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Your Skin Care

How To take care of different Skin Problems

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Your Skin Care

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  1. 1 Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  2. 2 Many individuals are confused about the steps necessary to improve the appearance of their skin. Chances are, you are too. After all, the average female consumer is constantly bombarded with advertisements and recommendations for a dizzying array of skin care products, with conflicting messages about the skin care practices that are most beneficial. It's no wonder most individuals are unsure of what their skin truly needs; uncertainty that often leads to the implementation of routines that do more harm than good. Trust Us. Skin care doesn't need to be that complicated. “aakar Skin Scientific” has been advising a back-to-basics approach to skin care for more than 30 years though “Institute of Cosmetology and Laser Science” (ICLS: Mumbai) www.icls.in BOOK 1.1 “aakar Skin Scientific” always believe in managing problems with Safe and Scientific facts about skin, hair and body care. YOUR SKIN CARE In this skin care eBook, “aakar Skin Scientific” shares an overview of how the skin functions to help you understand what it needs. By highlighting Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  3. 3 this information in an approachable and easy-to-understand manner, it aims to turn you into an empowered consumer; one capable of making smart choices about the skin care products you use and the skin care practices you employ. Tips to Stay Healthy During Coronavirus Lockdown Healthy and Beautiful skin can only be achieved when the body is healthy. In this skin care eBook, “aakar Skin Scientific”outlines the main steps necessary to achieve healthy skin in a way that is easy to understand and implement at home. “aakar Skin Scientific” has interviewed many qualified doctors and it is only after putting in this efforts we have come out with this helpful eBook. Times are difficult. We have entered the third phase of lockdown due to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. And health experts are saying ‘older people are more likely to contract the disease.’ So, driving our attention towards the ones who need it most during such times, are the senior citizens. “aakar Skin Scientific” will provide some answers to common skin care questions. With decades of experience as a plastic surgeon and skin care expert, Dr. Anil Nirale, consultant Laser & Cosmetic Surgeon from Mumbai, says, “In today’s pandemic period everyone is afraid and confused about self care.” In this skin care eBook, he breaks through the myths related to skin care while providing straightforward answers to the questions he is most often asked. This is because their immune system may not be as strong as the youngster's one. Therefore, the potential danger of the novel coronavirus has left many older people worried. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  4. 4 But despite all the difficulties we are facing and no control over certain risk factors like old age, it is imperative that we adopt all the possible measures to help seniors stay healthy and safe. Yes, we have possible solutions to keep our elderly safe and healthy during the lockdown. You can offer them simple and fresh home-cooked meals (canned and processed food must be avoided). You can let them add in their diet green vegetables, pulses, and seasonal fruits like mango, watermelon, and honeydew melon as they work as antioxidants. You can also recommend them other foods like egg white, paneer made from low-fat milk, vegetable soup without cream, milk, and soya. This will be beneficial for senior citizens. Also, you can help them make a habit of drinking at least 3 litres of water every day. This will help them maintain good health. 2. Buy Health Insurance Policy. Here are smart tips to follow during coronavirus lockdowns. They are extremely helpful and beneficial for every citizen. Having a health insurance policy that covers coronavirus disease is essential. Look for an adequate cover. There are plans in the market that can provide complete coverage against the coronavirus pandemic. This way, they will be financially strong. 1. Eat Healthy to Stay Fit It is a must for people to stay on track when it comes to diet. You can help elderly people procure basic groceries during the coronavirus lockdown. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  5. 5 3. Easy Exercises Regularly ones can be difficult for them especially in a case where they are already suffering from a pre-existing disease. A little but regular exercise is sure to benefit not only the elderly people but all. There are many easy exercises that senior citizens can do to stay fit and happy. But the most basic of all is simply walking around the home. Besides, you can help them do some stretching exercises as this also helps elderly people stay active. So, it becomes important to check upon them quite a few times in a day. You can call them, or even visit them if they live in your vicinity. Either way, make sure you are ready to lend a helping hand in case a health emergency arises. 4. Keep The Brain Active 6. Stay Prepared For Every Situation Not only physical activities, but some mind games can also be of great help to keep senior citizens active as well as engaged. You can play with them some games they like such as Sudoku, Carrom, Ludo, Chess, Crossword puzzles, etc. Stay prepared with your actions in case any elderly in your family feels sick or develops the coronavirus symptoms. Make sure you have in stock all the medicines they take. Also, you should be ready if the situation demands to call the doctor at your place. Other ways to keep them engaged is watching their favorite shows on the television, engaging in conversations they like or discussing current topics with them. This will make them happy and will go a long way in keeping them healthy during the lockdown. Save the doctor’s number in your phone and keep a note of doctors in your vicinity. In case hospitalisation is required, you must have a mode of transport that makes it easier for the patient to visit the hospital during the lockdown. 5. Keep A Check Daily 7. Keep Yourselves And Your Surroundings Clean If the elderly people you love live far from your place, then you need to take even more care of them. This is because staying away from the loved Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  6. 6 Make it a habit to wash hands often with soap and water for around 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Also, assist the older people in washing their hands properly. Ensure that the homes of the elderly people are disinfected regularly, especially electronics and other commonly used items like doorknobs, remote, and table. Not to forget, keep yourself protected too. 8. Download The Aarogya Setu App Not every older individual is familiar with today’s technology. But those using a smartphone can be guided about the latest updates about the coronavirus disease through the Aarogya Setu App in their smartphone. This will encourage them for their self-assessment test and will keep them motivated to keep themselves healthy. Elderly people must stay at home as much as possible. You should make sure they follow the tips above with more diligence in order to stay protected. Do your bit if you are living with elderly people or know anyone residing near you so that the virus does not turn severe for those with a compromised immune system. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  7. 7 Dry your hands with a clean towel but leave some water on them. You can also let your hands air dry. While your hands are slightly damp, apply your hand cream or ointment. DRY SKIN RELIEF FROM COVID-19 HANDWASHING Apply hand cream or ointment to your skin, making sure you work some of the moisturizer into your fingertips and nails. Has frequent hand washing left you with dry, cracked skin? With these tips from qualified doctor you can continue to wash your hands as needed to fend off COVID-19 (coronavirus) and heal dry skin. Qualified doctor recommend using a hand cream or ointment that: Here’s what qualified doctor recommend: Contains mineral oil or petrolatum Comes in a tube rather than a pump-bottle Says it’s “fragrance-free” and “dye-free” This moisturizer tends to feel less irritating to dry, chapped skin. