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Birmingham Special Education Development Plan and Implementation of SEN Reforms 2014 - 2018

Birmingham Special Education Development Plan and Implementation of SEN Reforms 2014 - 2018.

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Birmingham Special Education Development Plan and Implementation of SEN Reforms 2014 - 2018

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  1. Birmingham Special Education Development Planand Implementation of SEN Reforms2014 - 2018 This is about A Fair Chance for Everyone.Progress in Learning, Preparation for Adulthood & Achieving PotentialEmployment & Prosperity….Finding somewhere to live….Participating in Society….Good Health Follow us on Twitter @SENDBirmingham #bhamsend Visit www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk

  2. Special Education Development Plan (SEDP) Vision Birmingham will be an inclusive city, in which children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities can play their part – a fair chance for everyone in Birmingham. Every child in every part of the city will achieve their potential. We will provide early help and support to those children and families who need it, and working together, will ensure that every child has the belief, aspiration and support to be their best.

  3. SEDP Approach Three key strands: • We will develop a commissioning model for sustainable special education provision, co-designing and procuring services to deliver a local special education offer across a range of settings within available resources, and that aligns funding for special education provision in partnership with our schools and partners in Health and Social Care. • We will safeguard all our children by ensuring there are sufficient appropriate places across the range of education settings for every child and young person with SEND, developing the infrastructure and making best use of capital investment to align infrastructure to growing demand • We will improve life chances of young people with SEN, reducing youth unemployment and promoting independence through supporting participation of children and young people with SEND through school and beyond, ensuring smooth transition at key points along the pathway

  4. Work so far on Strategic Approach to SEND • Work by special school heads in 2012 to develop report on the future of SEN provision • Cabinet approved SEN Green Paper for public consultation in May 2013 • Engaged over 1000 people in consultation events including children, young people and their families • Over 150 written responses received to consultation on proposals from May to September 2013 • Way Forward paper published December 2013 • Amended Principles in light of feedback • Next steps delayed to enable learning from and SEDP to be shaped by Education Services Review • Collated vision & key principles with current position and approach into SEDP • Draft SEDP approved by Cabinet Members for Children and Families and Health and Wellbeing and Strategic Director for People for consultation starting in September for 8 weeks

  5. Consultation & Education Review Feedback You said…. • 100% support from parents and professionals for the Vision • 76% of professional and 81% of parents mostly or totally agreed with the principles • Conflicting responses to principle of Localisation – local schools for local people and inclusionStrong agreementthat all children should be able to go to a local school, be socially included in their community and not have long journeys to school. Mixed support for inclusion, with about equal support for inclusive mainstream schools and for special schools. Frustration with some schools blocking admissions and not taking their share of pupils and the impact on budget pressures. We did…. • Same Vision in SEDP • Principles in SEDP broadly the same plus Value for Money • Key strand of SEDP is an approach to Commissioning working with families and young people to co-design future models and develop mixed provision across the 4 quadrants of the City and working with all schools to develop greater transparency about access and funding and…..

  6. You said…We did Consultation & Education Review Feedback 2014 Draft SEDP • Sustainable Commissioning strand includes robust management of the EHC Pathway • Key strand of SEDP is developing infrastructure to provide sufficient places with an Annual Cycle of Place Planning • Key strand of SEDP is Improving Life Chances including tracking and monitoring SEND Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) • Local Offer & IT developments are part of SEN Programme • Strong support for single Education, Health, and Care Plan. Frustration with cumbersome and difficult to navigate SEN Assessment and funding process. Parents and young people voiced hopes that the single plan will reduce the need to ‘re-tell’ their story to several professionals. • Agreement that Birmingham needs a wider range of schools to develop capability in educating and supporting children with Profound and Complex Needs and for children with Autism. • Respondents agreed with gaps in data suggesting need to improve EYs data collection and multi-agency case management system

  7. Consultation & Education Review Feedback We did…… • SEDP Commissioning strand includes work with providers to develop provision delivered within revenue funding available for each young person • Description of SEND Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) and Personal Budget Policy available on Local Offer site and further development is part of SEN Programme • Work to establish arrangements where Direct Payments are managed by an organisation on behalf of a child or young person You said…. Strong support for the idea of personal budgets. Parents voiced concerns that the amount of money allocated to a personal budget may be less than the amount currently spent per child. Professionals raised concerns that personal budgets could result in a number of small providers entering the market which could result in a decrease in the quality or professionalism of services provided. Young people expressed concern about the amount of management a personal budget would require and questioned if they had the capacity to manage their personal budgets themselves.

