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Tipuri de date polimorfice

Tipuri de date polimorfice. Curs 10. Containere. Container = TAD ale carui instante sunt colectii de alte obiecte Operatii: Crearea unui container gol (constructor), returnarea numarului de obiecte stocate (size), Stergerea obiectelor din container (clear),

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Tipuri de date polimorfice

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  1. Tipuri de date polimorfice Curs 10

  2. Containere • Container = TAD ale carui instante sunt colectii de alte obiecte • Operatii: • Crearea unui container gol (constructor), • returnarea numarului de obiecte stocate (size), • Stergerea obiectelor din container (clear), • Adaugarea de noi obiecte in container • Stergerea obiectelor • Acces la obiectele stocate

  3. Containere • C = {c | c grup de elemente de acelasi tip E} • Tipuri de containere: • Vector array • Lista list • Dictionar map • Coada queue • Multime set • Stiva stack • Tabel table • Arbore tree • Pentru implementarea containerelor se folosesc diferite structuri de date aflate in relatie de compozitie sau derivare, modalitati de reutilizare a codului

  4. Container generic Reprezentare pe vector Reprezentare inlantuita

  5. #ifndef IE_H #define IE_H class IE{ public: virtual char* toString()=0; virtual bool equals(IE*)=0; virtual ~IE(){}; }; #endif IE.h

  6. #ifndef ICOLLECTION_H #define ICOLLECTION_H #include "IE.h" #include "IIterator.h" class ICollection{ public: virtual void add(IE*)=0; virtual void del(IE*)=0; virtual int length()=0; virtual bool contains(IE*)=0; virtual IIterator* iterator()=0; virtual bool isEmpty()=0; virtual ~ICollection(){} }; #endif ICollection.h

  7. #ifndef ARRAY_COL_H #define ARRAY_COL_H #include "ICollection.h" #include "IIterator.h" class ArrayCollection:public ICollection{ IE** elem; int dim, cap; void resize(); int position(IE*); IE** toArray(); public: ArrayCollection(); ArrayCollection(int); void add(IE*); void del(IE*); int length(); bool contains(IE*); IIterator* iterator(); bool isEmpty(); ~ArrayCollection(); class ArrayCollectionIterator; friend class ArrayCollectionIterator; class ArrayCollectionIterator:public IIterator{ ArrayCollection* c; int pos; public: ArrayCollectionIterator(ArrayCollection* c1){c=c1; pos=0; } bool hasNext(){ return pos<c->dim;} IE* next(){ if (pos<c->dim) return c->elem[pos++]; return NULL; } void first(){ pos=0;} IE* del(){ IE* e = c->elem[pos]; c->elem[pos]=c->elem[--c->dim]; return e; } }; //sf clasa Iterator }; #endif ArrayCollection.h

  8. Clase interioare • Folosite pentru a marca explicit relatia dintre doua clase: • iteratorul apartine containerului (“containerul isi alege iteratorul”) Clasa interioara Clasa inner Clasa nested

  9. #include "ArrayCollection.h" ArrayCollection::ArrayCollection(){ elem = new IE*[10]; dim=0; cap=10; } ArrayCollection::ArrayCollection(int d){ elem=new IE*[d]; dim=0; cap=d; } void ArrayCollection::resize(){ IE** aux = elem; elem = new IE*[2*cap]; for(int i=0;i<cap;i++) elem[i]=aux[i]; cap*=2; delete [] aux; } int ArrayCollection::position(IE* e){ for(int i=0;i<dim;i++) if (elem[i]->equals(e)) return i; return -1; } void ArrayCollection::add(IE* e){ if(dim==cap) resize(); elem[dim++]=e; } void ArrayCollection::del(IE* e){ int pos=position(e); elem[pos]=elem[--dim]; } int ArrayCollection::length(){ return dim; } bool ArrayCollection::contains(IE* e){ for(int i=0;i<dim;i++) if (elem[i]->equals(e)) return true; return false; } IIterator* ArrayCollection::iterator(){ return new ArrayCollectionIterator(this); } bool ArrayCollection::isEmpty(){ return dim==0; } ArrayCollection::~ArrayCollection(){ delete [] elem; } IE** ArrayCollection::toArray(){ IE** aux = new IE*[length()]; int k=0; for(int i=0;i<dim;i++){ aux[k++]=elem[i];} return aux; } ArrayCollection.cpp

