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Welcome to Honors Algebra 3-4! Mr. Felling

Welcome to Honors Algebra 3-4! Mr. Felling. cryptography. This year, we will explore more complex mathematics with interesting, real-world applications. engineering space science. games and odds. laws of growth and decay. shapes in art and architecture.

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Welcome to Honors Algebra 3-4! Mr. Felling

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  1. Welcome to Honors Algebra 3-4! Mr. Felling

  2. cryptography This year, we will explore more complex mathematics with interesting, real-world applications engineering space science games and odds laws of growth and decay shapes in art and architecture

  3. The good news...the topics are interesting and have lots of great applications in real life. The bad news (sort of)...we cover a lot of topics, so the pacing is fast: ·Algebra 1 review (factoring, lines, etc.) ·Functions and their graphs / inverse functions ·Complex numbers ·Polynomial/Rational functions, zeros, asymptotes ·Conic sections ·Exponents and Logarithms ·Trigonometry ·Sequences and Series ·Probability (advanced) ·Systems of equations/inequalities (3D and higher) ·Matrices

  4. Keys to success: ·Complete all assignments to the best of your ability, on time. ·Do not get behind ·Take advantage of tutoring and other help available when needed. ·Students may need to spend a little more time on math than they have in the past.

  5. Other things that can help: ·Before/after school tutoring: math teachers provide free tutoring every school day to any student who walks in. Go to the math office (C118). - After school, I'll be in the math office. - Before school, either in math office or in my first class (C138) - (Usually) start at 7:30am, end 4:00pm. ·Re-learning videos on my website.

  6. About Mr. Felling ·Married, 2 kids (Rachel 9th grade, Brian 6th grade) ·Hobbies: my family, music (play piano, guitar, bass, singing) ·Before I was a teacher, I was an electrical engineer for 16 years (Motorola, Orbital Sciences, Acoustic Imaging, Intel): ·Military radar systems ·RF Communications systems design for space vehicles ·Medical ultrasound design ·Digital camera design ·Media software (video, audio/video synchronization) ·This is my 2nd year teaching math at Desert Vista.

  7. Calculators: ·Required! Bring to school every day. You will use it during class, for homework and on tests. ·Minimum: TI-83 or higher, graphing, matrices. ·Recommended: TI-83, TI-83 plus, TI-84, TI-84 plus (I will use a TI-84 plus for demonstrations) ·TI-89, TI-nspire okay, but we will not use the extra functions, and key layout may be (slightly) different than our demonstrations.

  8. My website: www.mrfelling.com (the DV website has a link to this one)

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