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What Ofsted found

Enhancing Learning – towards a skilled and qualified workforce Alison O'Brien (K&A Associates). What Ofsted found.

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What Ofsted found

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  1. Enhancing Learning – towards a skilled and qualified workforceAlison O'Brien (K&A Associates)

  2. What Ofsted found “Too few young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities progress from school to complete programmes of learning in post-16 settings which develop greater independence; lead to further study, supported or open employment; or provide skills for independent living” Ofsted : Progression post-16 for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities August 2011

  3. To improve life chances we need • Learning which is personalised and relevant • Delivered in practical and realistic environments • Clarity about what we are teaching, why, where and how • Appropriate objectives supported by clear guidance • Effective recording mechanisms, so we can track progress and impact • Above all, a well trained and capable workforce

  4. Resources which can help • LSIS funded the Enhancement of Learning support (ELS) project to identify and address the training and development needs of learning support staff and those who manage them. • Issues and solutions identified in collaboration with practitioners. • Resulted in the development of a suite of resources and materials which can support providers to develop staff skills and confidence, including using them to support the delivery of the specialist qualifications

  5. Context for the ELS • Undertaken in partnership by Natspec and AoC • Learning Support Staff Reference Group • Learner Reference Group • Supported by JISC TechDis

  6. Learning Support – the national context • Some very effective practice But.... • Significant variation in status of the role • Often poorly managed within the classroom or learning setting • The role of learning support too often interpreted as meaning one to one classroom support

  7. Learning Support – the national context A workforce eager to be trained. But.... • Limited training opportunities • Too often focused on compliance • Insufficient training in specialist skills to develop the role

  8. What Ofsted Found • Providers are developing specialisms, but Ofsted found “the range and availability of specialist training for staff were variable” • “the roles of the support staff on mainstream courses had gradually evolved into specialists who enabled learners to develop strategies for learning, rather than primarily assisting in the classroom.” Ofsted : Progression post-16 for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities August 2011

  9. How can the ELS materials help you? A suite of resources and materials which include: • Profile tool • Audit tool • Alternative approaches to CPD • Career structure and progression • Using technology to promote learning and independence • Creating approaches to maximising independence • Website – Standards and Qualifications • Much more!.....

  10. Thank youAlison O’Brienalison.obrien@kandaassociates.co.ukwww.kandaassociates.co.uk

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