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ACTFL Teachers of the Year Navigate 21st Century Skills Map

ACTFL Teachers of the Year Navigate 21st Century Skills Map. ACTFL 2012. www.actfl.org. Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Creativity and Innovation Information Literacy Media Literacy Technology Literacy Flexibility and Adaptability

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ACTFL Teachers of the Year Navigate 21st Century Skills Map

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  1. ACTFL Teachers of the Year Navigate 21st Century Skills Map ACTFL 2012 www.actfl.org

  2. Communication • Collaboration • Critical Thinking and Problem • Solving • Creativity and Innovation • Information Literacy • Media Literacy • Technology Literacy • Flexibility and Adaptability • Initiative and Self-Direction • Social and Cross-Cultural Skills • Productivity and Accountability • Leadership and Responsibility • Interdisciplinary Themes • Global Awareness • Financial, Economic, Business • and Entrepreneurial Literacy • Civic Literacy • Health Literacy

  3. 21st Century Skills Statement

  4. Skill Definition

  5. Learner Outcomes (by Proficiency Ranges)

  6. Student Examples

  7. Modes of Communication

  8. Interdisciplinary Themes

  9. www.actfl.org

  10. www.actfl.org

  11. www.actfl.org

  12. Ken Stewart2006 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina www.actfl.org

  13. Christine Lanphere2007 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year Natomas High School Sacramento, California www.actfl.org

  14. Janet Glass2008 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year Dwight-Englewood School Englewood, New Jersey www.actfl.org

  15. 12. Leadership and Responsibility: Students as responsible leaders leverage their linguistic and cross-cultural skills to inspire others to be fair, accepting, open, and understanding within and beyond the local community www.actfl.org

  16. EXAMPLE: Students participate in a school partnership program with a sister school in another country by hosting a visiting student. Before their arrival, students use communication tools such as Skype and email to introduce themselves. The host students create a simple survey that the exchange students complete to determine which local attractions or locations they might be familiar with. Based on the results of the survey, the host students then prepare an itinerary for the exchange students that includes a variety of cultural and historical activities which allow the exchange students to gain unique insights into American culture. (Interpretive, Interpersonal, Presentational) EXAMPLE: Students organize a school-wide service project partnering with an international aid organization to assist a school in another country. Students use the Internet to locate a school in the country then communicate directly with the students at that school about their specific needs. Students then design and carry out a project to acquire the items the students need and send them to the school. Students engage in follow-up conversations with the students in the school to determine what impact the supplies had on the students there. (Interpersonal) novice Intermediate www.actfl.org

  17. Advanced EXAMPLE: Students write an editorial for a local target language newspaper expressing support for a current social topic from the community (Presentational) Beyond the local community, students use their linguistic and cultural knowledge to help lead efforts at literacy and promote opportunity for children in underserved areas of the world. (Interpersonal) www.actfl.org

  18. Students in rural San Jose Tututepec, Oaxaca, Mexico working with volunteers from Educadores Latinoamericanos established at Dwight-Englewood School www.actfl.org

  19. American High School students from NJ using their Spanish to help disadvantaged youngsters learn www.actfl.org

  20. Toni Theisen2009 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year Loveland High School Loveland, Colorado www.actfl.org

  21. Lisa Lilley2010 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year www.actfl.org

  22. Clarissa Adams Fletcher 2011 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year Dunwoody High School Dunwoody, Georgia www.actfl.org

  23. ACTFLNational Teacher of the Year Program “Best practices” of the ACTFL Teachers of the Year Thank you. www.actfl.org

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