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Body As A Whole Week 2

Body As A Whole Week 2. Dr. Walid Daoud, A. Professor. Prefixes. Week 2 Dr. Walid Daoud A. Professor. Prefixes. - Prefixes are derived from Greek or Latin language and used to build a medical vocabulary.

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Body As A Whole Week 2

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  1. Body As A WholeWeek 2 Dr. Walid Daoud, A. Professor

  2. Prefixes Week 2 Dr. Walid Daoud A. Professor

  3. Prefixes - Prefixes are derived from Greek or Latin language and used to build a medical vocabulary. - Prefixes are always located at the beginning of a word. - A prefix is always used in conjunction of combining form or a combining form and a suffix.

  4. Prefixes of position

  5. Prefixes of position

  6. Prefixes of color

  7. Prefixes of Color

  8. Prefixes of Number and Measurement

  9. Prefixes of Number and Measurement

  10. Prefixes of Negation

  11. Prefixes of Position

  12. Prefixes of Direction

  13. Prefix of Direction

  14. Prefix of Direction

  15. Miscellaneous Prefixes

  16. Miscellaneous Prefixes

  17. Suffixes: Diminutive Endings

  18. The Body as a Whole Level of Organization Cell: It carries all functions of life. Tissue: group of cells with the same activities: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues. Organ: group of tissues perform special function System: group of organs with common function

  19. Planes of the Body Midsagittal (Median) plane: It divides the body into a right and left half. Sagittal plane: It divides the body into unequal right and left side. Coronal (Frontal) plane: It divides the body into anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) portion. Transverse (Horizontal) plane: It divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions.

  20. Body Cavities Coronal plane divides the body into 2 dorsal and 2 ventral cavities: Dorsal cavities: -Cranial cavity contains the brain. -Spinal cavity contains the spinal cord. Ventral cavities: -Thoracic cavity contains heart and lungs. -Abdominopelvic cavity contains digestive, excretory and reproductive organs. Ventral cavities are separated by the diaphragm.

  21. The Abdominopelvic Region 9 regions 4 quadrants 1- Right hypochondriac 1-Right upper quadrant 2-Epigastric 2-Left upper quadrant 3-Left hypochondriac 3-Right lower quadrant 4-Right lumbar 4-Left lower quadrant 5-Umbilical 6-Left lumber 7-Right inguinal 8-Hypogastric 9-Left inguinal

  22. Directional Terms Superficial:toward the surface of the body. Deep (internal): away from surface of body. Medial: toward midline of the body or structure. Lateral: away from midline of body or structure. Superior (cranial): toward the head or upper part Inferior (caudal): away from head, to lower part. Proximal: nearer to the trunk or a structure. Distal: away from the trunk or a structure. Anterior (ventral): near the front of the body. Posterior (dorsal): near the back of the body. Parietal: pertaining to the outer wall of body cavity. Visceral: pertaining to the covering of an organ.

  23. Answer the worksheets 1-6 Please answer the above worksheets at home to be discussed next lecture

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