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in lukewarm water. Use soap, and wash every part of your hands, including between your fingers and around your nails. You must apply moisturizer Dry, cracked skin makes it easier for bacteria and other germs to get inside your body. Applying moisturizer after handwashing helps heal dry skin. Dry hands? Continue to wash them. Washing helps prevent illness by removing harmful bacteria and viruses. Applying hand cream, hand moisturizer Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  8. 8 When you use hand sanitizer, apply your hand cream or ointment immediately after the hand sanitizer dries. Because hand sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol to kill germs, hand sanitizer can be very drying. There is no evidence that using a hand sanitizer makes it easier to pick up germs. It’s dry skin that increases your risk of picking up germs. If you have dry skin from using hand sanitizer, apply moisturizer immediately after your hand sanitizer dries. Handwashing helps to prevent illness, but frequent handwashing can dry your skin. To prevent and heal dry skin, apply a hand cream or ointment after you wash your hands. Using hand sanitizer Allow hand sanitizer to dry. Then apply moisturizer. When skin is moist, it can better protect you from germs. Applying hand sanitizer Get your health information from a trustworthy source. Going online to chat with friends and family can be comforting. When it comes to health information, it’s essential to get accurate and reliable information. CORONAVIRUS: IS HANDWASHING DRYING YOUR SKIN? Washing your hands is critical to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). However, frequent handwashing can cause dry skin that can flake, itch, crack, and even bleed without proper precautions. This can cause open wounds in your skin that can allow in bacteria and other germs and increase your risk for infection. What the science shows? You may have seen well-meaning posts on social media about keeping your hands clean. Some posts may come from assumptions rather than science. Here’s what the science shows: To reduce your risk of dry, cracked skin from handwashing, follow these tips from qualified doctor. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  9. 9 Need more information? Have questions about how to wash your hands? Want to know when to use hand sanitizer? You can ask “aakar SKIN SCIENTIFIC” ON 9820046112 When to contact the qualified doctor? If you still have dry skin after following these tips, you may need the qualified doctor ’s help. To heal dry skin, some people need a prescription cream or ointment. If you have a skin condition that causes extremely dry skin, such as atopic dermatitis, you need to treat the skin condition to relieve dry skin. The qualified doctor can diagnose you. The qualified doctor can provide the treatment you need. Practical tips for your DRY SKIN Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  10. 10 Simple changes can soothe dry skin. Following the same skin care routine year round may not work so well when the humidity drops. Without a change in your skin care, dry air can make fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable. Dry skin can itch, flake, crack, and even bleed. 2. and lotions (moisturizers) work by trapping existing moisture in your skin. Apply moisturizer immediately after washing. Ointments, creams, To trap this much-needed moisture, you need to apply a moisturizer within few minutes of: o Drying off after a shower or bath To help heal dry skin and prevent its return, qualified doctor recommend the following. o Washing your face or hands 3. creams are more effective and less irritating than lotions. Look for a cream or ointment that contains an oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil. Shea butter also works well. Other ingredients that help to soothe dry skin include lactic acid, urea, hyaluronic acid, dimethicone, glycerin, lanolin, mineral oil, and petrolatum. Use an ointment or cream rather than a lotion. Ointments and 1. your skin is dry, be sure to: Prevent baths and showers from making dry skin worse. When o Limit your time in the shower or bath to 5 or 10 minutes o Use warm rather than hot water o Wash with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser Carry a non-greasy hand cream with you, and apply it after each hand washing. This will greatly help relieve dry skin. o much that you see a thick lather Apply enough cleanser to remove dirt and oil, but avoid using so 4. Some healing lip balms can irritate your lips. If your lips sting or tingle after you apply the lip balm, switch to one that does not cause this reaction. Wear lip balm. Choose a lip balm that feels good on your lips. o Blot your skin gently dry with a towel. o Slather on the moisturizer immediately after drying your skin 5. products are too harsh for dry, sensitive skin. Use only gentle, unscented skin care products. Some skin care Dry skin is a common issue that can affect anyone. To help, qualified doctor recommend following these bathing tips to get dry skin relief. Click the image above to download a PDF. When your skin is dry, stop using: o Deodorant soaps Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  11. 11 o alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) When to see the qualified doctor? Your skin should start to feel better quickly. If these changes do not bring relief, you may want to see the qualified doctor. Very dry skin can require a prescription ointment or cream. Dry skin also can be a sign of a skin condition that needs treatment. The qualified doctor can examine your skin and explain what can help reduce your discomfort. Skin care products that contain alcohol, fragrance, retinoids, or Avoiding these products will help your skin retain its natural oils. 6. skin. You can reduce dry, raw skin by wearing gloves. Wear gloves. Our hands are often the first place we notice dry Be sure to put gloves on before you: o Go outdoors in winter o Perform tasks that require you to get your hands wet o Get chemicals, greases, and other substances on your hands 7. skin is dry and raw even clothes and laundry detergent can be irritating. Choose non-irritating clothes and laundry detergent. When our To avoid this: o material that feels rough Wear cotton or silk under your clothing made of wool or another 10 SKIN CARE SECRETS FOR HEALTHIER-LOOKING SKIN o Use laundry detergent labeled “hypoallergenic” 8. Sitting in front of an open flame or other heat source can dry your skin. Stay warm without cozying up to a fireplace or other heat source. These general skin care tips from qualified doctor can benefit just about everyone. 9. your home heating system, find out if you have a humidifier on the system — and whether it’s working. Add moisture to the air. Plug in a humidifier. If you can check Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  12. 12 Applying sunscreen to hand: Apply sunscreen every day before you go outdoors. Sunscreen is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. It really can slow down skin aging. It can also help prevent skin cancer. Look for a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 (or higher), and water resistance. Don't smoke. Smoking speeds up how quickly your skin ages. If you smoke, your wounds will also take longer to heal. And research shows that smoking worsens some skin diseases, including psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa. Check your skin for skin cancer. Skin self-exams can help you find skin cancer early when it's highly treatable. If you notice a spot that differs from the others, or one that changes, itches, or bleeds, make an appointment to see the qualified doctor. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  13. 