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show FAA NextGen Data Comm demo US Chamber Comm Aviatn Summit April 2012

FAA NextGen Data Communications exhibit and FAA NextGen air traffic control simulators (left) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit April 12, 2012.

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show FAA NextGen Data Comm demo US Chamber Comm Aviatn Summit April 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FAA NextGen Data Communications exhibit and FAA NextGen air traffic control simulators (left) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit April 12, 2012.

  2. FAA NextGen Data Communications air traffic control (ATC) En Route simulators at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit April 12, 2012.

  3. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team member Everett Zillinger welcomes participants of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit to the Data Communications Outreach exhibit and demonstration and introduces Data Comm Outreach Team members to the audience.

  4. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team Member Jon Smith (right) describes the many passenger, flight crew and air traffic controller benefits from Data Comm for U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit participants.

  5. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team member and former air traffic controller (ATC) Jon Smith, demonstrates the NextGen En Route air traffic control simulators at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012. When implemented Data Comm technologies will significantly increase air traffic efficiency and reduce workload, aviation fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.

  6. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team Member and former air traffic controller (ATC) Jon Smith, describes for participants of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit how flight crews will be able to print ATC messages on the flight deck for later reference.

  7. Although not required for data link communications, most large commercial aircraft have small printers built into the flight deck. Using FAA NextGen Data Communications technologies, flight crews can print clearances and other communications from air traffic controllers for clarification or reference if needed.

  8. Members of the aviation media attended the 2012 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit. Here Julia Pyper, a reporter for ClimateWire, E and E Publishing takes notes during the FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team demonstration.

  9. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team member Everett Zillinger (center) discusses Data Comm with reporter Bill Carry (right) of AirOnline at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

  10. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team Member Everett Zillinger invites questions and discussion about Data Comm from participants at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

  11. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team member and former military and commercial airline pilot Dave Strider (right) answers questions at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

  12. Numerous U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit participants wanted to know more about FAA NextGen programs from Data Comm Outreach Team members Jon Smith (center) and Dave Strider (right).

  13. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team Member and former military and United Airlines pilot Captain Dave Strider describes the benefits of Data Comm from a pilot’s perspective to an interested participant at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

  14. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team member Jon Smith (left) answers questions from interested participants at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

  15. A computer simulated cockpit display unit (CDU). CDUs are built into the flight decks of most commercial aircraft. The CDU receives information and instructions digitally from air traffic controllers. This significantly reduces voice communication errors, improves efficiency, and reduces controller and air crew workload. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 27, 2011.

  16. FAA NextGen Data Communications Outreach Team members Dave Strider (left) and Jon Smith stay late to answer questions from participants of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit, April 12, 2012.

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