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Program Design for Children Sya VanGeest

M A G I C O F P I C T U R E B O O K S BUILDING BLOCKS FOR LITERACY. Program Design for Children Sya VanGeest.

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Program Design for Children Sya VanGeest

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  2. “Educators today, … agree that all students benefit from opportunities to read and respond to a wide variety of literature. Yes, contrary to popular belief, older students can and do learn from picture books!” (Forte & Schurr 1995)

  3. NURTUREAREADERNurture a Sapling The child growing up in an environment brimming with books, magazines, and newspapers, - seeing and hearing a parent read, - owning a library card - that child will have far higher scores than will the child raised in a print vacuum. Dr. G. Kylene Beers

  4. Promote Reading for Fun If we teach children how to read, but none of them want to, have we done our job?Steven Layne. Life’s Literacy Lessons(IRA2001)

  5. The Power of Reading Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t” Mark Twain If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads. Ralph Waldo Emerson Once you learn to read You will be forever free . Frederick Douglas. Abolitionist Leader. (ALA poster) Literature is my Utopia. Helen Keller

  6. Tells a good story It’s accurate in time & place Shapes real characters It is engaging Touches the heart Stimulates thought It’s appropriate for audience It’s fun Stirs the imagination Pictures enrich the text Energized by strong words Explores eternal verities It is inviting It’s free from errors Uses language rich in metaphor and description Tells a dual story – in text and pictures Whatmakesagreatpicturebook ?

  7. How Do We Get Children To Read? The literacy “platforms” are really pretty funny when you think about it. If there were one best way, don’t you think we would have found it by now? Steven L. LayneLife’s Literacy Lessons(IRA2001)

  8. USE PICTURE BOOKS TO . . . • Introduce a lesson / unit • Teach content • Teach reading & writing strategies/skills • Study point-of-view, bias • Explore a theme • Shape for ear: storytelling • Compliment your subject • Stimulate critical thinking • Conclude a lesson / unit • As model for product • . . . . Picture books speak to the heart!!!!

  9. Types of Readers, Dr. G. Kylene Beers What type of reader are you? TheAvid Reader The Dormant Reader The Unmotivated Reader The Uncommitted Reader The Unskilled Reader School Library Journal (Jan / Feb 1996)

  10. Using Picture Books as “Mental Sets” for lessons “A successful introduction to a lesson , which establishes a positive mental set, makes it far easier to sustain learning as the lesson unfolds.” (Kyriacou 1998)

  11. MENTAL SET • A Good Mental Set Should . . . • Link to past learning/ prior knowledge • Actively involve students • Relate to lesson objective Example: Lesson about children’s rights - Students, in pairs, come up with two rights they feel all children should have. - Read A Carpet Boy’s Gift by Pegi Deitz Shea. - Discuss which of the brainstormed rights Nadeem and Amina did not have. Is this fair?

  12. Using Picture Books to Explicitly Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies FOR EXAMPLE: *making connections Text to World Text to Text Text to Self

  13. LANGUAGE ARTS • Making Inferences • Visualization

  14. LANGUAGE ARTS • writing prompts • literary devices • punctuation • main ideas • sequencing of ideas • elements of fiction metaphors alliteration idioms

  15. LANGUAGE ARTS • poetry

  16. CROSS CURRICULAR • Writing a Persuasive Piece

  17. Character Ed - Guidance Asking the Big questions of Life • Do real men cry? • How do we honour personality traits? • What do we do with our anger / disappointment? • How do we deal with our fears? • What is courage?

  18. The Arts: Music, Visual Art, Drama & Dance

  19. Geography

  20. History

  21. The Sciences

  22. Mathematics=%<+/>-

  23. Family Studies

  24. First Nations’ Voices

  25. Cross Curricular • biographies VISIT: http://www.webrary.org/kids/jbibpictbkbiog.html

  26. CROSS CURRICULAR • Storytelling: Picture Books to Shape for the Ear

  27. Cross Curricular • points of view and bias

  28. The Power and Beauty of Picture Books As a Genre for Student Writing: Addresses all strands of Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Oral Communication & Media Studies Follow a step-by-step process See “Analyzing and Creating Picture Books” (Power Point and other support material)

  29. A STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS • Divided into sixparts • Record due dates for each part. • Assess and evaluate each part FIRST: Analyzequalities of goodpicture books SECOND: Planproposalfor your own creation THIRD: Writefirst draftof your story FOURTH: Constructstoryboard FIFTH: Createfinalgood copy SIXTH: Presentto a children’s audience

  30. Building a Collection Read and studymany picture books • Consider award-winning books • Blue Spruce Award • Caldecott • Governor General’s Award • First Choice • Examine their characteristic and qualities • What is great about these books? • The wonder of the story? • The beauty of the words? • The power of the art? • The enticement of the packaging?

  31. BLUE SPRUCE 2008 (winner determined by children - spring 2008 from nominated list) 2007 Scaredy Squirrel by Mélanie Watt. 2006 The Boy who Loved Bananas by Andrej Krystoforski 2005 Drumheller Dinosaur Dance by Robert Heidbreder. Illus by Bill Slavin and Esperança Melo 2004 Stanley's Party. Linda Bailey. Illus by Bill Slavin 2003 Z is for Zamboni. Matt Napier. Illustrated by Melanie Rose. 2002 When Pigs Fly. Valerie Coulman and illustrated by Roge. RESOURCES / LINKS • Blue Spruce Award™ Archive: Annual Award Winners and Award Nominees • BEST BETS, an annual list of Canadian literature • Canada's major national literary awards • Canadian Children's Literature: Award-Winning Books

  32. Works Cited Forte, Imogene and Sandra Schurr. Using Favourite PictureBooks to Stimulate Discussion and Encourage Critical Thinking. Nashville: Incentive Publications, 1995. Kurstedt, Rosanne and Maria Koutras. Teaching Writing With Picture Books as Models. Toronto: Scholastic, 2000. Kyriacou, Chris. Essential Teaching Skills, 2nd Ed. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes, 1998.OLA. http://www.accessola.com/ola/bins/content_page.asp. OSLA. http://www.accessola.com/osla/bins/index.asp. Polette, Nancy J. and Joan Ebbesmeyer. Literature Lures: UsingPicture Books to Motivate Middle School Readers. London: Teacher Ideas, 2002.

  33. Additional Resources Posted on OLA’s Super Conference Website 2008 • Analyzing and Creating Picture Books - .ppt • Student Picture Book Assignment • Picture Books to Shape for Telling - .ppt • Selected Picture book bibliographies by topic

  34. Contact Us beth.mcewen@ugdsb.on.ca syavg@rogers.com

  35. There is a no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soul!Emily Dickinson

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