  10. LinkedCollection

  11. #ifndef LINKED_COLL_H #define LINKED_COLL_H #include "IIterator.h" #include "ICollection.h" class LinkedCollectionIterator; class LinkedCollection:public ICollection{ class Nod{ IE* elem; Nod* next; public: Nod(IE* e, Nod* n){elem=e;next=n;} Nod(IE* e){elem=e;next=0;} ~Nod(){} friend class LinkedCollection; friend class LinkedCollectionIterator; }* head; Nod* position(IE* e){ Nod* crt=head; while(crt && (!crt->elem->equals(e))) crt=crt->next; return crt;} public: LinkedCollection(); void add(IE*); void del(IE*); int length(); bool contains(IE*); friend class LinkedCollectionIterator; IIterator* iterator(); bool isEmpty(); ~LinkedCollection(); }; class LinkedCollectionIterator:public IIterator{ LinkedCollection* c; LinkedCollection::Nod* crt; public: LinkedCollectionIterator(LinkedCollection* c1){ c=c1; crt =c->head; } bool hasNext(){ return (crt!=0); } IE* next(){ IE* e=crt->elem; crt=crt->next; return e; } void first(){ crt=c->head; } IE* del(){ IE* e= crt->elem; LinkedCollection::Nod* ant=c->head; while(ant->next!=crt) ant=ant->next; ant->next=crt->next; LinkedCollection::Nod* aux=crt; crt=crt->next; delete aux; return e; } ~LinkedCollectionIterator(){} }; #endif LinkedCollection.h Modelul Java Read/write iterator

  12. #include "LinkedCollection.h" #include "IE.h" LinkedCollection::LinkedCollection(){head=0;} void LinkedCollection::add(IE* e){ head=new Nod(e,head); } void LinkedCollection::del(IE* e){ Nod* crt=position(e); if (crt) {Nod* ant=head; while(ant->next!=crt) ant=ant->next; ant->next=crt->next; delete crt; } } int LinkedCollection::length(){ int k=0; Nod* crt=head; while(head){ k++; crt=crt->next; } return k; } bool LinkedCollection::contains(IE* e){ Nod* p =position(e); return p!=0; } IIterator* LinkedCollection::iterator(){ return new LinkedCollectionIterator(this); } bool LinkedCollection::isEmpty(){ return head==0; } LinkedCollection::~LinkedCollection(){ Nod* crt; while(head){ crt=head; head=head->next; delete crt; } } LinkedCollection.cpp

  13. Integer.h #ifndef INTEGER_H #define INTEGER_H #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include "IE.h" class Integer:public IE{ private: int i; public: Integer(int n=0):i(n){} char* toString(){char* buf=new char[3]; sprintf(buf,"%d",i); return buf;} bool equals(IE* p){ return i==((Integer*)p)->i;} ~Integer(){} }; #endif

  14. Test.cpp #include "ICollection.h" #include "ArrayCollection.h" #include "LinkedCollection.h" #include "Integer.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ ICollection* c = new ArrayCollection(); c->add(new Integer(4)); c->add(new Integer(4)); c->add(new Integer(5)); IIterator* it = c->iterator(); while(it->hasNext()){ IE* e = it->next(); cout<<e->toString()<<" "; delete e; } delete c; delete it; return 0; } Singura instantiere concreta Alocare memorie Dealocare

