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Waste Treatment - Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan -

Waste Treatment - Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan -. November 5, 2007 Hidekazu Hasegawa Executive Vice President. Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan. CONTENS. Home Appliances Overview of home appliances recycling system Challenges relating TV recycling data PC

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  1. Waste Treatment -Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan - November 5, 2007 Hidekazu Hasegawa Executive Vice President

  2. Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan CONTENS • Home Appliances • Overview of home appliances recycling system • Challenges relating TV recycling • data • PC • Overview of PC recycling system • Challenges relating PC recycling • data

  3. Overview of home appliances recycling system(1) • The Home Appliances Recycling Law came into force on April 1, 2001. • The law covers four electrical appliances: air-conditioners, televisions, refrigerators and washing machines. • It requires retailers to collect used appliances and deliver them to the manufacturer for recycling. • Customers are asked to bear the cost for disposal of the used appliances at the time of disposal.

  4. Overview of home appliances recycling system(2) Customers Appropriate disposal Pay the costs of Collection + recycling at the time of disposal *recycling fees (example) : CRT TV \2,700 Retailers • Take-back obligation • Appliances sold by that retailers • Appliances which that retailers is asked to take back at new purchase Manufacturers/ Importers Take-in obligation Obligation to Recycle *stipulated recycling rate: CRT TV 55%

  5. Challenges relating TV recycling Government council on recycling is conducting the review of the recycling Law and system • Should LCD and PDP TV be under cover of The Law? • stipulated recycling rate • size of LCD and PDP TV covered by the Law • Should Recycling fees be charged at the time of purchase or at the time of disposal? • Recycling of CRT glass.

  6. TV Shipment in Japan ・Rapid shift from CRT to Flat TV ( LCD/PDP) i2005: Flat TV over 50 % of total shipment     2010: Shipment of CRT TV in Japan are to be ZERO 【ten thousand units】 1135 1139 1085 1025 987 1005 925 945 900 900 864 850 848 814 【year】

  7. Disposal of TV in Japan ・CRT TV : mass of disposed TV ・Share of LCD / PDP of disposed TV increase in 2012 【ten thousand units】 【year】

  8. Electronics Appliances Recycling in Japan CONTENS • Home Appliances • Overview of home appliances recycling system • Challenges relating TV recycling • data • PC • Overview of PC recycling system • Challenges relating PC recycling • data

  9. Overview of PC recycling system(1) • With the revision of Law for the Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources on April 1, 2001, collection and recycling ofend-of-life PCs from corporate entities have become obligation for the manufacturer. • PC recycling, or the reuse of used household PCs began on October 1, 2003 based on the law. • Manufacturers collect used PCs and make effective reuse of their parts and materials. • PC 3R Promotion Center, which established by JEITA in May 2004, can collect and recycle PCs that cannot be collected by any manufacturer.

  10. Overview of PC recycling system(2) :Household PC Customers Pay the costs of Collection + recycling at the time of purchase PCs, these cost paid, labeled “PC Recycling Mark “ Apply to the Maker⇒Pack and take PC to post office                          ⇒Recycling Center Manufacturers/ Importers Obligation to Collect and Recycle used PC PC 3R Promotion Center Collect and Recycle PCs that cannot be collected by any manufacturer (homemade PC, manufacturer is no longer in business)

  11. Overview of PC recycling system(3) :Corporate user PC Corporate users Apply for collection and recycling directly with manufacturer Responsible for covering the end of life expenses Manufacturers/ Importers Obligation to Collect and Recycle used PC

  12. Challenges relating PC recycling • Further promotion of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) • Further improvement of efficiency of collection and recycling • Increase of amount of collection (963 thousand units in 2005) • Improvement of recycling rate

  13. Amount of Used PC Collection (thousand unit) (FY)

  14. PC Shipment in Japan (thousand unit) (FY)

  15. PC Recycling Rate in FY 2005 Desktop Desktop Desktop Notebook Notebook Notebook CRT Display CRT Display CRT Display LCD LCD LCD household corporate 2005年度実績 stipulated recycling rate Desktop Desktop Notebook Notebook CRT Display

  16. Thank you for your attention

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