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Processing of a CAD/CAE Jobs in grid environment using Elmer

Processing of a CAD/CAE Jobs in grid environment using Elmer. M ohamed H ussein A. Razik GRID Computing Group LIT LAB. E lectronics G roup , P hysics D e partment , F aculty of Science, A in S hams U niversity, . Outlines. 1- Aim of the task. 2- Elmer Software.

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Processing of a CAD/CAE Jobs in grid environment using Elmer

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  1. Processing of a CAD/CAE Jobs in grid environment using Elmer Mohamed Hussein A.Razik GRID Computing Group LIT LAB Electronics Group, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University,

  2. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  3. The aim of my task is to simulate a physical phenomena which is heat transfer by using Elmer software and execute this simulation on the grid and take the result from the grid to the PC via user interface. Aim of the Task

  4. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  5. Elmer is a finite element software package for the solution of partial differential equation(s),dealing with multiphysical simulations. • The Elmer package contains solvers for a variety of mathematical models. The following list summarizes the capabilities of Elmer in specialized fields. What is Elmer?

  6. • Heat transfer: models for conduction, radiation and phase change • Fluid flow: the Navier-Stokes, Stokes and Reynolds equations, k-" model • Species transport: generic convection-diffusion equation • Elasticity: general elasticity equations, dimensionally reduced models for plates and shells • Acoustics: the Helmholtz equation • Electromagnetism: electrostatics, magnetostatics, induction • Micro fluidics: slip conditions, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation • Level set method: Euleri an free boundary problems • Quantum Mechanics: density functional theory (Kohn-Sham) Physical models in Elmer

  7. For approximation and linear system solution Elmer offers a great number of possibilities. The following list summarizes some of the most essential ones. • All basic element shapes in 1D, 2D and 3D with the Lagrange shape functions of degree k 2 • Higher degree approximation using p-elements • Time integration schemes for the first and second order equations • Solution methods for Eigen value problems • Direct linear system solvers (Lapack & Umfpack) • Iterative Krylov subspace solvers for linear systems • ILU preconditioning of linear systems • Parallelization of iterative methods • The discontinuous Galerk in method • Stabilized finite element formulations, including the methods of residual free bubbles and SUPG • Adaptively, particularly in 2D Numerical methods in Elmer

  8. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  9. What is MPI? • Message Passing Interface • Message passing is a method by which data from one processor memory is copied to another processor memory • Why MPI? • MPI library functions enable programmers to write portable codes, which can run on • distributed-memory/shared memory multiprocessor machines • cluster of workstations Introduction to Message Passing Interface (MPI)

  10. Parallel processing is the ability to carry out multiple operations or tasks simultaneously. • Parallel Processing in Computers The simultaneous use of more than one CPU or processor core to execute a program or multiple computational threads. Ideally, parallel processing makes programs run faster because there are more engines (CPUs or cores) running it. Parallel processing

  11. The general concept of a parallel run within Elmer is displayed in Figure . • Elmer uses domain decomposition for distributing the load to multiple processes that are being run on either different cores or CPUs. To that end, the initial mesh has to be split into parts that – with respect to the applied models – lead to similar loads of the processors. Parallel Implementation in Elmer

  12. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  13. The aim task is to run a simulation experiment on the grid and this simulation is worked parallel and take the result and store it on the pc via user interface. • We have a physical problem heat transfer begins with certain boundary conditions after certain time we study the heat transfer. Practice on Elmer software

  14. Open your input file (example: samples/grd/angle3d.grd): Workflow to create Elmer file

  15. Optionally configure mesh generator and remesh: Workflow

  16. The values in the config dialog are inherited from cmd line tools: • As shown in special window Workflow

  17. Remeshing is perfomed in a separate thread: Workflow

  18. Manipulate boundaries: Select boundaries by holding down the CTRL-key while double clicking. Choose ”unify surface” to join: Workflow

  19. Define an equation (PDE-system) to solve: • As shown in special window Workflow

  20. Let us define the ”heat equation” as an example: • As shown in special window Workflow

  21. Similarly, we can next define material properties and parameters: • As shown in special window Workflow

  22. Add body force: Workflow

  23. set boundary conditions: Workflow

  24. Generate solver input file (sif): Workflow

  25. Save the model: Workflow

  26. Run solver: Workflow

  27. Convergence monitor reveals possible problems: Workflow

  28. Invoke post processor: Workflow

  29. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  30. Job submissionof Elmer file to the grid Processing of the data on the grid

  31. Job status

  32. Retrieve job's output

  33. Transfer the result from the grid to the pc via interface.

  34. Visualize the results by Elmer post: Workflow

  35. Outlines 1- Aim of the task 2- Elmer Software 3- Message Passing Interface 4- Simulation of Physical phenomena 5- Run Simulation on the Grid 6- Acknowledgement

  36. I would like to thank: Alexander Ujhinskiy Nikolaykutovskiy For continuous efforts for teaching the aspects and completing the jobs of the grid. Thanks for sincerely help. AND Thanks for supervisors of the school for help and attentions. Prof.Dr.AliEllithi&Prof.Dr. Ali Khalil Acknowledgement

  37. Thank you for your attention

  38. ?

  39. Edit the solver input file (if needed): Workflow

  40. Turn on/off boundary index numbering for verification: Workflow

  41. Data is given in the ”General” and ”Heat equation” tabs: Workflow

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