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Divorce Lawyers in Dallas - Bailey & Galyen Attorneys at Law

Divorce lawyers in Dallas provide comprehensive legal assistance, ensuring fair resolutions for complex family matters. Our dedicated team offers compassionate support, guiding you through every step of the process with empathy and expertise. Get the help you deserve.<br>Read More : https://www.mediafire.com/file/9avsb8uzv3pzfv1/Divorce_lawyers_in_dallas.pdf/file

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Divorce Lawyers in Dallas - Bailey & Galyen Attorneys at Law

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  1. DivorceLawyersinDallas,Texas • AltText- Divorce LawyersinDallas • UntyingKnotsandFindingNewBeginnings|YourTrustedDivorce Lawyers • Seekingguidance throughthecomplexitiesofseparation?Our teamofdedicateddivorce lawyers inDallasishereto providecompassionatesupportand expertlegalcounseltailored to your unique needs. • Your marriage has broken down and it’s clear that there’s no way forward, other than through a divorce. Whether or not you have amicable relations with your ex, it’s still in your best interests toretainexperiencedandknowledgeablelegalcounsel,someone whocanhelpyou: • Work outcustodyand visitationarrangementsthatarein the best interestsofyour children,butthat also allow youto playameaningfulroleintheirgrowth and development • Ensure that your child supportorderisfair,takingall incomeand any expensesofthechild intoaccount • Determinewhether alimony orspousalmaintenanceiswarrantedand,if so,how much shouldbe paid andfor how long • Divide maritaldebtsand assets under theTexascommunitypropertylaws

  2. TheDallasdivorceattorneysatBailey&Galyencanhelp. • AtBailey & Galyen,we haveprovidedcomprehensive divorcecounselto menand women throughout thestateofTexasfor morethan fourdecades.Wehave a comprehensive knowledgeandunderstandingofthe lawsand proceduresrelatedtodivorceand can quickly andaccurateassessyour situationandlead you in therightdirection. We understand that the keys toa successful outcomeare hardwork, dedication and a commitmenttolisten,so thatwe havea clearidea ofyour needs. Westrive tobeavailableand accessiblewheneveryouhave questionsorconcerns. • Weofferafreeinitialconsultation toanyoneinvolvedinorconsideringfilingfor divorce. To set upanappointmentwith aproven Dallasdivorcelawyer,contact Bailey&Galyenonlineor call ourofficesat 844-402-2992. • WhatIsDivorceinTexas? • InTexas,asin other states,adivorceisalegalproceeding wherebythecourtterminatesa marriageand determines therespectiverightsof thepartiesregarding: • Childcustodyand visitation,referred toin Texasas managing conservatorshipand access/possession • Whethera childsupportorder will beissuedandhow much will bepaid • Theneedfor andamountofanyalimony orspousal support • The distributionof the maritalestateunderthestate’scommunitypropertylaws • HowLongDoes a DivorceTakeinTexas? • Thelength of time fromfilingtofinalization of adivorcedependsonavarietyof factors, but mostlyonwhethereitherofthepartiesseekstocontest the divorceor anyoftheissuesrelated tothedivorce,suchascustody,supportorpropertysettlements.Bylaw,thedivorcemaynot begranted for a minimumof 60daysfrom the dateof the filingofthedivorcecomplaint.With

  3. anuncontesteddivorce,it’s fairlycommon fora divorceorder tobe enteredbythecourtwithin • three to four months. A contested divorce may take months or years to complete, based on the complexity ofissuesinvolved. • No-Faultvs. At-FaultDivorceinDallas • InTexas,asinallstates,a spousemayseek toterminate amarriagewithoutstatingspecific grounds, simplybyallegingthattheparties haveirreconcilabledifferences.Aspousemayalso be entitled to a “no-fault” divorce if he or she has lived apart for the other spouse for at least three years. • Aspousewho cansuccessfully prove, though,thatthe otherparty“caused”orwas“atfault” forthedivorce maybeable togetalargerpropertysettlement. • It’s important to understand thata “no-fault”divorceis notthesamething asan “uncontested” divorce.An uncontested divorceis simply onewhere thepartyuponwhomthe divorce complaintisservedoptsnot to challengeanyoftheallegationsinthe complaint. Itmaystill allege fault. • What GroundsAreAvailableforDivorceinTexas? • A spouseinTexas may allegefault inadivorce proceedingbased on: • Proofofadultery ormaritalinfidelitybytheother spouse • Evidence ofmental orphysicalcruelty thatmakescohabitationunbearable • Proof ofimprisonment forat least12monthsfor a felonyconviction • Confinementoftheotherspouse toa psychiatric hospitalorfacilityforaminimum ofthree years • Abandonment bytheotherspouseforaperiod ofatleast12months

  4. How Soon CanYouRemarry after aDivorce is Granted? Though thejudgemay waivethisrequirement, apartyto a divorcemay notgetremarried until the31stday after thecourtsignsthedivorcedecree. The Requirementsfor a Divorce inTexas Toqualify tofileforadivorcein Texas,youmust have been alegalresident ofthestatefora minimum of six months prior to the filing of your complaint. In addition, you must have resided inthecountywhereyoufile for at least 90daysbeforeinitiating adivorce. ShouldIHireaLawyerforMyDivorce CaseinDallas? Without an attorney,yourun thesignificantriskthatyou’llgetanundesirableoutcome.Your attorneywillknowwhat documentsneed tobe filedandwhenthey are due.Yourattorneycan anticipate thetacticsandstrategiesofopposingcounsel andtaketherightsteps to fullyprotect yourrights. Anattorneywill alsoreview anychild supportor propertysettlementorder to confirmaccuracy andcompliancewith Texaslaws. Choosing theRightDallasDivorceAttorney When you’re looking for a lawyer to protect your rights in a divorce proceeding, there’s nothing moreimportant thanexperience.Youwantanattorneywho has successfullyhelpedothers achievetheirgoals. AtBailey &Galyen,we’veconsistentlyobtainedpositiveresults for our divorce clientsfor more than 40years. Need HelpwithYour Divorce?ScheduleaFreeInitialConsultation Atthelaw officesofBailey andGalyen,with officesacross theLoneStarState,weare committed to helpingyougetthe outcomeyouwant.Ourphonesareanswered24hoursaday, seven daysa week. Wecanschedulean appointment in theeveningor ontheweekend,if necessary,andcan traveltomeetwithyou.

  5. Tosetupa consultation to discuss your concerns aboutadivorce, callour offices at844-402- 2992or contact usbye-mail.

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