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Gifted & Talented Program Evaluation

Gifted & Talented Program Evaluation. CCSD Board Meeting Monday, May 19th , 201 4 6:00 PM. Gifted and Talented CCSD Program Goals 20 13-2014. 1. Curriculum Alignment 2. Identification 3. Student Achievement 4. Professional Development 5. Communication. 1. Curriculum Alignment Goal.

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Gifted & Talented Program Evaluation

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  1. Gifted & Talented Program Evaluation CCSD Board Meeting Monday, May 19th, 2014 6:00 PM

  2. Gifted and Talented CCSD Program Goals 2013-2014 1. Curriculum Alignment 2. Identification 3. Student Achievement 4. Professional Development 5. Communication

  3. 1. Curriculum Alignment Goal Establish GT Scope & Sequence aligning NAGC standards with Common Core for K-9 by the end of the 2013-2014 school year.

  4. Presentation at ITAG Conference ("Aligning Iowa Core and NAGC Standards: Creating a K-12 Scope and Sequence")

  5. Sharing our learning beyond the classroom, district, and state: http://www.iowatag.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/2014WinterFinal.pdf

  6. 2. Identification Protocol Goal Refine our screening and identification process to increase consistency of the identification/selection process across the district as well as to reduce underrepresentation in various subgroups.

  7. Revised Identification Procedure https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2X6GMkD2DQxcFJxRXlISXlRUFU/edit

  8. 3. Student Achievement Goal • 80% of G/T students will meet or exceed their growth target as measured by MAP. • Increase the percentage of students who meet their PEP goals including academic and one additional self-identified student goal. (baseline data will be collected in Spring, 2013.)

  9. MAP Reading Results 2013-2014 % of students who MET or EXCEEDED their target

  10. MAP Math Results 2013-2014 % of students who MET or EXCEEDED their target

  11. Iowa Io Iowa Assessment Results 2013-2014: READING

  12. Iowa Assessment Results 2013-2014: MATH

  13. PEP Goal Results 2013-2014 Students’ Personal Education Plans allow them to set goals in academic and social/emotional areas. GT Specialists are in the process of collecting feedback from our students to help us know whether or not they feel successful in meeting their goals.

  14. 10 PEP Goal Results to Date for 2013-2014: 68/173 9th-10th Grade Students (39%)--Academic, Social/Emotional

  15. PEP Goal Results: Leadership,Creativity

  16. 4. Professional Development Goal Increase general education teachers' knowledge and skills in providing differentiated instruction for gifted and talented students.

  17. Professional Development was offered to the district on April 7th and April 14th 34 teachers from the district attended, 2-3 sessions of the 7 offered

  18. Professional Learning Choices of Sessions Included the Following: • Gifted Girls • Practical Literacy Differentiation • Incorporating GT Standards in the Content Areas • Who are Gifted Kids? • Differentiating Instruction in the Math Classroom: Growing All Learners • Welcome to the Gifted-Friendly Classroom! • Secondary Gifted Moves and Core Curricular Shifts

  19. What did you find helpful about the sessions you attended and/or the information you gained? I learned strategies that I can apply immediately. 17% I participated in dialogue that was beneficial to my learning. 23% Questions that I had regarding certain topics were answered. 10% Resources/resource ideas were shared with me that I can use in my classroom. 25% My views and/or actions regarding my work with gifted children was validated. 10% I learned important information that will be appropriate to share with parents. 15% I did not find the session helpful. 0% Other. 0%

  20. How could the professional learning opportunities that you participated in be improved? The sessions should be shorter. 4% The sessions should be longer. 15% The work time should be shorter. 15% The work time should be longer. 0% There should be more breakout sessions. 12% There should be less breakout sessions. 4% There should be one session presented in greater depth. 8% I do not feel the opportunities need improvement. 27% Other. 15%

  21. 5. Communication Goal Increase communication with stakeholders to build greater coherence and program effectiveness.

  22. New Initiatives for 14-15 Program Newsletters Twice a Year • September, May • All stakeholders • Share program news, build understanding of program purpose and goals

  23. Continuing Communication • Program website kept up-to-date https://sites.google.com/site/collegecommunityelpgroup/ • Professional Development offered to faculty • Annual presentation to the School Board

  24. Please consider…. ….allowing a GT presentation in the fall with more comprehensive data, and begin a cycle of reporting that will continue with consecutive, annual fall reports

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