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GISELA FINAL STATUS ACHIEVEMENTS & PERSPECTIVES Bernard Marechal (Project Coordinator) Philippe Gavillet (Deputy Project Coordinator) CIEMAT (Spain) Final Project Review Brussels, 11/10/2012. Preamble / Reminder GISELA Objectives Conditions of sustainable DCI Ecosystem

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  1. GISELA FINAL STATUS ACHIEVEMENTS & PERSPECTIVES Bernard Marechal (Project Coordinator) Philippe Gavillet (Deputy Project Coordinator) CIEMAT (Spain) Final Project Review Brussels, 11/10/2012

  2. Preamble / Reminder GISELA Objectives Conditions of sustainable DCI Ecosystem GISELA Achievements & Perspectives Durable Financial Support scheme Sustained e-Infrastructure operation Long-term VRC Support Use of Resources Human Effort Financial Matters Conclusions Outline GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 2

  3. Long-term sustainability of the EU-LA e-Infrastructure “Implement a Long-term Sustainability Model, rooted on the concept of Advanced Computing Services (ACS) for Latin America, implemented by CLARA, Latin American NRENs and Institutions, by means of a Business Plan”. Long-term support of Virtual Research Communities “Support Virtual Research Communities with all the suited e-Infrastructure and Application-related Services, such as Science Gateways, as required to ease and enhance their research.” GISELA Objectives GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 3

  4. A sustainable Latin American e-Science approach has to integrate (large) regional diversities such as: GDP/capita, status of Research and Education, societal concerns, status of infrastructures (e.g. networks), maturity of NRENs, etc. Most relevant provisions: Reasonable but durable financial support of e-Science taking into account the regional realities Offer functional, complete, versatile Advanced Computing Services (ACS) Adapted to different Users (from newcomer to expert) Fully, cost-effectively supported (e.g. central catch-all services) Evolvable according to: Acquired experience e.g. from new users Advancement of Technology locally (e.g. available bandwidth) Ensure interactive, comprehensive support tailored to each type of User Community Collaboration with large International VRCs Attract / preserve small Institution users (Science Gateway purpose) Prospection of new Users communities of all kinds (Dissemination) Conditions of sustainability: LA relevant GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 4

  5. GISELA Achievements & Perspectives GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 5

  6. Durable Financial Support schemeCooperative Model Description:2-level support model RC operation, User support, Dissemination and Training at Institution level CORE Team: Operation, User support, Dissemination and Training at Regional level Origin: Symbiosis between Academic Institutions and NRENS - inspired from the original Grid Computing - based on the: Existence of Computing Centres in Academic Institutions Advent of high bandwidth IP-based networks, fully supported by the NRENs under the federative coordination of CLARA Reasons Another successful spin-off of Academic Sector (WWW, Linux, Free & Open Software) In its cooperative spirit, it is well adapted to the (very) limited computing resources of most of Latin American Institutions Its sustainability takes advantage of EU – LA past and ongoing investments: Rich legacy of EELA. EELA-2 Invaluable support from EGEE’s projects and now EGI (Operation & Project MoUs) Emerging DCI technology (e.g. Cloud computing) could not be evaluated realistically, in the Latin American context, over the time scale of the Project and given its resources, to propose alternative solution. GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 6

  7. Resource Centre Support The Cooperative Model relies on each Institution subsidising the financial cost of its Resource Centre support In practice it requires the availability of DCI computing expertise equivalent of 0.1 to 0.3 FTE, depending of the Resource Centre size GISELA has surveyed its RC Institutions which clearly indicated that they would do so, as most of them did since the EELA’s time Regional CORE Team The minimum CORE Team was estimated to amount to 4 to 5FTEs, taking into account the existing Infrastructure Provider Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EGI which greatly simplifies operations, unifies personnel Training and optimises Dissemination initiatives in the long term Durable Financial Support scheme2-level funding GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 7