  15. #ifndef LINKED_COLL_H #define LINKED_COLL_H #include "IIterator.h" #include "ICollection.h" class LinkedCollectionIterator; class LinkedCollection:public ICollection{ class Nod{ public: IE* elem; Nod* next; Nod(IE* e, Nod* n){elem=e;next=n;} Nod(IE* e){elem=e;next=0;} ~Nod(){} friend class LinkedCollection; friend class LinkedCollectionIterator; }* head; Nod* position(IE* e){ Nod* crt=head; while(crt && (!crt->elem->equals(e))) crt=crt->next; return crt; } public: LinkedCollection(); void add(IE*); void del(IE*); int length(); bool contains(IE*); friend class LinkedCollectionIterator; IIterator* iterator(); bool isEmpty(); ~LinkedCollection(); class LinkedCollectionIterator; friend class LinkedCollectionIterator; class LinkedCollectionIterator:public IIterator{ LinkedCollection* c; LinkedCollection::Nod* crt; public: LinkedCollectionIterator(LinkedCollection* c1){ c=c1; crt =c->head;} bool hasNext(){ return (crt!=0); } IE* next(){ IE* e=crt->elem; crt=crt->next; return e;} void first(){crt=c->head; } IE* del(){ IE* e= crt->elem; LinkedCollection::Nod* ant=c->head; while(ant->next!=crt) ant=ant->next; ant->next=crt->next; LinkedCollection::Nod* aux=crt; crt=crt->next; delete aux; return e; } ~LinkedCollectionIterator(){} }; }; #endif Nod si iterator inner Referirea la o clasa interioara altei clase

  16. TAD Lista • Reprezentari posibile: • Static (vector de elemente) • Inlantuit • Simplu • Dublu • Accesul la date – prin pozitii • Reprezentare statica (pozitie = index, obiect) • Reprezentare inlantuita (pozitie = nod )


  18. #ifndef OBJ_H #define OBJ_H class Object{ public: virtual bool equals(Object*)=0; virtual char* toString()=0; virtual ~Object(){} }; #endif #ifndef INTEGER_H #define INTEGER_H #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include "Object.h" using namespace std; class Integer:public Object{ private: int i; public: Integer(int n=0):i(n){} char* toString(){char* buf=new char[3]; sprintf(buf,"%d",i); return buf;} bool equals(Object* p){ return i==((Integer*)p)->i;} ~Integer(){} }; #endif Object si Integer

  19. #ifndef ILIST_H #define ILIST_H class Object; class IPozitie; class Iterator; class ILista{ public: virtual int dimensiune()=0; virtual bool vida()=0; virtual void adaugaSf(Object*)=0; virtual void adaugaInc(Object*)=0; virtual void adauga(IPozitie*, Object*)=0; virtual void inserare(IPozitie*, Object*)=0; virtual Object* sterge(IPozitie*)=0; virtual IPozitie* prim()=0; virtual IPozitie* urmator(IPozitie*)=0; virtual IPozitie* anterior(IPozitie*)=0; virtual IPozitie* ultim()=0; virtual bool valid(IPozitie*)=0; virtual Iterator* iterator()=0; virtual ~ILista(){}; }; #endif IList.h

  20. #ifndef POZ_H #define POZ_H class Object; class IPozitie{ public: virtual Object* elem()=0; virtual ~IPozitie(){}; }; #endif IPozitie.h

  21. #ifndef POZ_NOD_H #define POZ_NOD_H #include "IPozitie.h" class PozitieNod:public IPozitie{ Nod* crt; public: PozitieNod(Nod* n){crt=n;} Object* elem(){return crt->getInfo();} ~PozitieNod(){} friend class SLList; friend class DLList; }; #endif PozitieNod.h

  22. #ifndef POZINT_H #define POZINT_H #include "IPozitie.h" class PozitieInt:public IPozitie{ private: int crt; Object* info; public: PozitieInt(int n=0, Object* o=0){crt=n;info=o;} Object* elem(){ return info; } ~PozitieInt(){} friend class SLista; }; #endif PozitieInt.h

  23. #ifndef NOD_H #define NOD_H class Object; class Nod{ public: virtual Object* getInfo()=0; virtual Nod* getNext()=0; virtual void setNext(Nod*)=0; ~Nod(){} }; #endif Nod.h

