55% of grasslands on crown land; 4% historic loss Risk: 9 SARA schedule 1 species 4570 ha 125, 090 ha Facts about Fraser River Basin

  21. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?Sample mapping exercise Fraser River Basin Land ownership Percent 17 % Parks/Protected Areas

  22. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR? Sample mapping exercise showing location of grasslands Majority of the ecosection is grassland (light green) FRASER RIVER BASIN

  23. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?Sample mapping exercise • Orange is crown • Beige is private • Brown is Indian Reserve FRASER RIVER BASIN

  24. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?Sample mapping exercise More than 30% of crown land is in parks and protected areas shown in green FRASER RIVER BASIN What could be done to secure/rehabilitate habitat for grasslands species at risk in parks/protected areas?

  25. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?Sample mapping exercise What are the other crown land tools: Provincial • Section 17 Land Act • Wildlife habitat areas (WHAS) Federal • SARA • Partnerships with federal agencies

  26. How do we set local priorities for recovery of Grasslands SAR?Sample mapping exercise The majority of the area is within the Agriculture Land Reserve FRASER RIVER BASIN What else could be done Is being done to secure/ rehabilitate habitat for grasslands species at risk on private land?

  27. Private approach What are the other private land tools? • Acquisition, Conservation Covenants? • Written Stewardship agreements • Stewardship outreach and best management practices /guidelines • Local government bylaws etc. • Ecosystem restoration • Grazing enhancements • Broader initiatives to support sustainable ranching

  28. Summary of Presentation • Who is the Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) of BC and what does it do? • What does the GCC Grasslands Species at Risk Coordinator do? • How do we set local priorities for recovery of grasslands species and ecosystems at risk? • What is GCC’s proposed approach for recovery of Grasslands ecosystems and species at risk in the Cariboo-Chilcotin?

  29. What is GCC’s proposed approach in the Cariboo - Chilcotin? Reflects SARA requirements Incorporate priority setting Experts/Advisors participate Land users/owners support First Nations Participation

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