13 Use skin care products that match your skin's needs. What's your skin type — oily, dry, normal, combination, or sensitive? Do you have a skin condition? Using products formulated for your skin's needs will help your skin look and feel its best. Stress less. Finding healthy ways to manage stress can help your skin, too. Some skin diseases like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (eczema) often appear for the first time when someone feels really stressed. Stress can also cause flare- ups of many skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Resist the urge to scrub your skin clean. If you've been sweating heavily or have a serious acne flare, it may seem natural to scrub your skin. Don't! Scrubbing irritates your skin, which can worsen any skin condition, including acne. See qualified doctor if you dislike something about your skin. When it comes to our skin, qualified doctors are the experts. These doctors diagnose and treat thousands of different skin diseases. They also have the expertise needed to help people safely rejuvenate and care for their skin. Wash your face when waking, before bed, and after sweating. Washing when you wake up removes the dirt and bacteria that settle on your face while sleeping. Before bed, you want to remove makeup and grime, such as smog, smoke, or dirt, which may have landed on your skin. Your safety is important. AAKAR SKIN SCIENTIFIC always uses latest tools and scanners to diagnose your skin condition. Gently wash your face. Gentle cleansing helps skin look its best. To gently cleanse your face, wet it with lukewarm water. Then apply a mild cleanser, gently applying the cleanser in a circular motion with your fingertips. Finish by completely rinsing off the cleanser and gently patting your face dry with a clean towel. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  14. 14 Before you treat age spots, however, you should know a few facts. These facts can protect your health and help you to get the best results. Age spots appear on areas of your body that the sun's rays often hit, such as your face and hands. Many treatment options are available for age spots You’ll find 2 types of treatment for age spots: • Creams and lotions • Office Procedures Procedures, which include laser therapy and chemical peels, tend to work faster. Creams and lotions, however, require discipline. To see results, you have to apply a cream or lotion once or twice a day for weeks or months. HOW TO GET RID OF AGE SPOTS? Here’s what you should know about your treatment options. Creams and lotions: You’ll find plenty of skin-lightening products that manufacturers claim will get rid of age spots. If you feel that age spots are telling people you’re becoming old, then, you may be able to fade those spots significantly. Sometimes, you can even get rid of them. Before you buy any product, it’s important to know that some contain ingredients that can be harmful to your health. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  15. 15 Skin lightener containing mercury can cause serious health problems. Microdermabrasion (procedure): During this procedure, the qualified doctor will smooth away age spots. Studies show this can be quite effective, especially when a patient also has a chemical peel. Laser treatment (procedure): After a microdermabrasion treatment, you may see mild redness that will likely disappear in a few hours. Laser treatments can treat age spots quickly, and you’ll likely have longer- lasting results than with a skin-lightening cream. Microdermabrasion is a type of exfoliation treatment that you can receive. There are various safe and effective LASER machines. Patients who suffer from deep acne scars really should see qualified doctor to discuss their options. They usually will require resurfacing laser or sometimes some dermal fillers, or chemical peels as opposed to only microdermabrasion for treatment. Cryotherapy (procedure): This is a common treatment for age spots. During this procedure, the qualified doctor removes the cells in the age spots by freezing them. As the skin heals, it looks lighter. Chemical peeling (procedure): Treatment can be painful, but it’s quick. After treatment, you may have some pain, a blister, or temporary redness and swelling. This can effectively treat age spots on the hands. In a study that compared chemical peeling with cryotherapy, the researchers found that 47% of the patients receiving the chemical peel had a 50% lightening of the age spots. While the patients who had cryotherapy had slightly better results, the skin tends to heal faster after a chemical peel than after freezing (cryotherapy). Possible permanent side effects include darkening of an age spot, lightening of the skin around the age spot, or a scar. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  16. 16 A surgical lift, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery, will give you the most dramatic results, but you’ll find plenty of other skin-tightening options. These other options offer less downtime and lower cost. Another perk: Many can be used on just about any part of your body that needs a lift. What are your other options? Subtle tightening Skin-firming creams and lotions you’ll find plenty of these products. Many come with such promising claims that you may feel you have to try them. Before you spend money on another skin-firming cream, here’s what you should know. Bottom line: If you’re looking for facelift-like results from a jar, you’ll likely be disappointed. Despite the claims, the results you see from a skin- firming cream will be subtle at best. It’s also possible that you won’t see any results. SAFE WAYS TO FIRM SAGGING SKIN When you see immediate results, the product tends to be an effective moisturizer. A good moisturizer can plump up your skin, making fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable. This result is temporary. To continue seeing any benefit, you need to apply the product every day. Do you find yourself gently pulling back skin on your face when you look in the mirror and wishing it would stay there? As for the claim that a cream or lotion can lift sagging skin, qualified doctors say, that’s not possible. A cream or lotion cannot penetrate the skin deeply enough to do this. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  17. 17 What are your options? • usually it Pain: May have some discomfort during the procedure, but that’s You can undergo the procedure of IONIC PENETRATION. • Makeup: Can often apply immediately after the procedure What is IONIC PENETRATION? Ionic penetration is the procedure in which skin nutrients are made to penetrate your skin safely and without any pain. The procedure takes about 10 – 20 minutes. It is also called Office Procedure. If you opt for a non-invasive skin tightening procedure, you’ll likely have one of the following: Modest tightening and lifting Non-invasive skin tightening procedures These procedures are called non- invasive because they leave your skin intact. You won’t have a puncture wound, incision, or raw skin afterward. You may see some temporary redness and swelling, but that’s usually the only sign that you had a procedure. Here’s what you can expect from a non-invasive skin-tightening procedure: • Results: Tend to appear gradually, so they seem natural • Downtime: Little or none • body Body-wide use: Can tighten skin just about anywhere on your • Time commitment: Most procedures take 1 hour or less Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  18. 18 Radiofrequency : Radiofrequency During this treatment, your doctor places a device against your skin, which heats the tissue beneath. Most people have 1 treatment and feel some tightening right away. It takes time for your body to make collagen, so you’ll see the best results in about 6 months. Some people benefit from having more than 1 treatment. Results can last 2 to 3 years with the right skin care. Laser treatment: Some lasers can send heat deep into the skin without wounding the top layer of your skin. These lasers are used to tighten skin all over the body and can be especially helpful for tightening loose skin on the belly and upper arms. You may need 3 to 5 treatments to get results, which gradually appear between 2 and 6 months after the last treatment. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  19. 19 Laser resurfacing: This is the most effective procedure for tightening loose skin. Unlike the laser treatment described above, this procedure requires some downtime. You’ll need to stay home for 15 to 27 days. Laser resurfacing also gives you the fastest results. After you heal, you’ll see tightening and fewer wrinkles within 2 weeks. WHAT CAN TREAT LARGE FACIAL PORES? When you look in the mirror, do you feel that your skin would look more attractive if you could shrink those large pores? There’s actually a lot you can do to make pores less noticeable. Much of this, you can do on your own. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  20. 20 Find a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. Again, you want to do everything you can to stop irritating your skin and stop clogging your pores. Here’s what qualified doctor will recommend. Use only non-comedogenic skin care products and makeup. Treat acne The word “non-comedogenic” means the product won’t clog your pores. When pores clog, they expand, which can make your pores look more noticeable. Cleanse your face twice a day Clogged pores or an oily complexion can make pores look larger. Cleansing twice daily can unclog pores, prevent clogged pores, and reduce oiliness. When cleansing your face: Use warm water. Hot water can irritate your skin, causing pores to look larger. Gently wash your face. Scrubbing can irritate your skin, causing inflammation. When skin is inflamed, pores tend to be more noticeable. