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How to Prepare for IVF Treatment in 2018

The suggestions on how to prepare for IVF treatment made in this article are gathered from various research studies. Basically, I have read extensively and spoken to infertility specialists to derive on these suggestions that can help you improve your chances of getting pregnant. These are equally effective as pre-IVF preparation. You should begin implementing them atleast six months ahead of your treatment to benefit. Remember the effects will be subtle and holistic, and most importantly you will have to believe in them to see visible results.<br><br>I can vouch for these natural means to prepare for IVF as I have experienced these myself. And, what do you have to lose? These lifestyle changes bring a positive change to your well-being, and it is not just about pregnancy.<br><br>Read full article on IVF here : http://infertilitydost.com/english-blogs/prepare-for-ivf<br>

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How to Prepare for IVF Treatment in 2018

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  1. How to Prepare for IVF Treatment in 2018 The suggestions on how to prepare for IVF treatment made in this article are gathered from various research studies.

  2. Basically, I have read extensively and spoken to infertility specialists to derive on these suggestions that can help you improve your chances of getting pregnant. These are equally effective as pre-IVF preparation. You should begin implementing them atleast six months ahead of your treatment to benefit.  Remember the effects will be subtle and holistic, and most importantly you will have to believe in them to see visible results.

  3. I can vouch for these natural means to prepare for IVF as I have experienced these myself. And, what do you have to lose? These lifestyle changes bring a positive change to your well-being, and it is not just about pregnancy. • A healthy body and mind is an important pre-requisite for a happy pregnancy. You can definitely achieve this by natural means.

  4. Ayurvedic Or Mediterranean Diet • The idea is to choose a nutrition style that is as close to its natural form as possible. Home cooked and holistic meal works best. According to a study conducted over 166 Dutch couples undergoing IVF treatment it was seen that those who incorporated Mediterranean diet in their lifestyle, six months before conception, showed significant increase in positive pregnancy. This diet pattern enhances fertility. There is high level of antioxidants in vegetables and fruits and less amount of processed chemicals in these diets. • Again, iron and folate level is also high. With home-cooked food nutrition is intact. Clean eating helps detox and cleanse the system. Your body becomes stronger from inside. Endometrium lining and quality of eggs is positively improved helping you inch towards successful pregnancy. • Fresh food that has gone through minimum processing is the key.

  5. Don’t Avoid: Ghee. Lot of people think ghee is fattening. However, ghee is the closest to Nature. Refined oils are processed. Olive oil and canola oil is good for salads but when you cook them (necessary in Indian cooking) they lose their nutritional property. I switched to cow’s ghee pre IVF and during pregnancy. I had huge gastritis problem but it was hugely minimized when I switched from refined oils to ghee and mustard oil. Use balanced quantities.

  6.  Folic Acid • Start on folic acid and take them regularly. It is recommended to start taking folic tablets atleast 6 months ahead of your IVF or before beginning to get pregnant. Continue using it during the first term of pregnancy too. Though, you may be suggested a bunch of prenatal vitamins but it is folic acid that is the most important of all. It helps prevent severe neurological disorders in babies. • Taking folic acid regularly gives you a good jump start and puts you in top 30% of women who are proactive in improving their chances to get a healthy baby.

  7. Vitamin D • Do you know recently how many people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency {get some number here] in India owing to their sedentary lifestyle? • Your body especially your eggs in ovary need sunshine to bloom. Our ancestors never had infertility problem, animals don’t have infertility problem, why? It is because they were not perpetually inside AC rooms and closed environment like us. They were out there under the sun. • A 2010 study led by Dr Lubna Pal from Yake University, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, found that Vitamin D blood level was a better predictor of pregnancy success following IVF than any other parameter. For women undergoing fertility treatment, this means that your IVF may fail just because your body is Vitamin D deficient, even of everything is perfectly ok.

  8. Omega 3 and Omega 6 • Increased Omega-3 intake during preconception phase greatly improves embryo quality in women undergoing IVF. Increase Omega-3 and reduce Omega-6 (fatty acids) to create a perfect balance in your body. • Reducing omega 6 might be quite difficult if you have a messed up lifestyle. You have to ideally stop or reduce intake of processed foods, fast food, fried potatoes, white bread, and all junk food. • For increasing omega 3 you can take supplements easily available over the counter. Eat fatty fish, tofu, soyabean and flaxseed oil. • It is this balance between omega 3 and 6 that will bring harmony to your inner body system and make it healthy to conceive and sustain pregnancy.

  9. Fertility Massage • To Continue Reading about Fertility Massage , (Click here) • Continue Reading : http://infertilitydost.com/english-blogs/prepare-for-ivf

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