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Ecole des Mines de Nantes (EMN)

Ecole des Mines de Nantes (EMN). and. Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). 5 years of cooperation. (J. Pluta, Nantes, summer 2002). Before - scientific cooperation since 1991: experiments: E183, E193, E286 at GANIL ,

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Ecole des Mines de Nantes (EMN)

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  1. Ecole des Mines de Nantes (EMN) and Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) 5 years of cooperation (J. Pluta, Nantes, summer 2002)

  2. Before - scientific cooperation since 1991: experiments: E183, E193, E286 at GANIL, and NA44 at CERN Cooperation agreement was signed 24 Mars 1997 by director of EMN Mr. Germinet and rector of WUT Mr. Woznicki during the visit of EMN delegation in Warsaw After - Rapid development of cooperation in research and education

  3. Three base elements of cooperation Exchange of students Cooperation of teachers Common research

  4. Exchange of students Industrial Training of EMN students in Poland Research training of students from WUT at EMN International student project (PCI)

  5. Industrial Training of EMN students in Poland (1997 - 2002) • Number of students, (months) = 21, (63) • Examples of placements: • Metallurgic Plant “Warszawa-Luccini” • Polish Telecom “TPSA” • Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology • Institute of Aviation • Cancer Therapy Centre in Kielce • Establishment for Nuclear Equipment in Swierk • Warsaw University of Technology

  6. Research training of students from WUT at EMN (1997 -2002) • Number of students+tutors, (months) = 37, (61) • The subjects of research projects: • Analysis of the results from E286 experiment at GANIL • Data Base system for SSD detector of STAR experiment • System of Data Acquisition for STAR-SSD • Data Base for the construction of ALICE detector • Non-identical particle correlations measured by STAR • Physics Performance Report on correlations for ALICE

  7. The group of students and teachers from WUT at EMN during the summer training in 1999.

  8. International student project (PCI) Autumn 1998 – „Application of semiconductor detectors for sterilisation of medical materials” Autumn 99 – 3 common student projects with Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Environmental Engineering Autumn 2000 – new projects with two faculties of WUT January 2001 – exchange of students (in both directions) between EMN at WUT in the frame of PCI Autumn 2001 – realisation of PCI project on Radon... (spontaneous visit of EMN students in Warsaw) ---------------------------- Autumn 2002 - Start of realisation of the next PCI project

  9. Final report on PCI in 1999/2000 academic year in Warsaw Announcement... Preparation...

  10. Consultation ... just before... ...presentation ...and happy after presentation! Visit in the power plant „Kawęczyn”

  11. PCI project 2001/2002 “Radon radiation in private and public buildings” Dr Wolkowicz from PolishGeological Institute demonstrates the instrument for radon measurements... ...and makes the real measurements with French and Polish students in December 2001.

  12. Cooperation of teachers September 99 – Visit at EMN of D. Soltyska – the head of Foreign Language Division at WUT June 2000 – visit of the delegation of EMN in Warsaw (presentation of the principles of APA ) March 2002 – Visit of Prof. Galwas and Dr. Grabski at EMN, demonstration of distance laboratories for students June 2002 – “ALE’2002” - “Active Leaning in Engineering Education” organised by John Miller-Jones from EMN with participation of Jan Pluta from WUT

  13. Pol-Bernard Gossiaux demonstrates the principles of APA for the teachers and students at The Faculty of Physics, WUT

  14. Common research December 98 – 3 researchers from SUBATECH at WUT October 2000 – Meeting on ALICE experiment in Warsaw and on STAR - SSD in Nantes. October 2001 - STAR - SSD meeting in Warsaw May 2002 – Particle Correlations from STAR to ALICE - 3 persons from SUBATECH at WUT July 2002 - STAR Meeting– 3 Professors and 3 PhD students at EMN in the frame of common research project

  15. Barbara Erazmus is presenting the scientific program of the STAR experiment in the main auditorium of the Faculty of Physics at WUT

  16. Laurent Conin – the PhD Student from SUBATECH during his visit at WUT Laurent and other cooperators during the reception given by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics

  17. Official visits September 97 – visit of the delegation of WUT at EMN participation in „Assises Nationales des Dechets” May 98 – Visit of the EMN delegation in Warsaw June 98 – visit of prof. Wlosinski (v-ce rector for research of WUT) at EMN August 98 – visit of prof. Bolkowski (v-ce rector for education of WUT) at EMN

  18. Official visits, cont. May 99 - visit of John Miller-Jones + two persons in Warsaw November 2001 – Visit of Mme Monier-Savary in Warsaw January 2002 – Visit of Mr Schmitt in Warsaw July 2002 - visit of V-ce Rector of WUT, prof. M. Mojski at EMN

  19. The visit of official delegation of Warsaw University of Technology, led by the rector - Prof. J. Woźnicki, at Ecole des Mines de Nantes in September 1997

  20. The reception of the delegation of SUBATECH at WUT by v-ce Rector – prof. Mojski and the Dean of Physics Faculty – prof.. Krok. J. Pluta expresses his satisfaction with the progress in cooperation...

  21. + - A lot of visits of teachers, researchers and PhD students at EMN and WUT - An intensive scientific collaboration: participation in a large scale physics experiments: - STAR - at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), and - ALICE at European Centre of Particle Physics CERN

  22. Good perspectives for scientific cooperation... Barbara Erazmus – the head of STAR group in Nantes and Rector of Warsaw University of Technology – Jerzy Woźnicki in front of the scheme of ALICE detector at SUBATECH.

  23. Additional results of cooperation Work of EMN students in French Enterprises or Agencies in Poland. Many private visits in Poland of EMN students, after passing 3-month training in Polish Enterprises. New French-Polish family of EMN student Elric Peyre, married with Polish girl - “found” by him in Warsaw during the 3-month training in 1997.

  24. Projects for cooperation development : • Keep all existing forms of cooperation • Involve other faculties/departments • Develop cooperation in the frame of “Active Learning” • Keep contacts in the development of distance learning • Develop research projects + PhD thesis “cotutelle” • Look for other possibilities for student exchange • Arrange cooperation agreement in the frame of European Community • … ???

  25. The members of the team from WUT express their satisfaction with the fruitful cooperation during the (first) five years and express their intention for continuation and development of the cooperation with EMN in future.

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