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  21. 21 Acne clogs your pores, which can make your pores more noticeable. the sun’s rays hit our skin, they can damage our skin. This damage builds up over time. Using a cleanser with salicylic acid may help. Studies show salicylic acid can unclog pores. Some cleansers containing salicylic acid are gentle enough to use every day. Exfoliate Exfoliating may make pores less noticeable. To get the results you want, you need to exfoliate safely to avoid damaging your skin. You can find out how to do this by watching, How to safely exfoliate at home. If the salicylic acid dries or irritates your skin, try alternating cleansers. Use a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser when you wake up and the salicylic acid cleanser before bed. If exfoliating your skin makes you uncomfortable or you aren’t sure this is right for you, qualified doctorcan help. By seeing the qualified doctor , you can find out whether exfoliating may help make your pores less noticeable. The qualified doctor may also be able to exfoliate your skin during an office visit. Many people who have acne need more than salicylic acne to control their acne. Be gentle with your skin Scrubbing your face won’t make it any cleaner, but scrubbing can irritate your skin, which can make your pores look larger. Protect your face with sunscreen every day The more sun damaged your skin, the less firmness it has. When skin starts to lose its firmness, pores look more noticeable. Picking at, squeezing, or digging into your pores can also irritate your skin, making pores look more noticeable. Applying a broad-spectrum, water resistant sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher helps prevent sun-damaged skin. To protect your skin, apply sunscreen every day, even when it’s raining or cold outside. Every time Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  22. 22 For these reasons, you want to be very gentle with your skin. Never scrub, rub, pick at, or squeeze the skin on your face. Treat sagging skin As we age, our skin loses its firmness and starts to sag. Pores look larger when skin sags. 5 WAYS TO USE PETROLEUM JELLY FOR SKIN CARE To save on skin care, qualified doctor recommend using petroleum jelly to: The skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s important to take good care of it. However, doing so doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the bank. In fact, a common, inexpensive product found in most people’s medicine cabinets, petroleum jelly, can have multiple skin care uses for the entire family. Relieve dry skin, including your lips and eyelids. Dry skin can flake, itch, crack and even bleed. Since ointments are more effective and less irritating than lotions, consider applying petroleum jelly to dry skin, including your lips and eyelids. The skin on your eyelids is the thinnest skin on the body and can get irritated easily. If your eyelids get dry and Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  23. 23 flaky, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly for moisture and protection. jelly during each diaper change. With the right care, your baby’s rash should clear in about three to four days. If the rash doesn’t go away, see a qualified doctor. For the best results, always apply petroleum jelly when your skin is damp. Rehydrate nails. Help injured skin heal. For minor wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and scratches, use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist. This helps prevent the wound from drying out and forming a scab, as scabs take longer to heal. This will also help prevent a scar from getting too large, deep or itchy. As long as the wound is cleaned daily, it is not necessary to use anti-bacterial ointments. If you frequently get manicures and pedicures, apply petroleum jelly to your nails and cuticles in between polishes. This will minimize brittleness and help prevent your nails from chipping. For the best results, apply it when your nails are damp. While petroleum jelly has many benefits, it shouldn’t be used for everything. Prevent chafing. Avoid putting petroleum jelly on your face if you are acne-prone, as this may cause breakouts in some people. If you have questions about your skin or how to take care of it, see a qualified doctor. Chafing is a painful skin irritation that occurs when body parts rub together or rub against clothing. To prevent chafing that can lead to blisters, apply petroleum jelly to problem areas, such as the feet or thighs. Treat diaper rash. The best way to prevent diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin as dry and clean as possible. However, if your baby does get a rash, apply petroleum Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  24. 24 CARING FOR YOUR SKIN IN MENOPAUSE With the right care, you can lessen these effects. Here’s what qualified doctor recommend. Age spots and other signs of sun-damaged skin If you’ve spent ample time in the sun without sun protection, you’ll likely see the effects now. Age spots and larger areas of darker skin can appear on your face, hands, neck, arms, or chest. Menopause, which usually begins one year after your last period, can bring with it some noticeable changes to your skin and hair. As hormone levels plummet, your skin can become dry, slack, and thin. You may notice more hair on your face and less on your scalp. Skin cancer and pre-cancerous skin growths also become more common. You can do something about the changes to your skin and hair that occur in menopause. What you can do To protect your skin: Apply sunscreen every day before going outdoors. To give your skin the protection it needs, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Apply it to all skin that clothing won’t cover. This can help fade age spots, prevent new spots from forming, and reduce your risk of getting skin cancer. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  25. 25 Bruise easily As estrogen levels fall, skin becomes thinner. Thin skin bruises more easily. Make an appointment to see the qualified doctor for a skin cancer screening. Your risk of getting skin cancer increases with age. As your risk rises, skin cancer screenings become so important. The earlier you find skin cancer and pre-cancerous growths, the more treatable they are. Start skin self-exams. During your appointment, ask your doctor how often you should examine your own skin. Ask your doctor to recommend treatment for age spots. Before you buy any treatment for age spots, see your doctor for a skin exam. Skin cancer sometimes looks like an age spot or other dark spot on your skin. If you use your age-spot treatment on a skin cancer, you may fade the spot and delay treatment. Delaying treatment for skin cancer gives the cancer time to possibly grow and spread. This can make the cancer more difficult to treat. What you can do? You may be able reduce thinning skin. Here’s how: After examining your skin, your doctor can recommend an age-spot treatment that’s suitable for your skin. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day. While this cannot thicken your skin, it can prevent further thinning. You want to Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  26. 26 apply sunscreen to your face, hands, neck, and any other area that clothing won’t cover. And you want to do this every day, even in winter. See your doctor if your skin still feels dry. Exfoliation or microdermabrasion may help, but you want to see your doctor before trying one of these. At menopause, skin becomes thinner and trying one of these at home may cause more harm than good. Consult with the qualified doctor about treatment options. The qualified doctor will be honest about what may work for you. For some women, a retinoid cream can help. Laser treatment may be another option. Facial hair As levels of female hormones fall, you can see unwanted hair under your chin and along your jawline or above your lip. Dry skin In menopause, skin loses some ability to hold water, so skin can get quite dry. This can be especially noticeable when the air is dry. What you can do Waxing may be an option. If your skin becomes too thin for waxing, your skin can tear and bleed. To remove unwanted hair, you’ll want to: What you can do The following can help combat dry skin: See your doctor. Qualified doctor can tell you what you can use to remove unwanted hair. Options include laser hair removal and a hair- reduction cream. Wash with a mild cleanser instead of soap. For mature skin, soap can be too drying. And you definitely want to skip the deodorant bars. Apply moisturizer after bathing and throughout the day when your skin feels dry. A moisturizer with hyaluronic acid or glycerin can be especially helpful. Have qualified doctor perform laser hair removal, if that’s an option. In skilled hands, this treatment may seem easy. Your risk of side effects Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  27. 