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AF Weather Issues for CEISC 04-1

AF Weather Issues for CEISC 04-1. Mr. Michael Howland AFWA Technical Director/CIO 20 Jun 04. Overview. AF CIO Issues Relevant to CEISC AF Architecture Tied to Federal Enterprise Arch AFW Operational Architecture Interagency Cross Cutting Issues Agency Interoperability Initiatives

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AF Weather Issues for CEISC 04-1

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  1. AF Weather Issues for CEISC 04-1 Mr. Michael Howland AFWA Technical Director/CIO 20 Jun 04

  2. Overview • AF CIO Issues Relevant to CEISC • AF Architecture Tied to Federal Enterprise Arch • AFW Operational Architecture • Interagency Cross Cutting Issues • Agency Interoperability Initiatives • JMIB Background • Notional METOC Operational Concept • Joint METOC Proposed Ops Architecture

  3. Relevant AF CIO Issues • AF CIO, Mr. John Gilligan, actively engaged in full oversight of all IT initiatives for AF • Clinger-Cohen Act (All IT initiatives need full OMB 300) • Built AF Enterprise Architecture, enforces use of architecture • AF Portal • All applications web enabled and run on AF Portal servers • End user only needs desktop system and browser • Network and server consolidation initiative • Implement Global Information Grid (GIG) to extend network to all AF users both fixed sites and deployed (includes platforms) • Standardize and centralize common IT purchases • Tight enforcement of information assurance/C&A processes • Supports DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) initiative • Implements DoD Community of Interest (COI) data strategy

  4. Relevant AF CIO Issues (cont) • Implications for AF Weather (AFW) • AFWA CIO needed to track compliance with AF CIO initiatives • CIO approval needed for AFW server consolidation plan • Capital Investment Reports needed on all AFW IT funds • DoD Architecture Framework enforced for investment planning, acquisition, and interoperability with AF Ent Arch • Manage business case to move applications to AF Portal H/W • Dedicated circuits phase out in favor of GIG/Common-User Comm • H/W for regional and unit level support not provided by AFW (we become a software application provider for these levels) • Applications - must be web-enabled and integrated with DoD GIG • External agency interfaces - may need to have PKI certificates • Homeland Security - may need to sponsor non-DoD agencies to have access to DoD networks

  5. AF Architecture Tied to Federal Enterprise Arch • AF Chief Architect’s Office reports to AF CIO • AF embraced use of DoD Architecture Framework • Mandated by Clinger Cohen Act for IT programs • Used in Capabilities Planning - Part of AF Requirements Process • Tracked by CIO and OMB in Capital Investment Reporting • Mapped to Federal Enterprise Architecture • AFW is a formally recognized warfighting mission area Architecture council - cross cuts all warfighting domains • See AFWA brief from 2 Dec 03 CEISC • AFW actively using Architecture to guide acquisitions and roadmap migration to target end-state

  6. AFW Operational ArchitectureTo-Be Operational View (OV-1): Enterprise SOLAR IMPACTS WOC/EOC CWT SOF CWT Comm Degradation GIG GPS – Positioning Errors Hi-Res Models,Space WX, & Climatology Orbital Drag Spacecraft Charging AFWA OWS OWS Flight Hazards PBA CWT WST JFSOCC Optical Turbulence WOC WST JFC JFLCC JFACC WOC/EOC WST SurveillanceImpacts - BDA WST C2 Planning /Execution CWT UE CWT UA CWT Airfield Impacts JFMCC GroundManeuverTrafficability TargetAcquisition / Lock-on UA WST CWT Maritime Impacts SOF CWT

  7. Interagency Cross Cutting Issues • Migration away from dedicated circuits to IP based networks; growing use of wireless technology • Network technology refresh is on track for IP6 • Information Assurance and Public Key Infrastructure • DoD/AF actively migrating to XML for data exchange • Web sites/pages evolving to interactive web services • DoD Transformation to Net Centric Operations and Warfare Note: Separate brief (21 Jul) covers last three bullets in more detail

  8. Agency Interoperability Initiatives • DoD Transformation to Net Centric Operations and Warfare (NCOW) • DoD/AF Enterprise Architecture • DoD Enterprise Services • DoD Information Strategy • Communities of Interest for Data Standards - Use of XML • Use of Web Services • Joint METOC Interoperability Board (JMIB) • Joint METOC recognized as DoD COI for data management • Affiliation of JMIB and CEISC?

  9. JMIB Background • Chartered by XOW and NO96 under NAVY/AF METOC cooperation to improve METOC interoperability within DoD (XOW/NO96 Joint Msg, 181136Z DEC 01) • Purpose: “Set a definitive course for interoperability of DoD METOC data and systems with current and future DoD C4ISR systems. Broaden the scope of cooperation between the service METOC communities in support of JV 2010/2020 objectives and improve interoperability of METOC data and product delivery within the DoD.” • Co-Chaired by AFWA/OA and CNMOC N5 • Members from each service, OASD (NII), J3 Staff, and JFCOM • Supported by Standing and Ad-Hoc Working Groups • C4ISR and Data Standardization - Permanent working groups • Joint METOC Symbology - Ad Hoc Note: C4ISR = Command and Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

  10. Forecast T+3 hrs to T+14 days Climatology Past to T-12 hours Nowcast 0 to T+3 hours Observations T-12 to 0 hour Outlook T+14 days to T+months Meteorologic, Oceanographic, Space, & Ancillary Astro/Geophysical Information Past to Future C4ISR/ MP Sys OWS/Navy AFCCC Joint METOC Database (JMDB) AFWA/OWS/CWT METOC LOGISTICS TACTICAL UNITS ALL SOURCE INTELLIGENCE GEOSPATIAL FRAMEWORK IMAGERY OWS/CWT Navy/SPACEWOC Notional METOC Operational ConceptSupporting C4ISR and Mission Planning Domain Authority: Points Warfighter to the METOC Answer User requests METOC for X mission for time T-20 to T+10 Warfighter’s single, accurate, timely, relevant METOC answer

  11. GCCS Receiver Domain Authority “Data Switch” Other C4ISR/MP Systems Retriever VNE METOC Strategic Level DBs JMPS METOC Operational Level DBs Packager METOC Tactical Level DBs METOC LOGISTICS TACTICAL UNITS ALL SOURCE INTELLIGENCE GEOSPATIAL FRAMEWORK IMAGERY Joint METOCProposed Ops Architecture • Middleware Service Tier • Gets operator only part of METOC cube required • Domain authority derives METOC answer and single forecast of the day • Virtual Natural Environment (VNE) becomes the logicalrepository • Joint METOC Database a.k.a “4-D Data Cube” • Virtual DB made up of data at all DoD METOC sites • All JMDB segments • -- Physically built or logically mapped • C4ISR/MP Systems • - Access METOC info in standard way • METOC info overlaid on COP

  12. Summary • AF CIO Issues Relevant to CEISC • AF Architecture Tied to Federal Enterprise Arch • AFW Operational Architecture • Interagency Cross Cutting Issues • Agency Interoperability Initiatives • JMIB Background • Notional METOC Operational Concept • Joint METOC Proposed Ops Architecture

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