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Monaural Speech Segregation: Representation, Pitch, and Amplitude Modulation

Monaural Speech Segregation: Representation, Pitch, and Amplitude Modulation. DeLiang Wang The Ohio State University. Outline of Presentation. Introduction Speech segregation problem Auditory scene analysis (ASA) approach A multistage model for computational ASA

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Monaural Speech Segregation: Representation, Pitch, and Amplitude Modulation

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  1. Monaural Speech Segregation: Representation, Pitch, and Amplitude Modulation DeLiang Wang The Ohio State University

  2. Outline of Presentation • Introduction • Speech segregation problem • Auditory scene analysis (ASA) approach • A multistage model for computational ASA • On amplitude modulation and pitch tracking • Oscillatory correlation theory for ASA

  3. Speech Segregation Problem • In a natural environment, target speech is usually corrupted by acoustic interference. An effective system for speech segregation has many applications, such as automatic speech recognition, audio retrieval, and hearing aid design • Most speech separation techniques require multiple sensors • Speech enhancement developed for the monaural situation can deal with only specific acoustic interference

  4. Auditory Scene Analysis (Bregman’90) • Listeners are able to parse the complex mixture of sounds arriving at the ears in order to retrieve a mental representation of each sound source • ASA would take place in two conceptual processes: • Segmentation. Decompose the acoustic mixture into sensory elements (segments) • Grouping. Combine segments into groups, so that segments in the same group are likely to have originated from the same environmental source

  5. Auditory Scene Analysis - continued • The grouping process involves two aspects: • Primitive grouping. Innate data-driven mechanisms, consistent with those described by Gestalt psychologists for visual perception (proximity, similarity, common fate, good continuation, etc.) • Schema-driven grouping. Application of learned knowledge about speech, music and other environmental sounds

  6. Computational Auditory Scene Analysis • Computational ASA (CASA) systems approach sound separation based on ASA principles • Weintraub’85, Cooke’93, Brown & Cooke’94, Ellis’96, Wang’96 • Previous CASA work suggests that: • Representation of the auditory scene is a key issue • Temporal continuity is important (although it is ignored in most frame-based sound processing algorithms) • Fundamental frequency (F0) is a strong cue for grouping

  7. A Multi-stage Model (Wang & Brown’99)

  8. Auditory Periphery Model • A bank of fourth-order gammatone filters (Patterson et al.’88) • Meddis hair cell model converts gammatone output to neural firing

  9. Auditory Periphery - Example • Hair cell response to utterance: “Why were you all weary?” mixed with phone ringing • 128 filter channels arranged in ERB

  10. Mid-level Auditory Representations • Mid-level representations form the basis for segment formation and subsequent grouping • Correlogram extracts periodicity information from simulated auditory nerve firing patterns • Summary correlogram is used to identify F0 • Cross-correlation between adjacent correlogram channels identifies regions that are excited by the same frequency component or formant

  11. Mid-level Representations - Example • Correlogram and cross-channel correlation for the speech/telephone mixture

  12. Oscillator Network: Segmentation Layer • Horizontal weights are unity, reflecting temporal continuity, and vertical weights are unity if cross-channel correlation exceeds a threshold, otherwise 0 • A global inhibitor ensures that different segments have different phases • A segment thus formed corresponds to acoustic energy in a local time-frequency region that is treated as an atomic component of an auditory scene

  13. Segmentation Layer - Example • Output of the segmentation layer in response to the speech/telephone mixture

  14. Oscillator Network: Grouping Layer • At each time frame, an F0 estimate from the summary correlogram is used to classify channels into two categories; those that are consistent with the F0, and those that are not • Connections are formed between pairs of channels: mutual excitation if the channels belong to the same F0 category, otherwise mutual inhibition • Strong excitation within each segment • The second layer embodies the grouping stage of ASA

  15. Grouping Layer - Example • Two streams emerge from the grouping layer at different times or with different phases • Left: Foreground (original mixture ) • Right: Background

  16. Challenges Facing CASA • Previous systems, including the Wang-Brown model, have difficulty in • Dealing with broadband high-frequency mixtures • Performing reliable pitch tracking for noisy speech • Retaining high-frequency energy of the target speaker • Our next step considers perceptual resolvability of various harmonics

  17. Resolved and Unresolved Harmonics • For voiced speech, lower harmonics are resolved while higher harmonics are not • For unresolved harmonics, the envelopes of filter responses fluctuate at the fundamental frequency of speech • Hence we apply different grouping mechanisms for low-frequency and high-frequency signals: • Low-frequency signals are grouped based on periodicity and temporal continuity • High-frequency signals are grouped based on amplitude modulation (AM) and temporal continuity