  24. #ifndef SNOD_H #define SNOD_H #include "Nod.h" class SNod:public Nod{ Object* info; Nod* next; public: SNod(Object* o=0,Nod* n=0) {info=o;next=n;} Object* getInfo(){return info;} Nod* getNext(){return next;} void setNext(Nod* n){next=n;} ~SNod(){}; friend class SLList; }; #endif SNod.h

  25. #ifndef DNOD_H #define DNOD_H #include "SNod.h" class DNod:public SNod{ Nod* prev; public: DNod(Object*o=0, Nod*n=0, Nod* p=0): SNod(o,n) {prev=p;} Nod* getPrev(){return prev;} void setPrev(Nod* p){prev=p;} ~DNod(){} }; #endif DNod.h

  26. #ifndef LINKED_LIST_H #define LINKED_LIST_H #include "IList.h" class Nod; class ILinkedList:public ILista{ protected: Nod* head; public: virtual ~ILinkedList(){} }; #endif ILinkedList

  27. SLList

  28. #ifndef SLLIST_H #define SLLIST_H #include "ILinkedList.h" #include "SNod.h" #include "PozitieNod.h" #include "Iterator.h" class SLList:public ILinkedList{ public: SLList(){head=0;} int dimensiune(){ Nod* crt=head; int k=0; while(crt){ k++; crt=crt->getNext(); } return k; } bool vida(){ return head==0;} void adaugaSf(Object* o){ if(head){ Nod* crt=head; while(crt->getNext()) crt=crt->getNext(); Nod* nou= new SNod(o,0); crt->setNext(nou); } else head=new SNod(o,0); } void adaugaInc(Object* o){ head=new SNod(o,head); } void adauga(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*) p; Nod* crt = pn->crt; Nod* nou = new SNod(o,crt->getNext()); crt->setNext(nou); } void inserare(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ Nod* crt=head; PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; if(pn->crt!=head){ while(crt->getNext()!=pn->crt) crt=crt->getNext(); Nod * nou=new SNod(o,pn->crt); crt->setNext(nou); } else head=new SNod(o,head); } SLList.h

  29. Object* sterge(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn = (PozitieNod*)p; Nod* aux = pn->crt; Object* rez=pn->crt->getInfo(); if (pn->crt==head) head=head->getNext(); else{ Nod* crt = head; while(crt->getNext()!=pn->crt){ crt=crt->getNext(); } Nod* aux = pn->crt; rez=pn->crt->getInfo(); crt->setNext(pn->crt->getNext()); } delete aux; return rez } IPozitie* prim(){return new PozitieNod(head);} IPozitie* urmator(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; return new PozitieNod(pn->crt->getNext()); } IPozitie* anterior(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; Nod* crt=head; while(crt->getNext()!=pn->crt) crt=crt->getNext(); return new PozitieNod(crt); } IPozitie* ultim(){ Nod* crt=head; while(crt->getNext()) crt=crt->getNext(); return new PozitieNod(crt); } bool valid(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; return (pn->crt!=0); } Iterator* iterator(){ return new Iterator(this); } ~SLList(){ Nod* p; while(head){ p=head; head=head->getNext(); delete p; p=head; } } }; #endif SLList.h

  30. #ifndef DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_H #define DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_H #include "DNod.h" #include "ILinkedList.h" #include "Iterator.h" class DLList:public ILinkedList{ Nod* tail; public: DLList(){head=tail=0;} int dimensiune(){ Nod* crt=head; int k=0; while(crt){ k++; crt=crt->getNext(); } return k; } bool vida(){ return (head==0); } void adaugaSf(Object* o){ Nod* nou; if(head){ nou=new DNod(o,0,tail); tail->setNext(nou); tail=nou; } else{ head=new DNod(o,0,0); tail=head; } } void adaugaInc(Object* o){ head=new DNod(o,head,0); } void adauga(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ PozitieNod* pn =(PozitieNod*)p; if(pn->crt==tail) tail=new DNod(o,0,tail); else Nod* nou = new DNod(o,pn->crt->getNext(),((DNod*)pn->crt)->getPrev()); } void inserare(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ PozitieNod* pn =(PozitieNod*)p; if (pn->crt==head) head=new DNod(o,head,0); else{ Nod* nou = new DNod(o, ((DNod*)pn->crt)->getPrev(),pn->crt->getNext()); } } Object* sterge(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn =(PozitieNod*)p; if (pn->crt==head) head=head->getNext(); else if (pn->crt==tail) tail=((DNod*)tail)->getPrev(); else {DNod* crt=(DNod*)pn->crt; crt->getPrev()->setNext(crt->getNext()); ((DNod*)crt->getNext())->setPrev(crt->getPrev()); } Object* el = pn->crt->getInfo(); delete pn->crt; return el; } DLList.h