  8. Durable Financial Support schemeThe “Mexico Declaration” as funding agreement • Scope & Composition • Extract (English translation): “…The Ecuadorian (CEDIA), Mexican (CUDI) and Colombian (RENATA) NRENs commit themselves to find the financial resources to ensure the continuity of the operation of the Latina American e-Infrastructure currently supported by the GISELA partner Institutions. This to put at disposal of Research & Education the advanced computing & network resources for the e-Science benefit which on its turn will manifest itself in improving the quality of life of people in the Region…” • Initial signatories: • NRENs: CEDIA (Ecuador), CUDI (México), RENATA (Colombia) • Academic Institutions: UNAM (México), UNIANDES (Colombia) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 8

  9. Durable Financial Support schemeThe “Mexico Declaration” as funding agreement Ongoing complementary initiatives Get more NREN / Institutions signing the México agreement Result: RedCONARE (Costa Rica) and INNOVA|RED (Argentina) signed the Mexico Declaration And/or establish Cooperation MoUs between signing and other NREN / Institutions Shared responsibilities e-Infrastructure Operation & Support: UNAM, UNIANDES VRC Support: CEDIA, CUDI, RENATA, RedCONARE, INNOVA|RED Major outcome of the GISELA-CHAIN Conference GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 9

  10. e-Infrastructure characteristics Computing Resources conform to the DoW + ~ 3000 CPU ”Extra” resources from friend institutions, for the prod.vo.eu-eela.eu VO Standard / Collaborative Operation Full EGI compliance based on the adoption of common services and practices Establishment of Operational Level Agreement (OLA) with RCs Experienced Operation Teams (CORE & RCs) (EELAs legacy) EGI / EPIKH-supported training Sustained e-Infrastructure Operation (1/2) (See talk: “Infrastructure - WP4 & Networks - WP5 achievements” ) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 10

  11. Sustained e-Infrastructure Operation (2/2) (See talk: “Infrastructure - WP4 & Networks - WP5 achievements” ) • Future Operation support • Who: UNAM & UNIANDES • How: Integrating Regional Operation Centres, IGALC (Multi-VRC) sites handed over to ROC-LA (HEP only until now) • Handover status • Close collaboration: WP4 - UNAM • Migration of Services • RCs: 10th September, 2012 • VO: e.o. September, 2012 GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 11

  12. e-Infrastructure usage (2nd year) LA specific User Communities Large VRC from big International collaborations Needs: CPU, storage, network bandwidth Proficient in DCI ---> Collaboration Small Universities, some adopting the opportunistic Grid approach Needs: limited CPU & storage Desktop middleware e.g. OurGrid Dissemination & Training New, emerging communities e.g. in socio-cultural sectors Needs: Web2-type network services + storage facilities Prospection, dissemination, tutorials, full support Long-term VRC Support (1/6) (See talk:“User Communities Support - WP3 achievements” ) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 12

  13. Approaches to attract new Users Instrument: VRC-driven Science Gateway VRC specific, functional, interactive portal Intuitive User Interface and simple Authentication mechanisms CLARA TT VRC Strategic approach & results Goal: Identify Research areas of fruitful Regional DCI collaboration Means: Visits, Virtual Meetings (7 in Y2), Webinars Several Regional Communities contacted ComCLARAs, seismology, bio-informatics, etc. Large regional Projects e.g. Meso-America Outcomes Much better perception of VRC needs Management initiatives in International context Promote GISELA towards LA relevant initiatives: e.g. Alzheimer, Telemedicine VRCs Long-term VRC Support (2/6) (Talks:“GISELA achievements & legacy”and “CLARA & NRENs achievements) • GISELA Science Gateway • 5 VRC sections • 16 Applications • 174 Users • as of now GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 13

  14. Some success stories HEP: The Higgs and the Grid (July 2012) GISELA contributed to it (UFRJ, UNAM, UniAndes) Mylims: Online analysis of NMR spectra > 200 users, one of the major GISELA customers WeNMR: Grid computing for the world wide Structural biology community 351 users (~60 from LA) 6 sites outside EU (4 in LA: GISELA) Some promising VRC collaborations Meso-America Territorial System: Protection against natural disaster Need of Grid-based Real Time systems CLARA already partner Fighting neurodegenerative diseases e-Science helping to fight Alzheimer disease GISELA offered its services The Pan-American Telemedicine Network (PATN) Need of DCI for better tele-diagnostic GISELA contributed to project proposal Long-term VRC Support (3/6) (Talks:“GISELA achievements & legacy”and “CLARA & NRENs achievements) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 14

