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Reading Guide

Reading Guide. Lire le français !. What is reading ?. What is reading ?. Reading is a comprehension issue Read and understand the meaning. What is reading ?. Reading is a comprehension issue Read and understand the meaning 2. Reading is a pronunciation issue

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Reading Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading Guide Lire le français !

  2. What is reading ?

  3. What is reading ? • Reading is a comprehension issue Read and understand the meaning

  4. What is reading ? • Reading is a comprehension issue Read and understand the meaning 2. Reading is a pronunciation issue Read and know how to pronounce

  5. Let’s try to read some French!Meaning ? Pronunciation ? L’AIT est un institut de technologie international dont la mission est de former des professionnels qualifiés capables de participer activement au développement de la région Asie-Pacifique et à son intégration à l'économie globale.

  6. Your teacher’s advice Try to focus on mastering grammatical words because they are the most frequent words in the language and provide the link between the vocabulary words. Due to their complexity, you need a teacher to guide you. Don’t focus too much on vocabulary words because those words can be easily find in dictionaries. You don’t need a teacher to increase your vocabulary.

  7. French LanguageLe français Pronunciation issue

  8. French pronunciation

  9. Some differences with English 1.Intonationor word stressdoesn’t matter 2.Length of vowels doesn’t matter 3.French vowelsmakes no voice variation 4.Frenchconsonantsare harder

  10. Most final consonants are silent

  11. Except –r , –l and sometimes -s

  12. Final –e is silentIt is there to pronounce the final consonant

  13. VOWELS

  14. 6 vowels from the alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  15. 5 basic sounds

  16. The 5 basic vowels can go through 4types of transformations

  17. 1st transformationIf you add i or u to a/e/o you get a new sound

  18. 2nd transformationadd accents on top of the vowel

  19. 2nd transformationadd accents on top of the vowel Accents are not apostrophe!

  20. Summery

  21. open vowels

  22. 1 sound / many forms

  23. 3rd transformationadd n/m to get a «nose sound»

  24. 4th transformationadd il/ille to get a «y» sound

  25. 3 semi-vowels

  26. Finals are silent faut coup saut mont bar bal fau = cou = sau = mon = Except faute coupe saute monte barre balle fauté (fo-té) coupé (kou-pé) sauté (so-té) monté (mõ-té) barré(ba-ré) ballet(ba-lè)

  27. Finals are silent pas mit banc long port pa = mi = ban = lon = por = passe mite banque bance longe longue porte passé [pa.sé] mité [mi.té] banquet[bã.kè] longé [lõ.jé] longuet [lõ.gè] porté [por.té]

  28. Finals are silent roue roux rou = rouge route roule rousse rouble rougi routé roulé roussi roupie

  29. Consonants

  30. Alphabet (letters similar to English) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  31. Alphabet(letters with the sound -é) A BCD E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VW X Y Z

  32. Alphabet(letters with the sound -a) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  33. Alphabet(letters with the sound -i) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XY Z

  34. Alphabet(letters with the sound -u) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  35. Alphabet(others) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  36. ADN - AIT – BMW - CIA CDRom - CV - DVD - VIH ONG – OGM – QI - SOS TVA – USA – VHS – OTAN RSVP – IBM - TIC – ISO http – .fr - .be - .ca Acronymes et sigles

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