  31. IPozitie* prim(){ return new PozitieNod(head); } IPozitie* urmator(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; return new PozitieNod(pn->crt->getNext()); } IPozitie* anterior(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; return new PozitieNod(((DNod*)pn->crt)->getPrev()); } IPozitie* ultim(){ return new PozitieNod(tail); } bool valid(IPozitie* p){ PozitieNod* pn=(PozitieNod*)p; return pn->crt!=0; } Iterator* iterator(){ return new Iterator(this); } ~DLList(){ Nod* p; while(head){ p=head; head=head->getNext(); delete p; } } }; #endif DLList.h

  32. DLList

  33. #ifndef LISTA_STATIC_H #define LISTA_STATIC_H #include "IList.h" #include "PozitieInt.h" #include "Iterator.h" class SLista:public ILista{ Object** elem; int dim; int cap; public: SLista(int c=20){ cap=c; dim=0; elem=new Object*[cap]; } SLista(const SLista& s){ cap=s.cap; dim=s.dim; elem=new Object*[cap]; for(int i=0;i<dim;i++) elem[i]=s.elem[i]; } int dimensiune(){ return dim; } bool vida(){ return dim==0; } void adaugaSf(Object* o){ elem[dim++]=o; } void adaugaInc(Object* o){ for(int i=dim;i>0;i--) elem[i]=elem[i-1]; elem[0]=o; dim++; } void adauga(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ PozitieInt * pi = (PozitieInt*) p; int index=pi->crt; for(int j=dim;j>index+1;j--) elem[j]=elem[j-1]; elem[index+1]=o; } void inserare(IPozitie* p, Object* o){ PozitieInt* pi=(PozitieInt*) p; int index=pi->crt; for(int j=dim;j>=index;j++) elem[j]=elem[j-1]; elem[index-1]=o; } Object* sterge(IPozitie * p){ PozitieInt* pi=(PozitieInt*)p; Object* el= elem[pi->crt]; elem[pi->crt]=elem[--dim]; return el; } IPozitie* prim(){ return new PozitieInt(0,elem[0]); } SLista.h (lista static)

  34. IPozitie* urmator(IPozitie* p){ PozitieInt* pi= (PozitieInt*) p; int index=pi->crt; return new PozitieInt(index+1,elem[index+1]); } IPozitie* anterior(IPozitie* p){ PozitieInt* pi= (PozitieInt*) p; int index=pi->crt; return new PozitieInt(index-1,elem[index-1]); } IPozitie* ultim(){ return new PozitieInt(dim-1, elem[dim-1]); } bool valid(IPozitie* p){ PozitieInt* pi= (PozitieInt*)p; return (pi->crt<dim); } Iterator* iterator(){ return new Iterator(this); } ~SLista(){ delete [] elem; } }; #endif SLista.h

  35. #ifndef IIT_H #define IIT_H #include "IList.h" class Iterator{ protected: ILista* l; IPozitie* crt; public: Iterator(ILista* il){l=il;crt=il->prim();} void next(){crt=l->urmator(crt);} Object* curent(){return crt->elem();} bool valid(){return l->valid(crt);} ~Iterator(){} }; #endif Iterator.h Abstractizare

