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25 Greatest Maritime Disasters In History

25 Greatest Maritime Disasters In History. №25. The Sussex was lost in a severe storm on 1 March 1694 off Gibraltar . There were only two survivors out of a crew of 500. HMS Sussex. №24.

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25 Greatest Maritime Disasters In History

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  1. 25 GreatestMaritimeDisastersInHistory

  2. №25 TheSussexwaslostin a severestormon 1 March 1694 offGibraltar. Therewereonlytwosurvivorsoutof a crewof 500. HMS Sussex

  3. №24 Sankon 18 September 1890 afterstriking a reefduring a typhoonoffKushimoto, Japan. Themaritimeaccidentresultedinthelossof 533 sailorsincludingAdmiralAliOsmanPasha. OttomanfrigateErtuğrul

  4. №23 Duringtheship’s 19th voyage, on 1 April 1873, itranontorocksandsankoffthecoastofNovaScotia, killing 535 people. RMS Atlantic

  5. №22 16 April 1947, theFrenchregistered ex-libertyshipcaughtfireandexplodeddocksidewhilebeingloadedwithammoniumnitrateatTexasCity, Texas. InwhatcametobecalledtheTexasCityDisasteranestimated 581 people, including 28 firefighters, werekilledand 5,000 wereinjured. SS Grandcamp

  6. №21 3 September 1878 thePrincessAlicewassunkin a collisionontheRiverThameswiththecollierBywellCastleoffTripcockPointin 1878. Over 650 peoplediedmakingitthegreatestlossoflifeinanyThamesshippingdisaster. SS PrincessAlice

  7. №20 28 June 1904 theNorgeranagroundclosetoRockallonSt. Helen’sReef. Thefinaldeathtollwas 635 with 160 survivorswhospentuptoeightdaysinopenlifeboatsbeforerescue. SS Norge

  8. №19 21 June 2008, theferryPrincessoftheStarscapsizedandsankinTyphoonFengshenoffthecoastofSanFernando, Romblon, inthePhilippines. Oftheestimated 747 peopleaboard, only 57 survived. MV PrincessoftheStars

  9. №18 TheCamortawascaughtin a cycloneandsankintheIrrawaddyDeltaon 6 May 1902 withthelossofall 655 passengersand 82 crew. ShewasenroutefromMadras, India, toRangoon, Burma, acrosstheBayofBengal. SS Camorta

  10. №17 26 November 1914, a powerfulinternalexplosionrippedtheBulwarkapartintheRiverMedwayestuary. Allofherofficerswerelost, andoutof 750 sailorsonly 14 sailorssurvived. HMS Bulwark

  11. №16 WhilemooredatPortsmouthinAugust 1782 theshipheeledtoofarandbegantakingwaterinthroughthegunportsbeforesinking. Morethan 800 liveswerelost. HMS RoyalGeorge

  12. №15 Justbeforemidnighton 9 July 1917 atScapaFlow, HMS Vanguardsufferedanexplosionandsankalmostinstantly, killinganestimated 843 menandleavingonlytwosurvivors. HMS Vanguard

  13. №14 24 July 1915, whilemooredtothedockintheChicagoRiver, thecapacityloadofpassengersshiftedtotheriversideoftheshipcausingittorollover, killing 845 passengersandcrew. SS Eastland

  14. №13 The MS EstoniasankinheavyBalticseason 28 September 1994 claiming 852 lives. MS Estonia

  15. №12 TheGeneralSlocumcaughtfireandsankinNewYork’sEastRiveron 15 June 1904 killingover 1,000 peopleandmakingitNewYorkCity’sworst loss-of-life incidentuntiltheSeptember 11, 2001 terroristattacks. PS GeneralSlocum

  16. №11 3 February 2006, thepassengerferryAlSalamBoccaccio 98 sankintheRedSeacarrying 1,312 passengersand 96 crewmembers. Only 388 peoplesurvived. MS al-Salam Boccaccio 98

  17. №10 29 May 1914, theEmpressofIrelandsankaftercollidingwith SS StorstadontheSaintLawrenceRiverclaiming 1,012 lives. RMS EmpressofIreland

  18. №9 ThisJapanesepassengerferrythatsankduringTyphoonMarieintheTsugaruStraitbetweentheJapaneseislandsofHokkaidoandHonshuon 26 September 1954 leadtoanestimated 1,500 deaths. TōyaMaru

  19. №8 АnOctobernightin 1707 a RoyalNavyfleetmadeseveralfatalmiscalculationsastheyattemptedtosailthroughdangerousreefswestoftheIslesofScilly. Overallfourshipssankleavingnearly 2,000 sailorsdead. Scillynavaldisasterof 1707

  20. №7 Possiblythemostwellknownmaritimeaccidentinhistory, the RMS TitanicwassupposedlyunsinkablebutafterstrikinganicebergenroutetoNewYorkCityitleft 1,523 peopledead RMS Titanic

  21. №6 Referredtoasthe“TitanicoftheEast”thisChinesejunkstruck a reefnearIndonesiaandsankon 6 February 1822, leavinganestimated 1,600 dead. TekSing

  22. №5 The SS Sultanawas a steamboatpaddlewheelerthatexplodedonApril 27, 1865 andhasbeencalledthegreatestAmericanmaritimedisasterinhistorywithover 1,600 liveslost. SS Sultana

  23. №4 ThisSenegalese government-owned ferrycapsizedoffthecoastofGambiaonSeptember 26, 2002 andledto a deathtollofnearly 4,000. MV LeJoola

  24. №3 ResponsiblefortheinfamousHalifaxExplosionof 1917 thisFrenchammunitionfreighterexplodedinHalifaxHarbor, NovaScotiaaftercollidingwithanothership. Theblastkilledover 2,000 peopleandinjured 9,000 more. SS Mont-Blanc

  25. №2 ThisChinesesteamshipexplodeduponstriking a mine (probablyleftbytheJapanesenavy) ontheHuangpuRiverin 1948. ItwaspackedwithrefugeesfromtheChineseCivilWarsotheexactdeathtollisnotknownbutsomeestimatesputitnear 4,000. SS Kiangya

  26. №1 Calledthegreatestpeacetimemaritimedisasterinhistory, in 1987 thesinkingofthe MV DoñaPazledto 4,341 deathswithonly 24 survivors. TheferrywasenroutetothecapitalofthePhilippineswhenitcollidedwithanoiltankerleavingbothshipsandthesurroundingoceantolightupinflames. MV DoñaPaz

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