27 increases dramatically when the person performing your laser treatment lacks medical training and in-depth knowledge of the skin. Face sagging and wrinkles In menopause, skin quickly loses collagen. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of its collagen during the first five years of menopause. After that, the decline is more gradual. Women lose about 2% of their collagen ever year for the next 20 years. Hair loss on your head At menopause, many women notice thinning hair on their head. The first sign may be a widening part. Some women find that their hairline starts to recede. As collagen diminishes, our skin loses it firmness and begins to sag. Jowls appear. Permanent lines run from the tip of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Wrinkles that used to appear only with a smile or frown become visible all the time. What you can do When it comes to hair loss, the earlier you start treating it the better your results. Because many things can cause hair loss, you’ll want to: Later, the tip of the nose dips. You may see pouches under your eyes. See qualified doctor at the first sign of a problem. Treatment for hair loss depends on the cause. If your hair loss is due to menopause, your doctor may recommend scientific hair treatments including stemcell like therapies, laser treatment, or both. Large pores also are due to lack of skin firmness. What you can do If sagging skin or wrinkles bother you: If you have already lost a considerable amount of hair, a hair transplant may be an option. Protect your skin from the sun. This can reduce visible wrinkles and prevent new wrinkles. There are many latest, safe and result giving treatments available for you at “aakar skin scientific” which help you in correcting your problems. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  28. 28 Make a appointment if you cannot get acne under control. A hormonal treatment may be necessary. You’ll find other ways to treat wrinkles at, “Sagging Skin” page.. Rashes and easily irritated skin Around age 50, the pH level of our skin changes. With this change, skin becomes more sensitive, and women are more likely to develop rashes and easily irritated skin. Consider using a skin care product that contains retinol or peptides. These ingredients can increase collagen in your skin. Pimples and other types of acne As levels of female hormones drop before and during menopause, some women develop teenage-like acne. If you have an existing skin condition, such as eczema or rosacea, this could worsen. What you can do Because a woman’s skin is thinner and drier, treatments for teenage acne are often too harsh. Qualified doctor recommend that you: What you can do If you notice any of these changes, you should: Use a fragrance-free moisturizer. This can reduce irritation. Wash acne-prone skin with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. This helps unclog pores. See qualified doctor if the rash lasts or a skin condition worsens. As skin becomes drier and more easily irritated, you may need the qualified doctor’s help. Avoid acne products that dry your skin. Drying your skin can worsen acne. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  29. 29 Slow Healing Hormones play an important role in healing our skin. When hormones levels fall, skin takes longer to heal. AGING Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we cannot do anything about; others we can influence. What you can do Realize that your skin will heal. It may take longer now. “Intrinsic aging.” See qualified doctor if an infection or other skin problem occurs. When skin takes longer to heal, you have a greater risk of getting an infection or other skin problem. One thing that we cannot change is the natural aging process. It plays a key role. With time, we all get visible lines on our face. It is natural for our face to lose some of its youthful fullness. We notice our skin becoming thinner and drier. Our genes largely control when these changes occur. The medical term for this type of aging is “intrinsic aging.” What changes will you make? Now that you know what to expect, you also know there’s a lot you can do to diminish these changes. If all this seems overwhelming, qualified doctor can create an effective treatment plan that delivers noticeable results. “Extrinsic aging.” Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  30. 30 naturally would. To help their patients prevent premature skin aging, qualified doctor offer their patients the following tips. Protect your skin from the sun every day. Whether spending a day at the beach or running errands, sun protection is essential. You can protect your skin by seeking shade, covering up with sun- protective clothing — such as a lightweight and long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection — and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or higher), and water-resistant. You should apply sunscreen every day to all skin that is not covered by clothing.  Every time you get a tan, you prematurely age your skin. This holds true if you get a tan from the sun, a tanning bed, or other indoor tanning equipment. All emit harmful UV rays that accelerate how quickly your skin ages. We can influence another type of aging that affects our skin. Our environment and lifestyle choices can cause our skin to age prematurely. The medical term for this type of aging is “extrinsic aging.” By taking some preventive actions, we can slow the effects that this type of aging has on our skin. If you smoke, stop. Smoking greatly speeds up how quickly skin ages. It causes wrinkles and a dull, sallow complexion. 11 ways to reduce premature skin aging Avoid repetitive facial expressions. When you make a facial expression, you contract the underlying muscles. If you The sun plays a major role in prematurely aging our skin. Other things that we do also can age our skin more quickly than it Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  31. 31 repeatedly contract the same muscles for many years, these lines become permanent. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Findings from a few studies suggest that eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables may help prevent damage that leads to premature skin aging. Findings from research studies also suggest that a diet containing lots of sugar or other refined carbohydrates can accelerate aging. Wash your face twice a day and after sweating heavily. Perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, irritates the skin, so you want to wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating. Apply a facial moisturizer every day. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. Drink less alcohol. Alcohol is rough on the skin. It dehydrates the skin, and in time, damages the skin. This can make us look older. Stop using skin care products that sting or burn. When your skin burns or stings, it means your skin is irritated. Irritating your skin can make it look older. Exercise most days of the week. Findings from a few studies suggest that moderate exercise can improve circulation and boost the immune system. This, in turn, may give the skin a more- youthful appearance. It is never too late to benefit! Even people who already have signs of premature skin aging can benefit from making lifestyle changes. By protecting your skin from the sun, you give it a chance to repair some of the damage. Smokers who stop often notice that their skin looks healthier. Cleanse your skin gently. Scrubbing your skin clean can irritate your skin. Irritating your skin accelerates skin aging. Gentle washing helps to remove pollution, makeup, and other substances without irritating your skin. If signs of aging skin bother you, you may want to see the qualified doctor. New treatments and less-invasive procedures Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  32. 