  36. Iterator

  37. #include "SLista.h" #include "Integer.h" #include "SLinkedList.h" #include "DLinkedList.h" #include <fstream> using namespace std; void incarcaLista(ILista* il, char* fis){ ifstream f(fis); int x; while(!f.eof()){ f>>x; il->adaugaSf(new Integer(x)); } f.close(); } void printLista(ILista* l, char* fis){ ofstream f(fis); Iterator* it = l->iterator(); while(it->valid()){ f<<it->curent()->toString()<<endl; it->next(); } f.close(); delete it; } void dealocare(ILista* il){ IPozitie* crt=il->prim(); while(il->valid(crt)){ delete crt->elem(); crt=il->urmator(crt); } } int main(){ ILista* staticL = new SLista(); ILista* sll = new SLList(); ILista* dll = new DLList(); incarcaLista(staticL,"in.txt"); incarcaLista(sll,"in.txt"); incarcaLista(dll,"in.txt"); printLista(staticL,"static.txt"); printLista(sll,"SimpleLinkedList.txt"); printLista(dll,"DoubleLinkedList.txt"); IPozitie* p = staticL->prim(); staticL->sterge(p); //cout<<"dupa stergere"<<endl; printLista(staticL,"StaticL.txt"); dealocare(staticL); dealocare(sll); dealocare(dll); delete staticL; delete sll; delete dll; return 0; } Test.cpp

  38. Structuri de cautare • Permite cautarea eficienta a elementelor • Elementele sunt ordonate in functie de o relatie • O noua operatie pentru tipul generic de data – compareTo • Operatii: • Adaugare • Stergere • Cautare – returneaza un iterator pozitionat pe elementul cautat • Lista ordonata – este o lista, dar mostenirea nu este o optiune recomandata pentru ca nu ne dorim sa se adauge elemente in orice pozitie • Daca am folosi mostenire, ar trebui sa fie mostenire privata • Alegerea potrivita – compozitie – refolosim codul de la listele anterior definite

  39. #ifndef IE_H #define IE_H class IE{ public: virtual char* toString()=0; virtual bool equals(IE*)=0; virtual ~IE(){}; }; #endif #ifndef ICE_H #define ICE_H #include "IE.h" class ICE:public IE{ public: virtual int compareTo(ICE*)=0; virtual ~ICE(){} }; #endif Structuri de cautare

  40. #ifndef ISEARCH_H #define ISEARCH_H #include "IIterator.h" #include "ICE.h" class ISearchStructure{ public: virtual IIterator* search(ICE*)=0; virtual void add(ICE*)=0; virtual void del(ICE*)=0; virtual ~ISearchStructure(){}; }; #endif ISearchStructure

  41. #ifndef SORTED_LINKED_LIST_H #define SORTED_LINKED_LIST_H #include "ISearchStructure.h" #include "ILinkedList.h" class SortedLinkedList: Public ISearchStructure{ ILinkedList* l; IAddress* searchPos(ICE*); IAddress* insertPosition(ICE*); public: SortedLinkedList(); IIterator* search(ICE* e); void add(ICE* e); void del(ICE* e); ~SortedLinkedList(); IIterator* iterator(); }; #endif SortedLinkedList

  42. #ifndef I_LINKED_LIST_H #define I_LINKED_LIST_H #include "IAddress.h" #include "IIterator.h" class ILinkedList{ public: virtual void insert(IE*, IAddress*)=0; virtual IE* del(IAddress*)=0; virtual void addLast(IE*)=0; virtual IAddress* getFirst()=0; virtual IAddress* getNext(IAddress*)=0; virtual IAddress* getLast()=0; virtual IAddress* getPrev(IAddress*)=0; virtual IE* get(IAddress*)=0; virtual IIterator* iterator()=0; virtual int isEmpty()=0; virtual ~ILinkedList(){}; }; #endif ILinkedList

  43. #ifndef IADRESS_H #define IADRESS_H #include "ICE.h" class IAddress{ public: virtual IAddress* getNext()=0; virtual IE* getElem()=0; virtual ~IAddress(){} }; class IDAddress:public IAddress{ public: virtual IAddress* getPrev()=0; }; #endif IAddress.h

