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rampant. going unchecked; widespread H1NI vaccinations should stop the rampant spread of the virus. 5 th Week/1 st Day. inane. foolish Our argument over the movie was inane . 5 th Week/1 st Day. ethics. code of principles

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  1. rampant going unchecked; widespread H1NI vaccinations should stop the rampant spread of the virus. 5th Week/1st Day

  2. inane foolish Our argument over the movie was inane. 5th Week/1st Day

  3. ethics code of principles My personal ethics will not permit me to cheat on the test. 5th Week/1st Day

  4. concur agree I concur with your decision to attend college. 5th Week/1st Day

  5. clandestine secret, undercover After a few clandestine meetings, they were able to plan the surprise party. 5th Week/1st Day

  6. the goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman’s stock in trade. stock in trade

  7. flagrant outrageous; glaringly bad Exceeding the speed limit by 30 miles per hour is a flagrant violation of traffic laws. 5th Week/ 2nd Day

  8. admonish to warn; reprove After giving me a speeding ticket, the officer admonished me to slow down. 5th Week/2nd Day

  9. duress compulsion, force The student completed his senior project under duress. 5th Week/2nd Day

  10. culprit the guilty person The manager caught the culprit who had broken into his store. 5th Week/ 2nd Day

  11. inexorable inflexible, unrelenting Many current high school seniors have an inexorable goal-to graduate in May 2010. 5th Week/2nd Day

  12. to take the conceit out of a braggart • The alumni thought they had a great basketball team, but our varsity took them down a peg. to take down a peg

  13. egregious remarkably bad Stealing from the elderly blind woman was an egregious act. 5th Week/3rd Day

  14. distraught mentally confused, crazed The young mother was distraught when her toddler was lost in the department store. 5th Week/3rd Day

  15. duplicity cunning, trickery The con men used duplicity to take money from the elderly couple. 5th Week/3rd Day

  16. acrimonious bitter The famous couple’s divorce was especially acrimonious because it involved a child. 5th Week/3rd Day

  17. paucity scarcity The soup kitchen is trying to address the paucity of food among the residents of that neighborhood. 5th Week/3rd Day

  18. to evade responsibility • He always gives me a straight answer and never tries to pass the To pass the buck

  19. elicit to draw forth The patient teacher tried to elicit an answer from the reluctant student. 5th Week/4th Day

  20. pernicious harmful, causing injury Plants that are destructive to other plants are sometimes called pernicious weeds. 5th Week/4th Day

  21. tolerate to put up with, to bear I will not tolerate disrespectful behavior. 5th Week/4th Day

  22. construe to make a deduction; infer He construed her throwing his clothes out the window as a sign that his wife wanted him to leave. 5th Week/4th Day

  23. impunity freedom from punishment The corrupt sheriff allowed his brother to steal from others with impunity. 5th Week/ 4th Day

  24. to make a big fuss over someone When the famous poet Dylan Thomas visited the United States, he was lionized wherever he lectured. To lionize a person

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