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Wall. Photos. Pasquadibisceglie. Logout. Wall. Info. Photos. Notes. Basic Information. Gender: Male Birthday: July 12, 1464 Hometown: Bavaria Occupation: Captain, Sculptor

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  1. Wall Photos Pasquadibisceglie Logout Wall Info Photos Notes Basic Information Gender: Male Birthday: July 12, 1464 Hometown: Bavaria Occupation: Captain, Sculptor Political Views: Humanist Religious Views: Catholic fakebook View photos ofPasquadibisceglie Send Pasquadibiscegliea message Poke Personal Information Activities: Sports, Outdoors Interests: Sunsets, Mountains, Good Views Favorite Artists: Giorgio Vasari Favorite Literature: I Prefer Sculpting Inspiring People: Cristopher Columbus Favorite Quote:“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Information Birthday: July 12, 1464 Political: Humanist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Bavaria Pasquadibisceglie Abbracciavento Monterubbianesi I find the Works of Nature still more pleasant, the more they resemble those of art. Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Living In My boat For Now My Latest Sculpture Updated yesterday My Boat Updated last week http://worldstuff.net/beautiful-portrait-sculptures-by-philippe-faraut.html

  2. Wall Photos Pasquadibisceglie Logout Wall Info Photos Notes Write something… Might go for a swim in tonight and think about my action and repent. Just me and god Share fakebook View photos of Pasquadibisceglie Pasquadibisceglie Monterubbianesi Decided to take four homeless kids on my next exploration. Send Pasquadibisceglie a message Poke Alfonzo DecaprioHey Pasquadibisceglie do you want to go to the Vatican Library Next weekend and read learn about raising the whole child? Information Birthday: July 12, 1464 Political: Humanist Religion: Catholic Hometown: Bavaria Pasquadibisceglie Monterubbianesi Cant wait to see my family in Bavaria the weekend! And donate to the poor Bavarian children on the streets, maybe ill giveaway my old belongings. Pasquadibisceglie Abbracciavento Monterubbianesi I find the Works of Nature still more pleasant, the more they resemble those of art. Pasquadibisceglie Monterubbianesi Sculpting on The Ocean, Life is Good! Friends Pasquadibisceglie Monterubbianesi Loves sailing the sea, it’s the only place I can be alone. Bartolomeu Diasjust wondering if you got your new boat and which one you went with, looking forward to exploring with you in the future. Bartolomeu Dias Alfonzo Decaprio http://filalves.blogspot.ca/2009/08/its-wonder.html#!/2009/08/its-wonder.html

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