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Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones | Sehat.com

The human body is highly complex, and the proper functioning of all its organs is imperative for one’s overall wellbeing. The kidneys are one of the most vital organs responsible for getting rid of waste products, excess water, and other impurities in the blood. Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis, are crystallized minerals and acid salts deposits in the kidney. There are many causes of kidney stones such as dehydration, poor diet, excessive vitamin D intake, gout, and mineral imbalance, all of which can make the urine get too concentrated, thus causing the minerals to crystallize and bundle up. While commonly kidney stones don’t cause any serious damage, they can cause blockage of urine and be extremely painful, in which case, surgery may be required. Here are ten effective natural remedies for kidney stones:<br><br>.https://www.sehat.com/natural-ways-of-passing-kidney-stones-fast

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Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones | Sehat.com

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  1. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast

  2. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast The human body is highly complex, and the proper functioning of all its organs is imperative for one’s overall wellbeing. The kidneys are one of the most vital organs responsible for getting rid of waste products, excess water, and other impurities in the blood. Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis, are crystallized minerals and acid salts deposits in the kidney. There are many causes of kidney stones such as dehydration, poor diet, excessive vitamin D intake, gout, and mineral imbalance, all of which can make the urine get too concentrated, thus causing the minerals to crystallize and bundle up. While commonly kidney stones don’t cause any serious damage, they can cause blockage of urine and be extremely painful, in which case, surgery may be required.

  3. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Pomegranate Juice Supplement your daily breakfast with a glass of pomegranate juice to ease passing kidney stones. Not only does the juice help increase the frequency or urination, but it also reduces the acidity of urine, thereby preventing an environment conducive to the development of stones.

  4. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Dandelion Root Another excellent remedy to help pass kidney stones is dandelion root. It possesses diuretic properties that increase the frequency of urine, and, thus aid the expulsion of kidney stones. You can take dandelion root in the form of a supplement or tea. Check with your doctor on the dosage.

  5. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Nettle Leaf Did you know that nettle leaves possess antibacterial and diuretic properties, both of which act against the development of kidney stones and increase their expulsion? All you need to do is steep 4-5 nettle leaves in boiling water and drink the tea 3-4 times a day until the kidney stones pass.

  6. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Watermelon Watermelons are rich in potassium that helps regulate the acid level in urine. Owing to its high water content, watermelon also enhances the ability to flush out stones from the kidneys. Enjoy a cup of watermelon daily to aid the treatment and prevention of kidney stones.

  7. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Water Of all the natural remedies for kidney stones, water is a second to none. Apart from helping expel kidney stones from your body, water is also the best remedy to prevent the formation of stones in the first place. Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. To gauge whether you are drinking enough water, check the color of your urine - if it is dark yellow or orange, then you are not drinking enough water and are thus susceptible to developing kidney stones.

  8. Natural Ways of Passing Kidney Stones Fast Basil Numerous scientific findings report that basil acts as a tonic for the kidneys and helps in the expulsion of kidney stones. Prepare honey-basil tea every morning by steeping five-six basil leaves in boiling water, and adding one teaspoon honey to it.

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