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Merkaba Stars for Healing and Reiki | Alakik

Merkaba Crystals is a sacred shape that is believed to have powerful spiritual properties helping us to reach a higher state of consciousness. The word Merkaba can be translated as Mer means light, Ka means spirit and Ba means a body which means that spirit and body are surrounded by light.<br><br>Learn more here: https://alakik.net/merkaba-stars

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Merkaba Stars for Healing and Reiki | Alakik

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  2. RedTigerEye MerkabaStar Size:15-19mmTheredtiger eyeMerkabastarisknownto bringgoodluckandprosperity totheuser.Getthiswholesale MerkabastarfromUniversal Exportstoday!

  3. Amazonite MerkabaStar Size:15-20mmAmazonite Merkaba Starisbeneficialfor communication,Ithelpsto conveythoughts.Checkoutour uniquecollectionofscolecite AmazoniteMerkabaStarat wholesaleprice.

  4. BloodStone MerkabaStar Size:15-20mmBloodstoneis usedinthealignmentofallthe chakrasofthebody.Explore our collectionofBloodstone Merkaba Star atwholesale prices

  5. GreenFlourite Merkabastar Size:15-17mm,GreenFlourite Merkabastarhelpsin attainingintelligenceand regulateenergiesinthebody indifferentneedfuldirections. Itsusefultogetwealthand prosperity.

  6. Mahogany Obsidian MerkabaStars Size:16-18mm,Mahogany ObsidianMerkabaStarisvery muchneededforhealingand meditation,positiveenergies anditsrichcolorisvery soothingandattractivetothe eyes.

  7. Larvikite MerkabaStar Size:18mm,LarvikiteMerkaba Starincreasescreativityand helpstofunctionthebrain properly,ithelpsstimulate energiesinthebrainand removesnegative energies fromthebody,alsousefulin themeditation.

  8. THANKYOU www.alakik.net

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