  8. What is the core purpose of theSpecial Education Development Plan (SEDP)? Key Messages • sets out the vision, key principles and 3 strand approach for Special Educational Needs provision in the city • provides a frameworkto secure a local special educational needs offer and meet Statutory Duties in Children and Families Act 2014 • describes how we will work with stakeholders and partners - not about detail at this stage, we will work with you on this at later stage • Identifies challenges and opportunities • sets out high level cycles of activity that will be developed into work programmes to address the challenges and move forward Will lead to fairer access and improved pathways and outcomes for children, young people and their families, providing the best value for the money available.

  9. Consultation on SEDP • In partnership with Birmingham SEND Information Advice and Support Service (formerly known as SEN Parent Partnership) and Birmingham Parent Carer Forum we are organising a series of locality based events throughout and another parent and young person conference on 1 November to consult with families on the new Development Plan • Consultation on SEDP will close on 3 November 2014 • Officers and elected members are interested in what you think – is there anything that causes you concern? Share your views with us at today’s event • Respond by completing survey online at Birmingham BeHeard OR complete paper copy and return to us

  10. What difference will the SEDP make? Better Information and Advice - Honest and ClearGenuinely working with Families, Young People, Parent Carer Forum Giving fairer access and opportunities SEN Local Offer www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk Information about support for children and young people with SENDInformation on services across education, health and social care and from birth to 25; how to access specialist supportHow decisions are made including eligibility criteria for accessing services where appropriate; how to complain or appeal If you would like information about support available for your child or someone you are working with or information about the SEN Assessment process…please visit the site We want you to play a part in developing and improving the site. If you know about good providers tell us so we can get them on the site. You can give feedback via the ‘Share my Views’ button.

  11. Local Offer

  12. Local Offer

  13. What difference will the SEDP make? Bring everyone working with a child or young person together Multi-agency approach and Person centred meetings Giving fairer access and opportunities Education Health & Care (EHC) Assessments and Plans • From Sept 2014 replaces SEN Assessments and SEN Statement and all new Statutory Assessments for SEN follow the EHC Pathway including early support and help • Seven step process – starts with advice and support provided through the Local Offer, with any subsequent assessment within a 20 week timeframe determined by the SEN Code of Practice Birmingham Local Transition Plan outlines when you can expect a child or young person’s SEN Statement to be changed to an EHC Plan All template documents and guidance are available at www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk OR www.birmingham.gov.uk/SEND

  14. What do we have to do – Challenges & Opportunities • Commissioning and Personal Budgets as required by Children and Families Act is an opportunity to shape the market • Challenge to develop robust data tools and analyse complex factors influencing Local Offer • Challenge to identify shared commissioning priorities and co-design future provision • PBs likely to create additional challenges for providers to develop sustainable resource planning • Challenge to invest sufficient resource in early and targeted intervention with opportunity to integrate Early Support and Early Help • Trends in type and complexity of need and gaps in provision is a challenge to sustaining commissioning within available resource • Challenge to maintain quality specialist provision while responding to changing needs with opportunities to harness innovation and excellence of local leaders in special education

  15. Section J Details of the personal budget (if requested) : how this will support outcomes for the child/ young person . Section K The advice & information gathered is attached in the appendices (e.g. reports, assessments) Section I Name and type of the school placement • Sections F, G, H1 & H2 • These sections look at provision required to meet needs • special educational, • health • social care provision Section A Captures the views, interests and aspirations EHC PLAN • Section E • States the outcomes sought for the child /young person these include : • outcomes for adult life • short term outcomes • Sections B, C & D • Describes the child or young person’s needs • special educational needs, • health needs • social care needs

  16. What does all this mean for parents and children • Good welcoming schools • Your views taken into account • Wider range of options at 19 plus • Quality resources for you or your child • Expertise to be available now and in the future

  17. What will you see next as we develop the SEDP?Priority Actions Autumn 2014 • 2015/16 Special Education Place Planning based on forecasting of SEN supply, need and demand • Engage young people in review of SEND Local Offer site • Personal Budget policy development to increase offer Spring 2015 • Fair Access and Funding – produce data pack to share and discuss with Head Teachers in new District arrangements • SLA with SEND Information, Advice and Support Service • Work with young people, families and schools to develop future model of provision for social, emotional and mental health needs Summer 2015 • SEND Market Position Statement as part of dialogue with schools and providers and to help understand the local market and the ways we expect it to develop

  18. How to keep updated and involved Website: www.birmingham.gov.uk/SEND Local Offer website: www.mycareinbirmingham.org.uk SENCOzone Twitter:@ ChrisA_bhamsend@BirminghamSEND#bhamsend Workshops/ Focus Groups Presentations, Briefings, Family Conferences Further briefings in schools and at networks Newsletters, Leaflets and Guidance

  19. Comments and Questions How can we support you? Share your views on the draft SEDP and contribute to implementing the SEN Reforms

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