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Self portrait. Selfportret. Lucas Malan. http:// documentaries.videosift.com /video/Great-Artists-Rembrandt. Rembrandt van Rijn perfected this genre. Rembrandt van Rijn het hierdie genre vervolmaak. He (who lived) in the Jodenbreestraat. Hy van die Jodenbreestraat.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Self portrait Selfportret Lucas Malan

  2. http://documentaries.videosift.com/video/Great-Artists-Rembrandt

  3. Rembrandt van Rijn perfected this genre Rembrandt van Rijn het hierdie genre vervolmaak

  4. He (who lived) in the Jodenbreestraat Hy van die Jodenbreestraat

  5. Who could skillfully paint flattering portraits of the wealthy time after time watsóvaardig, keer op keervleiendeportrette van die rykeskonmaak

  6. at the same time applied his skill to himself het tegelyksy slag daarmee op homselfgekeer

  7. So many times he reflected this: the proud figure of a young gentleman Soveelkeer so het hyditweergegee: die trots figuur van ‘n jonkheer

  8. who stands smartly dressed and showing off watswieriggekleestaan en pronk;

  9. His pretty visage proud/haughty before those who glower at him symooigelaathooghartigvoordiéwathombegluur

  10. In his gleaming paint(ed) clothes. Artistically young. In syglansendeverfgewaad. Skilderagtigjonk.

  11. Now take any of that multitude of portraits as exemplar Vat nouenige van daardieveeltal as eksemplaar

  12. And see how it compares with the last two: En gaankyk hoe dit met die laaste twee vergelyk:

  13. These give us a mournful old man who looks close to tears Dié gee ons ‘n droewigeou man watnáaantranelyk

  14. There is nothing. Just hidden intense sorrow which stares out. Daar is niks. Net verdigteverdrietwatnabuitestaar.

  15. Now look through (your) own albums Kyknou die eie albums deur.

  16. Note the face, the body – How masterfully you are reproduced in the Rembrandt-style Let op die gesig, die lyf-hoe meesterlik word jy in die Rembrandt-stylherskryf.

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