  18. Proposed System (Hu & Wang'02)

  19. Envelope Representations - Example (a) Correlogram and cross-channel correlation of hair cell response to clean speech (b) Corresponding representations for response envelopes

  20. Initial Segregation • The Wang-Brown model is used in this stage to generate segments and select the target speech stream • Segments generated in this stage tend to reflect resolved harmonics, but not unresolved ones

  21. Pitch Tracking • Pitch periods of target speech are estimated from the segregated speech stream • Estimated pitch periods are checked and re-estimated using two psychoacoustically motivated constraints: • Target pitch should agree with the periodicity of the time-frequency (T-F) units in the initial speech stream • Pitch periods change smoothly, thus allowing for verification and interpolation

  22. Pitch Tracking - Example (a) Global pitch (Line: pitch track of clean speech) for a mixture of target speech and ‘cocktail-party’ intrusion (b) Estimated target pitch

  23. T-F Unit Labeling • In the low-frequency range: • A T-F unit is labeled by comparing the periodicity of its autocorrelation with the estimated target pitch • In the high-frequency range: • Due to their wide bandwidths, high-frequency filters generally respond to multiple harmonics. These responses are amplitude modulated due to beats and combinational tones (Helmholtz, 1863) • A T-F unit in the high-frequency range is labeled by comparing its AM repetition rate with the estimated target pitch

  24. AM - Example (a) The output of a gammatone filter (center frequency:2.6 kHz) to clean speech (b) The corresponding autocorrelation function

  25. AM Repetition Rates • To obtain AM repetition rates, a filter response is half-wave rectified and bandpass filtered • The resulting signal within a T-F unit is modeled by a single sinusoid using the gradient descent method. The frequency of the sinusoid indicates the AM repetition rate of the corresponding response

  26. Final Segregation • New segments corresponding to unresolved harmonics are formed based on temporal continuity and cross-channel correlation of response envelopes (i.e. common AM). Then they are grouped into the foreground stream according to AM repetition rates • The foreground stream is adjusted to remove the segments that do not agree with the estimated target pitch • Other units are grouped according to temporal and spectral continuity

  27. Ideal Binary Mask for Performance Evaluation • Within a T-F unit, the ideal binary mask is 1 if target energy is stronger than interference energy, and 0 otherwise • Motivation: Auditory masking - stronger signal masks weaker one within a critical band • Further motivation: Ideal binary masks give excellent listening experience and automatic speech recognition performance • Thus, we suggest to use ideal binary masks as ground truth for CASA performance evaluation

  28. Monaural Speech Segregation Example • Left: Segregated speech stream (original mixture: ) • Right: Ideal binary mask

  29. Systematic Evaluation • Evaluated on a corpus of 100 mixtures (Cooke’93): 10 voiced utterances x 10 noise intrusions • Noise intrusions have a large variety • Resynthesis stage allows estimation of target speech waveform • Evaluation is based on ideal binary masks

  30. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Results • Average SNR gain: 12.1 dB; average improvement over Wang-Brown: 5 dB • Major improvement occurs in target energy retention, particularly in the high-frequency range

  31. Segregation Examples Mixture Ideal Binary Mask Wang-Brown New System

  32. How Does Auditory System Perform ASA? • Information about acoustic features (pitch, spectral shape, interaural differences, AM, FM) is extracted in distributed areas of the auditory system • Binding problem: How are these features combined to form a perceptual whole (stream)? • Hierarchies of feature-detecting cells exist, but do not seem to constitute a solution to the binding problem

  33. Oscillatory Correlation Theory (von der Malsburg & Schneider’86; Wang’96) • Neural oscillators are used to represent auditory features • Oscillators representing features of the same source are synchronized (phase-locked with zero phase lag), and are desynchronized from oscillators representing different sources • Supported by growing experimental evidence, e.g. oscillations in auditory cortex measured by EEG, MEG and local field potentials

  34. Oscillatory Correlation Representation FD: Feature Detector

  35. Oscillatory Correlation for ASA • LEGION dynamics (Terman & Wang’95) provides a computational foundation for the oscillatory correlation theory • The utility of oscillatory correlation has been demonstrated for speech separation (Wang-Brown’99), modeling auditory attention (Wrigley-Brown’01), etc.

  36. Issues • Grouping is entirely pitch-based, hence limited to segregating voiced speech • How to group unvoiced speech? • Target pitch tracking in the presence of multiple voiced sources • Role of segmentation • We found increased robustness with segments as an intermediate representation between streams and T-F units

  37. Summary • Multistage ASA approach to monaural speech segregation • Performs substantially better than previous CASA systems • Oscillatory correlation theory for ASA • Key issue is integration of various grouping cues

  38. Collaborators • Recent work with Guoning Hu- Ohio State University • Earlier work with Guy Brown - University of Sheffield

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