  44. IIterator

  45. SLList

  46. #ifndef SLLIST_H #define SLLIST_H #include "Node.h" #include "ILinkedList.h" class SLLIterator; class SLList:public ILinkedList{ SNode* head; public: friend class SLLIterator; SLList(); IE* del(IAddress* a); void addLast(IE* e); IAddress* getFirst(); IAddress* getNext(IAddress* a); IAddress* getPrev(IAddress* a); void set (IE* e, IAddress* a); IE* get(IAddress* a); ~SLList(); int isEmpty(); void insert(IE* e, IAddress* a); IAddress* getLast(); IIterator* iterator(); }; class SLLIterator: public IIterator{ SLList* s; SNode* crt; public: SLLIterator(SLList* sl){s=sl;crt=(SNode*)s->getFirst();} bool hasNext(){return crt!=NULL;} IE* elem(){ return crt->getElem(); } void next(){ crt=(SNode*)s->getNext(crt); } void first(){crt=(SNode*)s->getFirst();} IE* del(){ SNode* aux = crt; crt=(SNode*)s->getNext(crt); IE* val = crt->getElem(); s->del(aux); return val; } }; #endif SLList + SLIterator

  47. #ifndef DLLIST_H #define DLLIST_H #include "ILinkedList.h" #include "Node.h" class DLList:public ILinkedList{ DNode* head; DNode* tail; public: DLList(); IE* del(IAddress* a); void addLast(IE* e); IAddress* getFirst(); IAddress* getNext(IAddress* a); IAddress* getPrev(IAddress* a); IAddress* getLast(); void insert(IE* e, IAddress* a); IE* get(IAddress* a); ~DLList(); IIterator* iterator(); int isEmpty(); }; class DLLIterator:public IIterator{ DLList* d; DNode* crt; public: DLLIterator(DLList* dl){ d=dl;crt=(DNode*)d->getFirst();} bool hasNext(){ return crt!=0;} IE* elem(){ return crt->getElem();} void next(){ crt=(DNode*)crt->getNext();} void first(){ crt=(DNode*)d->getFirst();} IE* del(){ DNode* aux = crt; crt=(DNode*)d->getNext(crt); IE* val = crt->getElem(); d->del(aux); return val; } }; #endif DLList+DLLIterator

  48. -head

  49. #include "SortedLinkedList.h" #include "DLList.h" SortedLinkedList::SortedLinkedList(){ l = new DLList(); } IIterator* SortedLinkedList::search(ICE* e){ DLLIterator* it =(DLLIterator*) l->iterator(); int found = 0; while (it->hasNext() && ! found ){ ICE* ec = (ICE*) it->elem(); // cast conv!!! if (e->compareTo(ec)==0) found = 1; else it->next(); } if (found==1) return it; return NULL; } IAddress* SortedLinkedList::searchPos(ICE* e){ IAddress* a = l->getFirst(); while(l->getNext(a)){ ICE* ec = (ICE*)l->get(a); if (ec->compareTo(e)==0) return a; a = l->getNext(a); } return NULL; } void SortedLinkedList::del(ICE* e){ IAddress* a = searchPos(e); if(a){ l->del(a); } } IAddress* SortedLinkedList::insertPosition(ICE* e){ IAddress* a = l->getFirst(); IAddress* ant=NULL; cout<<"caut pozitie pentru "<<e->toString()<<" "; while (e->compareTo((ICE*)l->get(a))>0){ ant = a; cout<<"actual "<<a->getElem()->toString()<<endl; a = l->getNext(a); } return ant;} void SortedLinkedList::add(ICE* e){ if (l->isEmpty()) { l->addLast(e); return; } IAddress* crt = l->getFirst(); ICE* ec= (ICE*)l->get(crt); if(e->compareTo(ec)<0) {l->insert(e,NULL);return;} while((e->compareTo(ec)>=0)&&(crt)){ crt=l->getNext(crt); if(crt) ec= (ICE*)l->get(crt);} if(!crt) l->addLast(e); else{ IAddress* ant=l->getPrev(crt); l->insert(e,ant);} } SortedLinkedList::~SortedLinkedList(){ delete l;} IIterator* SortedLinkedList::iterator() { return new DLLIterator((DLList*)l); } SortedLinkedList.cpp

  50. SearchStructure

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