  15. Handover of VRC Support Evolution of CLARA ACS / Business model Science Gateway becoming the central component of the CLARA ACS AaaS approach: Application invokes, through the GSG, services from the ACS portfolio and gets access to the Virtual Resource providing the Service(s) AaaS model matches rather well all User requests for Advanced Computing Services, as expressed in the interviews with the Regional Communities Efforts of the CLARA TT have focused on learning, using and developing the GSG Business model (being worked out) to progress along the actual iterative deployment of the AaaS Model with user feedback Long-term VRC Support (4/6) (Talks:“GISELA achievements & legacy”and “CLARA & NRENs achievements) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 15

  16. Conditions and Status of sustainable VRC support Stable VRC Support Team Conditions: Get more NRENs signing the México declaration Status: CLARA TT currently settling MoUs with other NRENs CLARA ongoing to play a leading role in the NREN coordination The ‘Latin American Task Force’ created by the CLARA TT Science Gateway Support Conditions: GSG to be secured by expert people over the phase of deployment and consolidation of the AaaS Model Status: The ‘Task Force’ getting in business with the GSG use and development; A MoU is being signed between INFN and CLARA for the support & development of the GSG, beyond GISELA UFCG (Brazil) committed to pursue the development of e-Infrastructure Services in support to the AaaS model. Long-term VRC Support (5/6) (Talks:“GISELA achievements & legacy”and “CLARA & NRENs achievements) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 16

  17. Dissemination Conditions: Develop liaison with Communities already contacted (e.g. ComCLARA2011), prospect new User communities to successfully deploy ACS other than Grid Services Status: Ongoing aggressive plan of Virtual Meetings Regular GSG Technical Webinars towards Researchers and Application developers. Conclusions The resources and the framework to sustain the GISELA e-Infrastructure operation and the support of the Users has been settled by the México Declaration agreement Since the e.o. GISELA, steps have already been taken at all levels to: Expand the base of the Mexico Declaration, associating more Latin American NRENs and Institutions Complete the handover of the operation of the e-Infrastructure Services Consolidate the support of VRCs while pursuing initiatives to connect new User communities All of this anticipates the deployment of the new AC Services very auspiciously Long-term VRC Support (6/6) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 17

  18. Human Effort • Actual and pledged Human Resources per Beneficiary • Pledged (2 years): 801 PMs • Actual (1st year): 486 PMs • Actual (2nd year): 337 PMs (Total for 2 years: 823 PMs) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012

  19. Financial Matters (1/2) Personnel Costs (Travel Expenses excluded)Planned(2 years), Incurred(after 2 years) and Incurred during the second year GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012

  20. Financial Matters (2/2) • The total amount spent during the second year was € 1,151,823 • During the first year expenditures amounted to € 1,638,618 • Total expenditure for the entire project duration: € 2,790,441 • To be compared with € 2,765,442 foreseen for 2 years in the DoW GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012

  21. . GISELA has successfully reached all its objectives Achievements of objectives GISELA has successfully contributed to establish Advanced Computing & Network resources for e-Science in Latin America, in legacy of EELA and EELA-2 The usefulness of the e-Infrastructure has been asserted, not only through metrics, but via direct surveys of Users The association of CLARA & NRENs and of Academic Institutions was a crucial choice that nowadays appears to be the best guarantee in the long term Besides implementing the work plan, GISELA has also set up a vision for the future Sustainability approach emerged over the course of the project Interaction with all types of VRCs triggered the evolution of the e-Infrastructure from Grid-based to ACS GISELA Science Gateway is a key element for the largest adoption of ACS Durable funding has been secured by the Mexico Declaration The baseline financial support is guaranteed Several stakeholders (e.g. Latin American NRENs and Institutions) are committed to contribute Handover of Operation & VRC support successfully completed ROC-LA (UNAM + Uniandes) is already in charge of the Operation & Support of the e-Infrastructure: The LA Task Force (Latin American NRENs & Institutions) is caring of all aspects of VRC support. All of this will be illustrated in the following talks Conclusions (1/2) GISELA – Final Project Review - Brussels – 11/10/2012 21

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