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Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology II

Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology II. Vincent Conte, MD Clinical Assistant Professor FIU College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Program. Coronary Artery Anatomy. The Heart is an aerobic organ that depends on a constant supply of oxygen to meet its high metabolic demands

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Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology II

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  1. Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology II Vincent Conte, MD Clinical Assistant Professor FIU College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Program

  2. Coronary Artery Anatomy • The Heart is an aerobic organ that depends on a constant supply of oxygen to meet its high metabolic demands • It requires an elaborate arterial and venous network to ensure that myocardial cells are adequately supplied with oxygen • The arterial system consists of epicardial and subendocardial vessels

  3. Coronary Circulation • The epicardial vessels are located superficially and most commonly become obstructed at areas of bifurcation where blood flow is turbulent rather than laminar • Significant obstruction (>50%) can result in myocardial ischemia or infarction as a result of increased resistance to flow across the stenotic areas

  4. ECG and Coronary Anatomy

  5. Coronary Circulation • The RIGHT coronary artery (RCA) normally supplies the right atrium, most of the RIGHT ventricle and a variable portion of the LEFT ventricle (the Inferior wall) • In 85% of persons, the RCA gives rise to the POSTERIOR DESCENDING ARTERY (PDA) which supplies the septum and inferior wall • This is referred to as a “RIGHT Dominant Circulation”

  6. Coronary Circulation • In the remaining 15% of people, the PDA is a branch of the LEFT coronary artery • This is called a “LEFT Dominant Circulation” • The LEFT coronary artery normally supplies the LEFT atrium, most of the interventricular septum and the LEFT ventricle

  7. Coronary Circulation • After a short course, the LEFT MAIN coronary artery bifurcates into the LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING (LAD) and the CIRCUMFLEX Artery (CX) • The LAD supplies the septum and anterior wall and the CX supplies the lateral wall • The arterial supply to the SA node is derived from the RCA in 60% of people, and from the LAD in the remaining 40%

  8. Coronary Perfusion • Coronary perfusion is unique in that it is INTERMITTENT rather than continuous • During contraction, intramyocardial pressures approach that of systemic pressures completely occluding the intramyocardial portions of the coronary arteries

  9. Coronary Perfusion • Thus, Coronary perfusion pressure is usually determined by the difference between aortic pressure and ventricular pressure and the left ventricle is almost totally perfused entirely during DIASTOLE • As a determinant of myocardial blood flow, arterial diastolic pressure is MORE important than Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

  10. Coronary Perfusion • Decreases in Aortic pressure or increases in ventricular end-diastolic pressures can reduce coronary perfusion • Increases in heart rate also decrease coronary perfusion because the faster the heart beats, the less time there is for diastole for perfusion to take place

  11. Coronary Perfusion • Coronary blood flow normally parallels myocardial metabolic demand • Under normal conditions, changes in myocardial blood flow are entirely due to variations in coronary arterial tone in response to metabolic demand • Hypoxia causes coronary vasodilation through the release of Adenosine

  12. Coronary Perfusion • Autonomic innervation is primarily Sympathetic in nature • B2 receptors are stimulated during sympathetic Activity and cause coronary vasodilation • Parasympathetic activity on the coronary vasculature is generally minor and weakly vasodilatory

  13. Coronary Perfusion • Myocardial oxygen demand is usually the most important determinant of myocardial blood flow • The myocardium extracts 65% of the oxygen in the arterial blood, compared to 25% in other tissues • Therefore the myocardium cannot compensate for reductions in blood flow by extracting more oxygen from the blood

  14. Coronary Perfusion • Any increases in myocardial oxygen demand must be met by an increase in coronary blood flow • Heart rate and to a lesser extent, ventricular end-diastolic pressure are important determinants of both supply and demand

  15. Ventricular Pressure-Volume Diagrams

  16. Pressure/Volume Loop • Analysis of pump function can be simplified by simultaneous measurements of chamber size and pressure obtained during the entire cardiac cycle • This relationship can be plotted as ventricular volume versus ventricular pressure or as a PRESSURE/VOLUME LOOP

