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4 th Annual Alberta Conference on Gambling Research (2005)

4 th Annual Alberta Conference on Gambling Research (2005). The Alberta Model: A Social Responsibility Framework for Gaming. Presentation Outline. Social Responsibility Alberta Model Strategies, Initiatives and Results. What’s Social Responsibility?. Explosive growth in CSR

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4 th Annual Alberta Conference on Gambling Research (2005)

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  1. 4th Annual Alberta Conference on Gambling Research (2005) The Alberta Model: A Social Responsibility Framework for Gaming

  2. Presentation Outline • Social Responsibility • Alberta Model • Strategies, Initiatives and Results

  3. What’s Social Responsibility? • Explosive growth in CSR • No universally accepted definition • Build to suit Social Responsibility is …the ethical accountability framework for the gaming industry which defines principles, policies and practices and codes of conduct designed to ensure: • the protection of stakeholders, • the sustainability of industry, and • quality of life improvements in the communities in which it operates.

  4. What’s Responsible Gaming? • Principles, Strategies, Policies, Programs based on: • Individual Responsibility • Informed Choice • Duty of Care Responsible Gaming …is the continuum of policies, strategies, programs and services designed to prevent gambling related problems and adverse community impacts by supporting and enabling individuals to make informed choices, to take responsibility for their gambling decisions, and to let them know how and where to get help if they experience problems.

  5. Why is it important? • It’s Good Business • Revenue/Economic Sustainability • Public & Stakeholder Expectations

  6. Social Responsibility Division Overview

  7. Structure

  8. Mission • Through sound research, and in collaboration with AADAC, government ministries and other stakeholders, the Social Responsibility Division facilitates the development, implementation and evaluation of strategies, policies and retail programs that advocate the responsible provision and use of gaming and liquor products.

  9. Key Responsibilities • Monitor emerging issues and trends • Identify, support and conduct research into priority areas • Develop, implement and evaluate social responsibility policies, strategies and programs • Partner with AADAC, industry and other stakeholders to: • promote consumer awareness and education; • develop consumer protection measures; • deliver socially responsible retail programs; and • ensure prevention and treatment programs are available and communicated to the public.

  10. Integrity Mission and Vision Guiding Principles Sustainability Accountability Economic Benefit Goals, Strategies, Measures and Targets Goal 1 Goal 5 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Treatment Regulation Training/Education Products & Services Community Impacts Awareness/Prevention Stakeholder Relationships Research, Monitoring, Evaluation Strategic Planning Policy Development Legal & Ethical Foundation The People of Alberta Social Responsibility Framework

  11. SR Management Process • Business Planning • Leadership & People Focus • Client & Stakeholder Focus • Process Management • Outcome Assessment

  12. Drivers Problem gambling Youth Gambling Suicide & Gambling Bankruptcies Internet/Wireless Gaming Access to Credit Product Accessibility Impacts Media Attention Public Support Social Activism Advocacy Research Litigation Legislation & Regulation What are the issues?

  13. The Prevention Model

  14. Awareness/Prevention Mass Media Campaigns Promotional Materials Information Kiosks Voluntary Self-Exclusion Machine based RGFs Training/Education Retail Training Employee Training Youth Programs Awards Programs Research Treatment 24 Hr Help Lines Tele-counseling Web based self-counseling Individual & Group Counseling Residential care Regulation ATM/Credit policies Abandoned Children policy Machine Caps Venue Caps ID Verification Advertising/Promotion policy Current Responses

  15. Strategies • Monitor Issues, Other Jurisdictions, Research • Research existing industry best-practices • VSE - Enhancements & Developments • Refresh awareness messaging • Enhanced Retail Presence • Help-line Enhancements • Stakeholder Engagement

  16. Initiatives • Casino “Deal Us In” Program • VLT Winning Moments & Awards Program • RGF Study • Bingo Program • Ticket Lottery Program • First Nations Program • AGLC Staff Program • Policy Development – Under 25, ATM placement

  17. Results • Increased profile and commitment to social responsibility within organizational culture and in decision making processes • Key partnership with AADAC established • Key stakeholder relationships established • Representation on Cross Ministry committees focused on prevention • Representation on national organizations (i.e. CPRG, CALJ)

  18. Results • Improved monitoring of issues • Enhanced retail presence • Initiated staff and industry training informed by social responsibility perspective • Deal Us In, Winning Moments, Awards Program • Developed ATM and Under 25 policies • Voluntary Self Exclusion program administration • Research linkages: AGRC, AGRI, RGF study

  19. Questions?

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