32 for smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin, and improving one’s complexion are giving many people younger-looking skin. at least 30. Be sure to apply sunscreen to all skin that is not covered by clothing. Do not tan. Getting a tan from the sun exposes you to harmful UV rays that can accelerate aging, causing wrinkles, age spots, a blotchy complexion, and even skin cancer. Moisturize. Moisturizing traps water in the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of some fine lines and make your complexion look brighter and younger. HOW TO SELECT WRINKLE REMEDIES? Test products. Test even those labeled “hypoallergenic.” To test, dab a small amount of the product on your inner forearm twice a day for 4 to 5 days. If you do not have a reaction, it is likely safe for you to apply to your face. Reduce the signs of aging by following these tips from qualified doctor. Use the product as directed. Active ingredients can do more harm than good when too much is used. Applying more than directed can cause clogged pores, a blotchy complexion, or other unwanted effects. Wear sunscreen every day. Because the sun’s rays can accelerate signs of aging, use a sunscreen or facial moisturizer that offers broad-spectrum protection and has an SPF of Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  33. 33 HOW TO CONTROL OILY SKIN Stop using products that sting or burn unless prescribed by the qualified doctor. Irritating the skin makes signs of aging more noticeable. Limit the number of products. Using too many products on your skin, especially more than one anti- aging product, tends to irritate the skin. This often makes signs of aging more noticeable. Shop smart. People often think that the more expensive a product is, the more effective it will be. This is not always the case. There are some very effective, affordable products in the skin care aisles of your local stores. There are many reasons for oily skin, including stress, humidity, genetics, and fluctuating hormones. To help reduce the oil, follow these do's and don'ts from qualified doctor. Give the product time to work. While a moisturizer can immediately plump up fine lines, most products take at least six weeks to work. Sometimes it can take three months. If after following these tips you still do not see the results you expected, you may want to see a qualified doctor. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  34. 34 1. While washing, resist the temptation to scrub your skin, even to remove makeup. Scrubbing irritates your skin, which can make it look worse. DO wash your face every morning, evening, and after exercise. 2. “noncomedogenic.” This means that products that have these labels — including cleansers, moisturizers and makeup — won’t clog your pores or cause acne. DO choose skin care products that are labelled “oil free” and 3. they need to use a strong face wash for oily skin in order to dry out their skin. However, using a face wash that is too harsh can irritate your skin and trigger increased oil production. Instead, look for a mild, gentle face wash. DO use a gentle, foaming face wash. Many people believe that 4. your skin. DON’T use oil-based or alcohol-based cleansers. These can irritate 10 do's and don’ts from qualified doctor 5. important to apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. To save time and protect your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, look for a moisturizer that also contains a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. DO apply moisturizer daily. Although you have oily skin, it is still Although oily skin can clog pores and lead to increased acne breakouts, oily skin also has many benefits. Oil helps preserve the skin, and people with oily skin tend to have thicker skin and fewer wrinkles. The key is to strike a balance between having too much oil and maintaining your skin’s natural moisture. 6. damage that could lead to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer. To prevent acne breakouts, look for sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and DO wear sunscreen outdoors. Sunscreen helps prevent sun To help control oily skin, qualified doctor recommend the following tips: Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  35. 35 titanium dioxide, and do not use sunscreens that contain fragrance or oils. 7. DO choose oil-free, water-based makeup. 8. going to sleep. DON’T sleep in your makeup. Always remove all makeup before 9. paper against your face and leave it on for a few seconds to absorb the oil. Don’t rub the paper on your face, as this will spread the oil to other areas. DO use blotting papers throughout the day. Gently press the 10. tempting to touch your face, doing so can spread dirt, oil and bacteria from your hands to your face. Only touch your face when you’re cleansing, moisturizing or applying sunscreen or makeup, and make sure your hands are clean first. DON’T touch your face throughout the day. Although it’s 7 QUALIFIED DOCTOR 'S TIPS FOR HEALING DRY, CHAPPED LIPS Every person’s skin is different, and there is no "one size fits all" approach to skin care. If you are concerned about the amount of oil your skin is producing or if you’re struggling with blackheads or acne, make an appointment to see a qualified doctor. Doctor can guide you properly to get good results. While it may seem that dry, cracked lips are something you must live with until spring comes, you can have soft, supple lips year-round. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  36. 36 Here’s what qualified doctor recommend. Use non-irritating lip balm, lipstick, and other products that you apply to your lips. Many people mistake discomfort, such as burning, stinging, or tingling, as a sign that the active ingredients in a product are working. That’s not what’s happening. You’re actually irritating your lips, so you want to stop using any product that irritates your lips. Ingredients to avoid while your lips are chapped: Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  37. 37 To help chapped lips heal, stop applying lip products that contain any of the following: While some ingredients can irritate dry, cracked lips, others can help them heal. When looking for products to use on your chapped lips, qualified doctor recommend ones that contain one or more of the following: Camphor Eucalyptus Castor seed oil Ceramides Flavoring: Dimethicone Cinnamon, citrus, mint, and peppermint flavors can be especially irritating to dry, chapped lips Hemp seed oil Mineral oil Fragrance Petrolatum Lanolin Shea butter Menthol Sun-protective ingredients, such as titanium oxide or zinc oxide Octinoxate or oxybenzone White petroleum jelly Phenol (or phenyl) It also helps to use products that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic. Propyl gallate If your lips burn, sting, or feel uncomfortable when you apply a product to your lips, it means you’re irritating your lips, so you want to stop using that product. Salicylic acid Ingredients that can help heal chapped lips: Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  38. 38 Apply a non-irritating lip balm (or lip moisturizer) several times a day and before bed. If your lips are very dry and cracked, try a thick ointment, such as white petroleum jelly. Ointment seals in water longer than waxes or oils. Stop licking, biting, and picking at your lips. When lips feel dry, it may feel natural to wet them by licking them, but this can worsen the problem. As saliva evaporates, your lips become drier. Picking or biting your lips also irritates them, which can prevent healing. Slather on a non-irritating lip balm with SPF 30 or higher before going outdoors. Even in the winter, it’s important to protect your lips from the sun. The sun can burn dry, chapped lips more easily, which could trigger cold sores. Lip licking can be a hard habit to break. When you catch yourself licking your lips, try applying a non-irritating lip balm instead. Avoid holding items made of metal with your lips. Paperclips, jewelry, and other everyday products made of metal can irritate your already sensitive lips. To protect dry, chapped lips from the sun, use lip balm that contains offers SPF 30 or higher and one (or both) of these sun-protective ingredients: Plug in a humidifier at home. A humidifier in your bedroom can be especially helpful, especially if you breathe through your mouth at night. Titanium oxide Zinc oxide By following these qualified doctor ’s tips for chapped lips, you should have noticeable improvement in 2 to 3 weeks. To prevent your lips from chapping again, continue applying lip balm whenever it’s dry indoors or outside. While outdoors, apply the lip balm every 2 hours. Drink plenty of water. Chapped lips are dry lips, so you want to stay hydrated. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  39. 39 When to see the qualified doctor? Most of the time, the above self-care can heal dry, chapped lips in 2 to 3 weeks. If it doesn’t, see a qualified doctor. Your chapped lips could be caused by something aside from dry weather. An allergic reaction, yeast infection, or something more serious can make your lips feel dry and uncomfortable. Actinic cheilitis is a precancerous condition that turns one or both lips dry and scaly. Qualified doctor can diagnose the cause. SKIN CARE TIPS FOR MEN When it comes to skin care, men have traditionally kept it simple. However, more men are now pursuing healthier, younger-looking skin, making it a great time for men to evaluate their skin care routine and learn more about how to take care of their body’s largest organ. Although there are key differences between men and women’s skin — for example, men’s skin is thicker than women’s — the basic elements of an effective skin care plan remain the same. “Aakar skin scientific” gets equal number of male patients as that of females. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  40. 40 First, it’s important that everyone, including men, identify and understand their skin type: 2.Wash your face daily and after exercise. Because regular bar soap often contains harsh ingredients that can be drying to the skin, wash your face with a mild facial cleanser and lukewarm — not hot — water. 3.Watch your shaving technique. For some men, multi-blade razors can work too well or shave too closely to your skin. If you often experience razor bumps, razor burns, or ingrown hairs, use a single- or double-blade razor instead and do not stretch your skin taut while shaving. Before you shave, wet your skin and hair to soften it. Use a moisturizing shaving cream and shave in the direction of hair growth. Rinse after each swipe of the razor, and change your blade after five to seven shaves to minimize irritation. 4.Moisturize daily. Moisturizer works by trapping water in your skin, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and make your skin look brighter and younger. For the best results, apply moisturizer to your face and body immediately after bathing, showering or shaving while the skin is still damp. 5.Check your skin regularly. New spots or moles that itch, bleed, or change color are often early warning signs of skin cancer. If you notice any suspicious spots, make an appointment to see the qualified doctor. Men over age 50 have a higher risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, than the general population. However, when caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. 6.Wear sunscreen whenever outdoors. • Sensitive skin may sting or burn after product use • Normal skin is clear and not sensitive • Dry skin is flaky, itchy or rough • Oily skin is shiny and greasy • Combination skin is dry in some areas and oily in others Understanding your skin type will help you learn how to take care of your skin and select skin care products that are right for you. To help men develop healthy skin care routines, qualified doctor recommend the following tips: 1.Consider product labels and ingredients. The skin care products you choose will depend on your skin type. If you have acne-prone skin, look for cleansers and moisturizers that say “oil free” or “non-comedogenic,” as these won’t clog your pores. If you have sensitive skin, use mild, “fragrance free” products, as products containing fragrances can leave skin feeling irritated and dry. However, beware of products labeled “unscented,” as many of these contain masking fragrances that can still irritate your skin. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  41. 41 To help prevent sun damage that can lead to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer, before going outdoors, apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin, including your scalp, ears, neck and lips. For best protection, use a broad- spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. You can also protect your skin by seeking shade and wearing sun-protective clothing, such as a lightweight and long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses with UV protection, when possible. For more effective sun protection, select clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) label. Every man’s skin is different, and there is no "one size fits all" approach to skin care. If you aren’t sure what skin type you have, or if have questions about how to take care of your skin, see a qualified doctor. FACE WASHING. HOW TO DO IT CORRECTLY? How you wash your face can make a difference in your appearance. Follow these tips from qualified doctor to help you keep your face looking healthy. 1. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that does not contain alcohol. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  42. 42 2. apply cleanser. Using a washcloth, mesh sponge, or anything other than your fingertips can irritate your skin. Wet your face with lukewarm water and use your fingertips to 3. irritates the skin. Resist the temptation to scrub your skin because scrubbing 4. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel. 5. applying any cream around your eyes so you do not pull too hard on this delicate skin. Apply moisturizer if your skin is dry or itchy. Be gentle when 6. once in the morning and once at night, as well as after sweating heavily. Perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, irritates the skin. Wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating. Limit washing to twice a day and after sweating. Wash your face If you have questions or concerns about caring for your skin, you should make an appointment to see a qualified doctor. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  43. 43 SKIN CARE IN YOUR 40S AND 50S Keep complexion looking brighter and younger. Avoid leathery skin. Reduce skin cancer risk. Wrinkle creams, eye serums, and other anti-aging skin care products can help diminish signs of aging. To create a truly effective anti-aging skin care plan, however, it helps to start with healthy skin care habits. To help you create your own anti-aging skin care plan, you’ll find key healthy skin care habits below. Years of research supports each of these recommendations. The benefits of healthy skin care habits include: Prevent (or clear up) a blotchy complexion. Retain skin’s youthful firmness longer. Reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  44. 44 This word is “photoaging.” To help patients protect their skin from the sun and other harmful UV rays, qualified doctor offer these tips: Seek shade. Be sure to seek shade between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and whenever your shadow looks shorter than you are. Cover up in style. Whenever possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat, pants, and long sleeves. Gloves help to minimize common signs of aging on our hands such as age spots. Sunglasses help reduce fine lines around our eyes. Slather on the sunscreen every day before going outdoors. To protect your skin, apply sunscreen to all skin that clothing will not cover. You want to use a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, SPF 30 (or higher), and water resistance. Simple skin care tips Apply moisturizer every day. Protect your skin from the sun. As we age, skin becomes drier. Fine lines and wrinkles appear. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. For best results, use a facial moisturizer, body moisturizer, and lip balm. Sun protection forms the foundation of every anti-aging skin-care plan. The sun’s rays make our skin age more quickly. We have so much evidence that the sun prematurely ages our skin that there is actually a word to describe this effect. Wash away dirt and grime twice a day. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  45. 45 How you wash your face can affect your appearance. For best results, you want to wash with warm water and a mild cleanser rather than soap. You also should avoid scrubbing your skin clean. how to select these products by reading, How to select anti-aging skin care products. HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR SKIN IN YOUR 60S AND 70S Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke contains toxins that can lead to smoker’s face. Signs of smoker’s face include dull and dry complexion, loss of skin’s firmness, premature lines and wrinkles, and leathery skin. During our 60s and 70s, the many changes transforming our skin can feel inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with them. The right skin care can improve how your skin feels — and looks. Eat healthy foods. A healthy diet promotes healthy skin. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Get enough sleep. It’s called beauty rest for a reason. Sleep gives your body time to refresh and renew itself. If you want to include anti-aging skin care products in your plan, qualified doctor recommend that you select these products carefully. You can learn Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  46. 46 Bathe to relieve dry skin. Some simple changes to your bath time can reduce (or alleviate) dry, itchy skin and prevent dry, itchy from becoming a serious problem. Here’s what you can do: Stop using bar soap. Replace it with a gentle, creamy, fragrance- free cleanser or emollient. Use warm (not hot) water. Hot water strips skin of its natural oils, which can increase skin dryness. Use a soft cloth to wash your skin. A buff puff or bath brush can irritate your skin. Keep your bath or shower short. You may find that you don’t need to bathe every day. When you bathe, keep it short. Take a 10-minute bath or shower. Pat water gently from your skin after bathing, but leave a bit of water on your skin. Having some water on your skin when you apply moisturizer (next step) helps hydrate your skin. Apply a creamy, fragrance-free moisturizer formulated for dry skin within 3 minutes of bathing and throughout the day. This helps ease the dryness and restore your skin’s protective barrier. You increase your risk of slips and falls when you use bath oil to moisturize your skin, so it's best to avoid bath oil. Skin care in your 60s and 70s If your skin feels dry and irritated, the right skin care can help you feel more comfortable. When it comes to skin care in our 60s and 70s, qualified doctor recommend making the following lifestyle changes if you haven’t already done so. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  47. 47 Use a humidifier when the air feels dry. Heating and air conditioning can strip humidity from the air. Dry air can make your skin feel dry and itchy. Keeping indoor humidity between 45% and 60% can reduce dry, itchy skin. You can easily measure the humidity in the air with a hydrometer, which you can buy at a hardware or home- improvement store. Wear gloves while doing housework and gardening. Working around your house and in your garden can expose your skin to harsh chemicals, sunlight, and other things that can irritate and dry your skin. When you wear gloves, you also reduce your risk of injuring your skin. Protect your skin from the sun. If you’re seeing more wrinkles, age spots, and blotches of discolored skin, you may wonder if you still need to protect your skin from the sun. How skin can change in your 60s and 70s? Everyone ages differently, but during this time in your life, you may notice that your skin is: You do! At this stage in your life, sun protection still offers many benefits. It helps to prevent new age spots and blotchy skin. It can reduce dry, thinning skin. It also reduces your risk of developing skin cancer. Drier Thinner and starting to look paper-like Itchy Developing more age spots, wrinkles, and creases Blotchier Irritated easily More susceptible to skin infections Bruising more easily Sweating less Healing more slowly To protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, qualified doctor recommend that you: Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day. You want to apply this to all skin that clothing won’t cover while you’re outside. Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  48. 48 Seek shade when outdoors. Sunscreen cannot block 100% of the sun’s harmful rays. 10 REASONS YOUR SKIN ITCHES UNCONTROLLABLY AND HOW TO GET RELIEF Wear clothing that protects your skin from the sun. To find out if a garment offers sun protection, hold it up to a bright light. If you don’t see light shining through, it can protect your skin from the sun. Go fragrance free. Perfumes, colognes, and skin care products that contain fragrance can irritate your skin. When you stop using these, you can reduce your risk of developing dry, itchy skin. When your skin itches, you may have a rash; however, you can have intensely itchy skin and see nothing on your skin. See the qualified doctor for skin checking. Around 50 years of age, your risk of developing skin cancer and pre-cancerous growths increases. As the years pass, this risk rises. Mosquito bites, chickenpox, and poison ivy aren’t the only reasons for itchy skin. See what else may be causing your itch and what can bring relief. When skin cancer is found early and removed, that’s often the only treatment you’ll needed. If the cancer spreads, treatment becomes more difficult. Very dry skin. Extremely dry skin can be intensely itchy. Have your doctor perform a skin examination by SKIN SCANNING every six months. While the right skin care can help, medications, surgery, and health problems can take a toll on your skin. Qualified doctor understands the effects each of these can have on your skin and can create a treatment plan tailored to your skin’s needs. The qualified doctor can also help you safely treat skin changes, such as age spots and wrinkles. Bug bites. When a mosquito bites you, the cause of your itchy skin is usually obvious, and the itch tends to go away quickly. When bugs live on your skin or feed on you every night, the itch can be long-lasting and uncontrollable. Bugs that can cause long-lasting itch, include bed bugs, lice, and mites (scabies). Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  49. 49 Neurodermatitis How to get relief: You can find out what these bug bites look like and how to get rid of the itch at: Ringworm Seborrheic dermatitis Shingles Bed bugs How to get relief: Head lice Scabies To get relief, you must know which skin condition you have. The best way to get an accurate diagnosis is to see a qualified doctor. Itchy skin condition. The list of skin conditions that can cause intense itch is long and includes: If you have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, relieving the itch can be a challenge. To help patients get relief, here’s what qualified doctor recommend: Atopic dermatitis Skin cancer. For many people, the only sign of skin cancer is a new or changing spot on their skin. Sometimes, that spot also itches and can be the only reason a person notices the spot. Chickenpox Dyshidrotic eczema Folliculitis How to get relief: See qualified doctorto find out if you have skin cancer. If you have skin cancer, treating it can get rid of the itch. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease Hives Psoriasis Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

  50. 50 Warning sign of a disease inside your body. the itch often starts on the palms and soles and spreads to other parts of the body. Long-standing itch can be a sign of several diseases, including: How to get relief: Getting an accurate diagnosis and treatment may relieve the itch. The qualified doctor often plays a key role in diagnosing these diseases because itch can be the only symptom. Blood disease Diabetes Kidney disease Liver disease Allergic skin reaction. HIV Our skin can develop an allergic reaction to many substances. One of the most common substances that can cause an allergic skin reaction is metal, which is found in many products that we touch every day. Products that contain metal include cell phones, jewelry, eyeglass frames, zippers, and belt buckles. Overactive thyroid gland Itch is common in people who have a disease that affects their blood, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma or cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. It can also be a sign of advanced kidney disease and often develops in people who are close to needing dialysis or currently receiving dialysis. In these people, the itch can be widespread and especially intense on the back, arms, and legs. Other substances that can cause an allergic skin reaction include nail polish, fragrances, shampoos, latex, and cement. Itch is also common in people who have liver disease, such as hepatitis C, cirrhosis, or an obstructed bile duct. When itch is a sign of liver disease, Issued in Public Health interest by ‘Aakar Skin Scientific’| www.icls.in | www.icls.in/aakarwellnessfoundation

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