  17. Pressure/Volume Loop • The Loop can be divided up into 4 distinct phases • Phase 1: D to A During early and mid-ventricular diastole, filling of the ventricle is passive. In late diastole the atrium contracts (“a” wave) which results in the final end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) and pressure (LVEDP)

  18. Pressure/Volume Loop 2) Phase II: A to B Isovolumetric (isometric) contraction results in progressive rise in pressure with little change in volume. This corresponds to isometric contraction of the isolated muscle preparation

  19. Pressure/Volume Loop 3) Phase III: B to C When intraventricular pressure exceeds aortic pressure the aortic valve opens (B) and ejection begins. At point (C) the aortic valve closes when ventricular pressure drops below diastolic pressure

  20. Pressure/Volume Loop 4) Phase IV (C to D): This is the period of isovolumetric relaxation. No change in volume occurs until left ventricular pressure falls below left atrial pressure and the mitral valve opens

  21. Pressure/Volume Loop • Several important points are derived from these diagrams regarding the diastolic pressure/volume relationship • Large changes in ventricular volume can occur with only small changes in ventricular diastolic pressure • Large changes in ventricular pressure can occur with only small changes in ventricular volume

  22. Pressure/Volume Loop 3) The left ventricular diastolic volume (LVDV) and the left ventricular diastolic pressure (LVDP) DO NOT have a predictable relationship 4) The atrium is an important “Booster Pump” which completes filling. Normal synchronous atrial contraction contributes 15-20% of the end-diastolic volume

  23. Pressure/Volume Loops in various Pathological States

  24. Aortic Stenosis • Note the pressure rise during diastole is slightly steeper than in the normal curve • This reflects the decreased ventricular compliance and the diastolic pressures are correspondingly elevated for a given diastolic volume • The extremely high systolic pressure rise is the most distinguishing characteristic of this pressure/volume loop

  25. Mitral Stenosis • The pressure/volume loop of MS is similar to the normal curve since Left ventricular function is usually normal • Reduced left ventricular preload causes a decrease in LVEDP and stroke volume • Often peak systolic pressure is lower than normal

  26. Aortic Insufficiency • The loop demonstrates two different scenarios; Acute Aortic Insufficiency and Chronic Aortic Insufficiency • The loop for CHRONIC AI (#2) shows minimally elevated LVEDP despite the enormous increase in diastolic volume, a reflection of the highly compliant left ventricle

  27. Aortic Insufficiency • With the chronic AI since the aortic pressure is low, isovolumetric contraction is brief and ejection begins early • The loop for acute aortic insufficiency demonstrates the more rapid rise in diastolic filling pressure because the ventricle is operating on the steep portion of its normal pressure/volume curve • Stroke volume, EF and peak systolic pressure are all reduced

  28. Mitral Insufficiency • Note that there is very little increase in LVEDP until very large end-diastolic volumes are reached • This is a reflection of the highly compliant left ventricle • Since regurgitant ejection into the left atrium begins almost immediately, the isovolumetric phase of ventricular systole is virtually eliminated

  29. Break Time!!!

  30. Cardiovascular Monitoring

  31. Monitoring • Basically the monitors that you will be using for cardiac patients are: • A-Line (radial, femoral) • CVP (Triple lumen most common) • Introducer • Swan Ganz Catheter

  32. Invasive Arterial Pressure Monitoring • The indications for invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring are: • Induced Hypotension • Anticipation of wide blood pressure swings • End-organ disease requiring beat-to-beat blood pressure regulation • The need for frequent ABG analysis

  33. A-Lines • CONTRAINDICATIONS to A-line placement are: • Catheterization should be avoided in arteries w/o documented collateral blood flow • Catheterization should be avoided in extremities where there is pre-existing vascular insufficiency (Raynaud’s disease)

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