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INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE ARAGÓN DEN4DEK Kick-off Meeting Barcelona, June 26th, 2008 Carolina Benito INDEX Mission & Vision Company Profile Indicators Model & Structure Functions DEN4DEK: Tasks & Objectives Conclusions MISSION & VISION

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  1. INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE ARAGÓN DEN4DEK Kick-off Meeting Barcelona, June 26th, 2008 Carolina Benito

  2. INDEX • Mission & Vision • Company Profile • Indicators • Model & Structure • Functions • DEN4DEK: Tasks & Objectives • Conclusions

  3. MISSION & VISION • MISSION: ITA is a key instrument of the innovation strategy of the Government of Aragon. The main aim is to promote the competitiveness of the regional industry and support the creation of new sectors through the generation, captation, adaptation, transfer and diffusion of innovative technologies in a collaborative environment with other agents. • VISION: ITA aims to bethe technological reference for industrial and service companies and a strategic instrument of the technological policy of the regional Government.

  4. COMPANY PROFILE • 100% capital belongs to the regional Government. • Privatecompany from a legal point of view, with independent members. • Business oriented organization: ITA works internally as a private company with efficiency criteria, quality management structures. • Own human and material resources. • Neutral positioning, Regional Catalyst which allows a high interaction among all the agents in the innovative process in the region: Government, University and Private sector

  5. IncomingStructure Private Incomes competitive funding non-competitive funding 180 160 employee 140 Scholarships 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 INDICATORS (2007) • Tecnhological Institute created in 1985 • Annual budget: 13,5 M€ • Facilities with more than 15.000 m2.. Promoting WALQA Technological Park • More than 1.300 customers/year, 80% SMEs • Equipment Investment/year> 1,5 M€ • 213 employees: 183 employees & 30 scholarships PersonnalEvolution PersonnalDistribution

  6. MODEL & STRUCTURE Regional Government MODEL ITA manages the innovation in the region Board of Ministers/Directors Management Technological Center Innovation Center Society • Aim: Generation and development of own technology, identification and assimilation of external technology, and transferce and dissemination to the industrial sector Aim: Contribute to the companies development through promotion of innovation. Execution of the regional government innovation policies Industry Dissemination and diffusion Internal R+D Projects Customers Promote the innovation Cooperation R+D Projects Information Society Technological Services Technological Prospective Specialized Training Sectorial Action GA Program Management

  7. MODEL & STRUCTURE STRUCTURE General Manager Assistant Director Information Society Research, Development & Techonological Services Organization & Internal Services Financial Management Market and Innovation Tests & Calibrations R&D Projects Technological Development Projects Walqa- Huesca Internal Services Management Market Computing Services & Support Innovation Promotion Human Resources Learning Management Administration and Finances Information Society Promotion Controller IS Companies

  8. FUNCTIONS • Very close relationship with the Private Companies: • Activity oriented to the technological development and its TRANSFER: Companies can’t be captive of ITA. • ITA works following the competitive market rules: • Productivity, competitiveness. • “Product“ to be sold following the law of supply and demand: timing, prices, guarantee, customer service, generation of trust, competitiveness, confidentiality, ... • Development of the concept “technological partner” and “extension of the company R&D department”, mainly of those which can’t afford it due to the critical mass.

  9. DEN4DEK: Tasks & Objectives • ITA Tasks and objectives in DEN4DEK: • ITA has been one of the three Regional Catalyst (RC) of the DBE project • The objective of a RC is to deploy the DE in the region, coordinating all needed recruitment and training activities. • ITA has engaged more than 30 SW SMEs and more than 100 User SMEs in the DBE project. • Our objective in DEN4DEK is to share all the experience ITA has had in the DBE project, providing support in this activities to Techideas. • Thanks to that practical experience ITA can advice in advance the challenges that regions will come across while deploying the DE in their regions.

  10. CONCLUSIONS • Aragón as a “trial” region: • Stable, dispersed, getting older, well communicated, with a raising main city and with a structured and technological execution capacity, aligned and close to the political decisions • ITA as a regional catalyst • (Innovation bottom-up agent): • We know about technological complex projects and we can “push” them successfully to the regional companies


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