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AFGHANISTAN. Afghanistan. Population: 28.1 million (under 18s: 16.8 million, 60% of total) Capital: Kabul (population 3.3 million) Government: Islamic republic President: Hamid Karzai Economy: Crippled by 40 years of war and occupation

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  2. Afghanistan Population: 28.1 million (under 18s: 16.8 million, 60% of total) Capital: Kabul (population 3.3 million) Government: Islamic republic President: Hamid Karzai Economy: Crippled by 40 years of war and occupation GDP/person: £670 (UK: £24,300, over 36x as much) Unemployment: 35% Religion : 99% Muslim (4:1 Sunni/Shi’a); 1% other Languages: Dari (50%), Pashto (35%), Uzbek (9%), Turkmen (2.5%) Adult literacy: 28% Infant mortality: 16.5% by 12 months (second worst in the world) Life expectancy: 50 years

  3. EVERYONE has the right to FREEDOM of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18

  4. “If the world hates you….”

  5. Release projects in Afghanistan • Providing Christian materials to inspire and strengthen the church. • Supporting follow-up for Christian radio programmes allowing Afghan believers to disciple seekers and believers from Afghanistan.

  6. A Call to Action

  7. Please: • Pray for Afghan Christians • Ask for our email prayer alerts • Sign up for our free magazine • Donate to our Afghanistan appeal • Do “whatever he tells you to do”

  8. “I am delighted to commend Release International to you as an agency that can deliver compassion and encouragement to persecuted Christians in many parts of the world.” Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, Patron of Release

  9. www.releaseinternational.org

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